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  1. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3787: Question about astrological degrees

    So, unless they are on very specific degrees the numbers are meaningless? I thought even if it's not on an important degree, it still had SOME sort of meaning, even if it was very minor.
  2. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3814: wrong pronounciation squares

    i wrongly pronounced a square manta but did not finish it and restarted with a correct. dpes it count or should i redo it again?
  3. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3813: Thoughs on an "Experiment"

    I have some rather strange questions in mind, more on the level of an experiment. If I adopt a small child, and raise her alone (without a mother), educate her and teach her various things, but in isolation from other people. So the only human being she knows is me, how can that go? In this...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3316: I am a woman who was born with female genitalia, but I also have a XY chromosome

    Yes. I've identified as a heterosexual male since birth, I even asked my parents when I would grow a penis. I definitely subconsciously recognize myself as male, but my body is naturally female(bone structure, muscles and organs). I'm confused.
  5. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3811: JoS views on AI girlfriends

    Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
  6. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3810: I know this is a stupid question, but...

    I know this is a stupid question, but if I infused a cigarette with a specific type of magick/energy and got someone else to smoke it would it be able to induce those effects? What about myself? Kinda like "consumables" or use it to make the person suddenly find the taste of cigarettes so...
  7. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3809: Does it matter if my meditation times aren't consistent?

    Does it matter if my meditation times aren't consistent (e.g., instead of in the morning I do it at 5pm, and the next day 8pm, and then in the morning again). As long as I do it, even if it's, say, two sessions in one full sitting - to "make up for it" - is this okay?
  8. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3808: How many and how frequently can I empower chakras per day?

    How many and how frequently can I empower each chakra, - every 3 hrs, 6hrs, 12hrs etc., without them all being severely weakened?
  9. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3807: Is there anyone who has a perfect natal chart?

    Is there anyone in the world who has every planet (or most) in the ideal house and a flawless natal chart? Can you reincarnate as this or would you be unable to because the material body is too weak?
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3806: Can your sun sign change? And other planets.

    Can your Sun Sign change across several lifetimes of work - if your soul changes. What about other placementssuch as bad degrees and sign of fall placements.
  11. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3805: How do the planets interact with empty houses? And how to mitigate the effects of bad degrees in empty houses?

    How do the planets interact with empty houses during transits? And specifically in the natal chart? My 5th, 6th and 9th house is empty for example. And how to mitigate the effects of fixed stars/degrees such as 9 degree Libra (Vindemiatrix) and 5 Degrees Gemini (Hyades) Note: I don't have...
  12. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3804: Paying for Astrology Readings

    Can you still pay for advanced astrology readings here? And how much do they cost? Who does them?
  13. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3803: What is the spiritiual significance of cows/elephants in India?

    Spiritual significance of cows in India? I heard of some Indians drinking and eating cow piss/shit. Why do they do this? Likewise, what is the significance of elephants? And what is the symbolic meaning?
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3802: How detrimental is it to date someone who has engaged in interracial sex?

    How detrimental is it to date someone who has engaged in interracial sex, and if so, what to do about it? Can they be "cleaned"? And how would this apply to someone who has had a lot of sex in general with many degenerate souls?
  15. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3775: Why are my questions getting ignored

    Ohh ok. Makes sense. I thought that was probably the case since the questions are a bit obscure/niche at times. Do you guy's take longer to approve questions related to complex issues? People are starting to answer them now, but quite a few of them took 3-4 days to be approved, and I thought...
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    So I can NEVER do Sun squares? Even if I remove all negative karma? What should I do instead then? My Venus is also in its sign of fall... I was thinking maybe a Freeing the Soul towards my self-image and then afterwards a Mars square, and/or self-hypnosis? How can I get a good astrologist...
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    Fair enough, but by the sounds of most people's experience it's just minor stuff that I could easily brush off and continue. I've gotten "used to" psychic attacks since I was a child, and I barely give a shit now when I have negative experiences like this. It just feels, at most, mildly...
  18. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3798: Yoga

    Eu li oque Maxine disse sobre yoga não ser o mesmo que atletismo, sobre não poder sentir dor nas posições O problema é que meu físico não está acostumado com isso então sempre dói um pouco.. Seria seguro eu fazer yoga e sentir dor no começo até meu corpo se acostumar? Acredito que não levará...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3797: Marchosias and Flauros

    Are they good friends? Like how are they with each other?
  20. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3796: Delusions and exercises for them

    Lately, I feel like I've been getting quite delusional and getting further and further from reality every day. Is there an exercise or meditation for this? And I don't mean just a one-time thing. One meditation or exercise which would improve my ability to see the reality clearly everyday...
  21. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    I don't know why people struggle to provide PURE INFORMATION without including their unwarranted assumptions. Not everyone who uses the Anon-Operator is a 90 IQ down syndrome patient. I do "believe myself to be ready", which is why I am actually asking. To make sure I am correct in my...
  22. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    Sorry, I was referring to the first sentence, "the ability to generate and handle energy are required for decent results". The backlash is mostly just the resurfacing of psychological filth, correct? So, I'm assuming it won't apply as much to my situation? Congratulations, brother! Pretty cool...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3794: Marchosias pronunciation

    Is it "Markosyas" or "Mark-o-seus"? I'm having trouble with how to pronounce her name so please help.
  24. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3793: THANK YOU!

    Satan! Thank you for putting up with me! And thank you for tolerating me Sometimes I can be such a bother and sometimes I can be such an arrogant child! Yes I have my ignorance and I have a lot of ugly nasty ways about me that are unacceptable. And it's because I've been around the wrong people...
  25. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3791: How can I be a better behave student

    I am sorry if I upset anybody! And I'm sorry if I disappointed you or upset you in any way. Father Satan. This life that I have lived has been a pain in the ass! It seems to me that every time I turn around I'm always getting yelled at or stipped for something. Maybe because I Snoop maybe...
  26. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3791: How can I be a better behave student

    Father: I have a confession. I've been a little out of hand on here And it seems to me that I'm causing some problems! And it is not good! And I don't like looking bad! Everyone on here seems to think I'm a threat! And assumes that I am a monster and a troll of some kind! I don't like that! So...
  27. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3790: Hitler talking about 'a Satanic force'

    Why did Hitler in one of his speeches talk about 'a Satanic force' taking over the nation? I always thought he was referring to the jews here? Or was this a clever play on words and was he actually referring to the NSDAP? Eine satanische Macht, die von unserem ganzen Volk Besitz ergriffen...
  28. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3789: I want to join illuminati for revenge

    I Want to join illuminati for revenge for my sons death and for protection
  29. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3788: Question about doing squares in a sign of fall planet

    Sun square as a Libra (sign of fall) conjunct moon 1st house (also Libra)... if i hav issues with my self image & do a sun square before thoroghly cleaning my chakras & freeing soul will this amplify my weak self image & what is the effect here with the sun being in its sign of fall in the first...
  30. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3787: Question about astrological degrees

    If a planet is 1 degree from a good/bad degree, for example, 15 leo vs 16 or 17 leo, will the 16/17 leo still have some amount of "bad luck" or negative energy? Whst is the result/effect of specific degrees such as number 16/17 and where can I learn more about this in-depth even mainstream...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3786: Saturn in 5th house

    Hello. I have a question about the location of the planet. I have Saturn in the 5th house in Capricorn in dignity. It is a house of gambling, speculation and investment. I would like to ask how to strengthen the operation of this system. I'm trying to invest in the stock market, but it's very...
  32. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3785: twin serpent meditation

    whats does the meditation exactly do?
  33. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3784: I am jewish?...

    Hello. Due to my situation (my Christian mother is with me everywhere and always), I have done FRTR (seems right...) twice so far. But something else really bothers me... When I approach the second ritual (like the Tetragrammaton (read each letter three times, erase one letter...)), I feel...
  34. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3783: Revenge

    Someone acid satanist has poisoned my food, with disgusting things, how can i Discover Who Is ?and how can i do to have veagence? I'm very enraged
  35. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3782: why are herbs treated different

    Why are crystals talked about but when herbs are talked about they shrug an say not to use it I know about props an how they function I'm just saying can't herbs also help in rituals cause their is a demon who specializes in the use of herbs to
  36. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3781: New souls

    Hello everyone. As we know, our souls are constantly working, we are born and we die over and over again. But is there such a concept as the creation of new souls? Are new souls being created or is it a group that is constantly working? Thank you. Glory to our father and our spiritual family.
  37. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3780: Parents sendming me to EXORCIST

    My parents want to send me to an exorcist. I have dedicated myself, so what will happen? I have seen an exorcist being performed before and the old lady got as strong as several men and really acted like in the movie The Exorcist 1976 They are not demons, right? So what are "jinns"? Are they...
  38. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3765: How to Improve Skeletal Structure?

    It will increase the bone size? I find that hard to believe. Won't it just improve muscle fibers. I am not in puberty...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    Alright, that's all I needed to hear, thanks. Is that all? In order to avoid unnecessary backlash? This is worthless semantics. You don't know anything about me, and so you're just grasping at straws here. It would make sense if I provided information pertaining to an idiotic goal, but I did...
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3777: Why the JoS doesn't talk much about planetary hours?

    I guess planetary hours are not that important?
  41. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3776: illusion

    what does the illusion of "maya" mean, it seems to me that Buddhists and some Hindus misunderstand this term
  42. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3775: Why are my questions getting ignored

    how are my perfectly serious questions/threads getting ignored but all of Dragonheart666 bullshit spam is approved assuming it's the security protocols but damn im starting to getting impatient here. some of then are ignored for seemingly no reason.
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3774: regarding feminism in joy of satan

    somewhere in the main JOS wepage ,HP Maxine had written about feminism ..I am able to find about hitler and third reich ,communism and all that But I am not able to find out aboit HP Maxine sermon on feminism ..HP Hooded Cobra had also written on it ,,But I need specifically only HP Maxine...
  44. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3773: Repitition

    how many times per day i can repeat a square mantra/ rune workings?
  45. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3772: Rune miscount

    I think i miscounted 1-2 times, is the working still valid?
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3769: Is okay to listen to Saturn sounds recorded by NASA?

    I did listen for over than a hour to the Saturn sounds recorded by NASA just to see what would happen, since those sounds are supposed to be audible versions of electromagnetic vibrations caused by the planet and its rings I figure that they should do something when listening to them for too...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3768: crystals reuse

    Most new age people say to dispose of items used in a curse or healing but do you really have to dispose of them
  48. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3767: How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares?

    How soon can one who is "talented" start doing squares? Assuming there is very little negative karma and psychological inhibitions with a good degree of psychological maturity? And the natal chart pertains to natural concentration ability & imagination + strong occult powers.
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3766: Creation

    What's your views on creation? How the universe came to be did the gods make it do you belive in forces that caused creation or that the gods made everything like the Christians believe one god made all, that smells fishy to me
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3765: How to Improve Skeletal Structure?

    My hands/wrists/arms/fingers bones are kinda skinny/womanly/frail looking. Apparently this relates to Saturn. What can I do to improve it?
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3764: Number of vibrations

    If i vibrated a kenaz working 8 times today and did 16 times the next day and did 8 times the day after that day, does it still work?
  52. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3763: Born with a worst natal chart

    If someone is born with a very worst natal chart where they face only hard luck,misfortunes,unable to attract great jobs,attracting abusive people and planet Saturn being one of the main cause of all their problems ,could the reason for this also be that in their past life they were tied to...
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3762: friend's saturn aspect my asc

    Is this really bad like saturn conjuncts a chart ruler? by the way the aspect is a trine.
  54. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3761: Hatha Yoga not very effective

    I find foundation meditation is more effective because it's easier to visualise and do everything else simultaneously. With Yoga I get more distracted. Will this rectify itself overtime? And how much more superior is Yoga to Foundation Meditation alone? What is the proper method to do a...
  55. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3760: How to remove monotone voice

    Square, Meditation, or Occult Practice to remove monotone voice and gain a greater ability to "inspire the troops" via charismatic/pleasant voice?
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3759: Important Question to High Priests and High priestesses

    Hi Thank you for paying attention.What should one does when one gets arrested for being a Satanist? In Islamic countries if you get arrested as a woman,they give you two options.Death penalty or life in prison for being a murtad or a Satanist or you have to repent and mock Father Satan,then you...
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3758: imagrants

    I know it's not a question but I would like to bring to the attention of the jos the current migrant crisis going on the jews are struggling to keep power in the US since trump is running again not to mention once the migrants get in they literally become slaves to the jews after the election,so...
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3757: Building altar

    I am building up an ritual room in a room i have vacant, could someone provide me with appropriate symbols and sigils to help me decorate it, thank you cd0bb
  59. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3756: Programming Crystals?

    How does one program a crystal like labradorite or hematite for protection?
  60. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3755: magick timing + fears and doubts

    let's say that a person who has never really and consistently practiced meditation and magick discovers that just by stopping doing a lot of stupid and hindering things and so being in more optimal energetic conditions he is able to do some advanced things and make things happen in real time...
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3754: Spells to repair Hair Loss & Hair Thinning?

    I'm a man and I've been noticing my hair thinning pretty badly for the past few months. Is there any type of working with Runes or Squares that could help reverse this and help my hair start to grow back to its normal thickness?
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3753: rune to stop my obsession?

    is there a rune working to stop my obssesion over a person?
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3752: RTR A WAY OF LIFE

  64. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3751: what is this thing called?

    what do you call the meditation where you think "very hard" about something and feel all "electrical movements" in your brain and that thing happens right away?
  65. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3750: questions

    why does a person, only if driven by strong emotions, manage to concentrate intensely and perform "advanced meditations" perfectly and immediately but then fail the rest of the time and in the simplest things? is it due to lack of regularity feeling exhausted after advanced things? how do you...
  66. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3749: How to sleep only 4-5 hours everyday

    What specific meditation or runes help one to only sleep 4-5 hours per day so that the rest of the time can be used for productivity
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3748: 12th house planets and trance

    Hi, I have come to see that the 12th house rules trance and psychic states. Now I have a few planets there. One is Mars in cancer 12th house. Another is Sun in Gemini 12th house, and finally Jupiter in Cancer 12th house. Oh and the cusp of the 12th house is in Gemini. Now its written that if I...
  68. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3747: best moon time to start things related to computer science studies

    could anyone please tell me which zodiac sign of moon is best to start studies related to computer science and programming and which will give permanent result
  69. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3746: change face with venus square

    hello, can I use a venus square to improve ny face? like will it fix jawline, nose and ears? or will it just make people think my face looks good? >inb4 do a sun square confidence in ugly guy is creepy and only chads get a chance >inb4 "there are ugly guys with hot women" exceptions confirm the...
  70. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3745: Would this detachment make sense?

    I want to detach people from my sacral chakra whom I had sex with. Mostly because almost all was race mixing, and I want to repair my sacral chakra. However, I may continue to talk with one of my ex as they are a Satanist and might become active on the forums too. So would detaching my sacral...
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3744: About "saint water"

    How to purify holy water from the programs that are contained in it? My parents recently brought 5 liters of it from the church. I have a good rune defense, I've been doing the same for almost a month to protect my house. But my psychic sensors are alarmed by this stuff.
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3743: Can satanists be gay ?

    Can you be a gay satanist ?
  73. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3742: Can hemispheres have a different brain frequency?

    I am still ashamed to write from a registered account and start a virtually social life of a satanist My question is, my brain works strange, I think about the same frequencies of the left hemisphere with the right, this is encountered in the meditation of the voids, I can literally enter a...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3740: How to heal from a polyamory??

    Is this a disease??
  75. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3739: sexual self indulgence - when is it unhealthy?

    I know the joy of Satan allows sexual freedom as long as you're in a relationship with a consenting adult or by yourself, but how do we know if certain sexual fetishes are damaging or not? I sometimes like extreme femdom, and I also like along with that, wearing traditionally female clothing...
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3738: spells for love

    How can I use my period blood for spells?
  77. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3737: How to find out if my moon or some other planet is debilitated?

    How can I find what planet is debilitated? Is a planet debilitated in me or my chart? Does it mean that X planet energies are lacking in me? Is that what debilitated mean? And how does a planet become weak in somebody? Thanks.
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3736: rune volume?

    is there a difference in the effects of the rune working if you vibdate the runes loudly vs a low volume?
  79. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3735: Some questions about HPHC and other HP's

    tl;dr - Any books or Philosophers that pertain to HP HC's own philosophical leanings, as well as Spiritual Satanism as a whole (Nietzsche, for example)? - A collection of autobiographical information/stories relating to HP HC and HPS Maxine? Or HPS Lydia? - Other book reccomendations by them or...
  80. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3733: This question is to some extent related to Christianity.

    Hello. I have a question. On the night of January 19 (yes, yes, yes, that same Epiphany), I suddenly felt bad. I felt a little nauseous. I chalked it all up to my high blood pressure and massaged the pressure point. It didn't help, although it helped before. Well, okay, I think - and sit...
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3732: Masturbation

    Hello, i think Im Addicted to masturbation, Im a man 25 years old, Im single and i get a banner só easily, especialy with the girlfriend from other guys, this is so bad, i just need to see a ass with a tight leggings and i cant resist i try not to look because of the boyfriends but i cannot...
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3731: Is it a problem?

    Hello everyone, I recently did a DNA test and it showed that I’m 1.9% Ashkenazi Jewish… is that a problem? Can I still be a Spiritual Satanist?
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3730: Hechizo [Spell]

    Que pasa si un satanista maldice a otro y le desea el mal o incluso le hace un hechizo? [Deepl: What happens if a Satanist curses another Satanist and wishes him evil or even casts a spell on him?]
  84. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3729: Dedication Ritual

    Hello, I'm new and want to perform the dedication ritual, and I understand both ways of completing it. However I am incarcerated and really want to preform it in the physical way, rather than the astral way. I asked the C.O.s here to preform the ritual and they said they can...
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3728: ASMR

    Is it ok to listen to ASMR???I know meditation relaxes but I'm also wondering about this....
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3727: I dont know what to say

    I am sorry to all people here because i was a member with two usernames in these fourms with the name “arab knight” and the name “satanfire666” i apologies i am not an infiltirator or a jew or a threat in anyway i was just mentaly ill and unstable but now i am in a balanced state i take my meds...
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3726: reducing paranoia & social anxiety

    any working to reduce paranoid feelings? whenever there is uncertainty about something i feel paranoid or like i am being persecuted. also anything to reduce social anxiety?
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3725: Love working with a broken heart

    How to fully believe that a love spell is gonna work when having a broken heart? Whenever I think of love it hurts and I feel bad about myself for losing it. But I want to do a working to try and find love again. I'm afraid I'll doubt my working subconsciously :( Thank you all!
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3723: What Do Healthy Polyamorous Relationships Look Like?

    So there have been many people looking for relationships with a Demon. While this usually doesn't go too well, either through delusion or just plain primal desires, there is an emphasis on monogamy. I know that any monogamous relationship, human and Demon alike, should be treated with utmost...
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3722: help with moon working for my soul please!

    my chart has a bad moon sign I want to know what I can do instead of a square but start on the same day of the square what are lunar numbers I can use and a rune instead of the mantra and how do I program it for that?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3721: what will be the fate?

    if a dedicated satanist kills himself will the gods be angry or understanding? would it be more ethical to distance from the gods before dying?
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3719: I am afraid of snakes a very lot ..

    I see snakes a lot in my dreams ..And also I am afraid of snakes a very lot ..sometimes in my dreams I see a very big snake strangling my neck and I have seen many horrific dreams of giant snakes as if giant horrific snake ...I do not watch any horror movies or snake movies in general so my...
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3718: Юпитер -Сатурн [Jupiter-Saturn.]

    Приветствую всех. В 10 доме Марс в Овне ,Юпитер в Рыбах ,но Юпитер в квадрате с Сатурном. Что делать ,как усилить Юпитер и облегчить Сатурн? [Deepl: Greetings, everyone. In 10th house Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces, but Jupiter is square Saturn. What to do, how to strengthen Jupiter and ease...
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3717: No friends

    Hi. I have some unfortunate placements that prevent friendship and not to mention that my astrological chart is centered towards originality, which makes it harder because teens today are the same, clothing and everything. I also have an attraction towards heavily water element boys which...
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3716: Why is my live torture?

    Why is everything so painfully bad for me, nothing I can do personally helps. No god has helped get out of pain either, in spite of my prayers.
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3715: Could I know the name of my succubus? Please help

    Hello everyone. I have a question. For some time now I have been trying to establish a bond with my Succubus. I hear her name, is it possible for her to introduce herself to me? "Mari" is a name I also found in Basque mythology (this was the first time I read about it). Glory to our Father and...
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3714: Some Questions

    I'm not sure if how I'm reading my houses on the chart's circle is correct, since my house lines are somewhat vague and the indicator that points to the AC has on one side the 12th house indicator and the other 1st, so the houses I mention could well be a house behind would a Saturn Square be...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3713: very shit life & idk know what do about it

    im not a very emotional person. my face tends to appear quite blank, cold & aloof, altho theres a lot of feeling happening on the inside. additionally I have many libra placements (sun moon and assendent) & just an overall deep need for people & relationships. theres also a venus in virgo degree...
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3712: why not just die?

    if a person is saved several times from serious accidents, overdoses and in general from situations between life and death in the course of his life, with sometines little or no chance of success declared by the doctors themselves but miraculously coming out of them almost unscathed and...
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3711: Hervor and Marchosias

    I'm doing some intuition based research, I'm trying to find my guardian demon and I think I narrowed it down. Marchosias is depicted with a sword and Hervor goes on a dangerous journey to retreive Tyrfing, a sword that ends up not being cursed but needs a strong woman (Shieldmaiden) to wield it...
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3710: “Not today satan” sticker

    Could someone explain to me what this sticker means? I just arrived to work after three very trying things, and then I saw that annoying sticker on someone’s water bottle. I looked it up online, and it’s supposed to come from some drag show or something… I still don’t get it. Main stream...
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3709: question about an object

    I bought an object a while back I felt a static charge an a pressure well I felt it was negative since it made let's just say people mad around me was it of the enemy or otherwise
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3708: This is Gear88/Blitzkrieg account change banned...

    Hello this is Gear88 I believe one of the mods or HP.Cobra can unban my Blitzkrieg account. My best guess is HP.Cobra or programmer assistance saw my email and changed my account over. This is my original account from 2018 before Mageson mass banned a bunch of people including myself. Can I...
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3707: How to remote view mars

    Has anyone done that? Any experience? Method? And when we remote view , is it like we are projecting our consciousness and seeing things in the real present time or past memory of a planet or something ? Read about Ingo Swan he saw full industrial activity with buildings on Moon, grey aliens...
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3706: Stalking

    Hi, I am SS and somebody was stalking me, describing me on a phone, there was maybe 4 of them, one by one they was appearing and walking behind me or in front of me, 2 of them was on a phone. first one was describing me, last one was on a phone looking at me obviously was checking my appearance…...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3705: Planetary hours/days for traveling & returning to my country of origin?

    So here's the thing, I used to think that JoS was "racist" for advocating that the various races return to their countries of origin, but quite frankly, my life experiences ever since beginning with JoS is now starting to show why. I'm gonna say, my country of origin isn't the "richest" per...
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3704: I have a question about 7th house, Love relations, and natal placements

    Hello I have some questions regarding my natal 7th house and love relations. My 7th house falls on Aquarius and I have Uranus placed in my 6th house. However I also have Saturn placed in my 8th. How should I look for a perfect partner for myself? My 7th co-ruler is in my 8th which can cause the...
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3703: Lost count

    what if i exceeded a single mantra or forgot a count in a planetary square? should i repeat it?
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3702: Iranian race

    What countries are Iranians genetically compatible with?
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3701: Marchosias and Nephthys

    I wonder if they're good friends or if they have any special connection
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3700: I am addicted to food since I was born, is this karma or trauma of past lives?

    Hi. I have this problem of being addicted to eating since I was very young, but I don't know if it is because of karma or some past life trauma, I don't know how to differentiate them, so I don't know how to deal with this problem. I know I should use munka mantra, but which statement would be...
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3699: Lot of fortune: Astrology

    Hello. On an astrological subject, I would like to know, what does the fortune part of an astrological chart mean?
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3697: Satan vs Christianity

    If Satan is as good to all of us and let us be as we want to and looks after us. Why would people in religions like Christianty fight against humanity and Father Satan? Everyone could have it at the best.
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3696: If we could converse with the gods

    I'm not super good wuth the meditations and dint have a lot of spirit world sight and there's this go's I would really like too ha e an actual talk with I wish the gods walked among us
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3695: Eating goat v eating lamb

    I understand that animals are sacred in Spiritual Satanism, but that we also must eat to sustain our bodies. Would it be considered disrespectful to eat goat? When I fish, what ever I catch I give thanks to it, for from it's death I am able to feed myself, and I appreciate that. Not like...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3694: Doubt regarding standard destruction ritual

    I am a beginner so only by this ritual can I enact justice to the serious offense that happened to me .. Continuously for how many days do I need to do standard destruction ritual since the main JoS page says one or two workings is not enough ..So how many days should I Continuously keep...
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3693: How to understand?

    Hello. I have a question about my Snake. How can I understand that my Serpent, which I raised artificially, has risen? Thank you.
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3692: Astrology: Mercury square aspect to Uranus

    I have Mercury square aspect to Uranus. It's almost lined up with my chart ruler but not quite. What would happen if I were to do a Mercury square? Would I go insane? Or become super autistic/socially retarded? What are the nature of loose/medium/strong aspects in terms of how they affect the...
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3691: Rape and fate

    If somebody is extremely raped ,does it mean this event was fated in the life of the victim.Does it mean this person had the karmic Patten of accepting abuse since such a terrific event happened .. Spiritually how can justice be given to that victim ??
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3690: Planetary square energy?

    Is it normal for the energy of the squares to make your heart beat faster(for a few seconds like 1-4)? I experienced it. Thanks in advance.
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3689: Talking with the gods.

    How does one know/differentiate if you are speaking to the gods vs talking to yourself?
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3688: Pytamids and sphinx

    What actually are the purpose of the pyramids and styx?
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3687: Criyng

    Is it normal to cry during meditations, like when u clean your aura?
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3686: What works can I do to have less strict parents?

    Is there a kind of magical work I can do so my parents become less strict? Please, It's annoying. I'm no longer a minor and they treat me like one.
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3685: Thoughts on Becky Haag (New Age to Jesus testimony)

    I just saw the testimony of Becky Haag on YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=2tdtc9htXPo) - a relatively highly-viewed one. She is a well-spoken, young woman that explains how she became a Christian after allegedly 'contacting demons'. She says she was able to know things that she logically shouldn't...
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3684: Apparent wholesomeness of Christians

    Hello SS's, Many of my friends are Christian and go to an Evangelical church two to three times a week. They are always very friendly, generous and don't seem to have a 'negative aura' as far as I can tell (which probably isn't very far as I am not advanced at all yet). The material on JoS and...
  127. AskSatanOperator


    Not sure what I said to suggest I'm not already in the process of advancing my soul, especially considering how much time I've already invested into it, but I will heed your advice. I'm very curious what a relationship with one's GD actually looks like. Do I have to summon them, or can I just...
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3682: how do I get rid of this?

    All the men I try to have a relationship with at some point start talking about killing me and how they'd do it, that I'd look beautiful and other strange things... I once read in the astrology section about people who have this in their birth chart but I don't have it, or I haven't looked...
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3681: Clitoral hypertrophy.

    Hello. I have no one to turn to with this question yet, except you... I have clitoral hypertrophy (about 2, probably stages. Maybe third). Is this normal or not? Thank you.
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3680: Happiness and Love

    I'm gay, can satan make the male I love, love me back so that I can be happy?
  131. AskSatanOperator


    I've spent around 300+ hours reading JoS content over the past month or so, and I've now got a decent grasp of the overall picture, but I don't want to spam the board with questions. First, I'll probably go over all of the material again and consolidate the information, but is there a more...
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3678: The situation in these countries.

    How bad is the sitiation with muslims and non whites mongrels in Europe, specifically Germany? I saw tge 19 minute video on the library which was about the collective suicide of white Europe, and the fact that this was 2015 also scares me as to how the situation is now. Can a German native...
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3677: Neptune in the first

    are there any positives of neptune being in the first?
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3676: About Valac

    Is it possible that the goetic demon Valac has a relationship with the Moabite pagan king Balac which was an enemy of the Israelites and associated with Balaam the pagan high priest of Baal-Peor that cursed the israelites? Since Balaam is also in the Goetia as a demon I see this as possible.
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3675: is being born human a curse

    people in my country usually say "only because we have karma,we are born ,else no human will be born ,but we all will attain moksha(salvation),so does it being born human itself is a curse since we all have karma because of which we are born
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3674: Planetary squares?

    Is there any bad/negative effects if i practice the mantras first without any affirmations?
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3673: Still wearing a mask

    Hi I still have anxiety about Covid 19 and other viruses and I still wear a mask outside. How do I get over this anxiety?None wears masks anymore but Im still terrified
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3672: Bad natal chart and very bad karma

    Saturn is in a very bad place in my natal chart ..It aspects all major house of career,7th house ,my ascendant thereby damaging all aspect of my life in all possible ways ..With such a malefic Saturn placement ,how can I even progress in my life ???Even if I do extreme meditation how is it...
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3671: mars in the 8th?

    My mars rules the 7th but it is placed in the 8th and retrograde. does it still follow that my partner is going to be powerfull?
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3669: Opinion on movie

    I know the movie industry is dominated by jews but I found a movie that became my new favorite, it's called all quiet on the western front, it's a ww1 war movie and from the German perspective that is great. It's amazing and in the end shows how the French leaders proposing the unfair peace...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3670: Question about JoS calendar

    There are names that appear under a certain span of days, do the gods preside over those days or something?
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3668: My life is a complete mess (requesting help/vent)

    I had an extremely rough year behind me, and I still feel like as if my life is a complete dumbster fire, literally every aspect of my life is in a horrible state, and I have no idea what should I do about it, especially when there's just so many of them. I just feel completely overwhelmed...
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3667: three digit number

    What three digit numbers are good for Mars an Venus I tried looking them up though the site doesn't say I'm trying to do a 40 day work with both an need three digit numbers
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3661: Can I do both at the same time?: Freeing Venus in the 11th House & Venus Square for Beautification?

    https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/question-3661-can-i-do-both-at-the-same-time-freeing-venus-in-the-11th-house-venus-square-for-beautification.93265/post-482704 1. If there is a lot of dross/negativity in this area, and I do a square, will it become amplified? 2. What should I...
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3665: How to safely get rid of xian jewish filled stuff?

    Hello JoS. To make it short, three years ago I broke up with an ex gf and I was at the lowest point in my life (no money, alone, no job, no place to live). So I needed a way to cope and I started to be interested in religion and xianity in particular as a white men in a western country. I met...
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3664: Relaciones. [Relations]

    Hola, desde hace un tiempo me es imposible tener una relación con alguien del sexo opuesto por más que lo intente por un motivo u otro algo raro pasa para que no ocurra. A que puede deberse, pienso que alguien me hizo algún tipo de hechizo porque no es normal [Deepl: Hello, for some time now it...
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3663: Soul compatibility

    If a white soul becomes too damaged, does that mean he can't be in a white body anymore and even be FORCED into a subhuman body?
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3662: For what purpose?

    For what purpose i live? I mean, i did so much things in life, I tried so hard and I'm still trying so hard... I already tried suicide so many times, feeling tons of pain both physical and mental, feeling so empty so worthless... Before you go assuming things about me, here a bit of my life...
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3661: Can I do both at the same time?: Freeing Venus in the 11th House & Venus Square for Beautification?

    I have Venus in Virgo in the 11th House (15° Leo). Can I do a 'Freeing the Soul' working and a Venus Square simultaneously or will the energies clash each other out, and/or dilute the power of both? Also, what does a Venus Square specifically do beyond vague descriptions of "increased...
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3660: A question about my race.

    Hello. I have a question regarding my race. I am half-Asian and half-European (white skin, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes). What can you do to change (at least get a little closer) your race to one of these two? And what kind of partner, based on my race, should I look for (so that...
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3659: Good Healthy,Wealthy

    Hello , And first i apologise if i said sth bad . How can we live longlife and get wealthy cause i don't want spend all of my lifetime Work , find cash .And afterthat spend all the money for my health when i get old .So do u have any advise for me like ...How to get wealthy as soon as before i...
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3658: Should this be a good affirmation for mars square?

    I am planning to do a Mars Square, aiming to fix the problem of indecisiveness and not able to stand up for myself sometimes. Should I do a material or a spiritual square? The affirmation is going to be “In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mars is increasing my ambition...
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3657: Dropped sceying crystal ball

    is it still ok fro scrying? although it is not scattered into pieces but has scratches. Can it still be used?
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3656: Boredom?

    any runes or meditation to stave off boredom?
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3655: Time Management - Help/Advice

    Hello, everybody. I will be brief. I am currently enrolled in my first year of college as a private student, but I am also working full time. I am trying to manage my time as best I can, but it is becoming difficult to balance study, work and spiritual progress. My difficulty/problem is...
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3654: Our powers

    Hey dear Satanist brothers and sisters Do we all evolve the same?Or we will have different powers? Like do we have different talents? Someone having a lot of talent in black magic and someone else having a great vision,someone else being more capable of healing others
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3653: Some questions about Summoning Goddess Vapula

    Hey and thanks for reading my question.I want to summon Goddess Vapula for guidance and I want to learn a lot from Her,also to establish a lifelong relationship with Her. Could I do it every night till I hear a no or yes?I have read most people must try more than once but Im worried she will be...
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3652: YouTube in my mother tongue

    Hello. Should I do voiceover and make videos on LIE-able on how that shit book is a book of witchcraft , in my own community language ? Will it be safe for me ? Or should I do it on odessey ?
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3651: Priesthood

    How can one be a Priest/Priestess? I really want to be one in the future when I can but I don't know how is the "system" working.
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3649: Spell restriction?

    Do we have an age cut off or age limit (or are unruly children) for our spells? what is the ethical minimum age we can use spells on? or are we free to cast whenever or whatever a person is?
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3648: Help with finding work

    Where can I find work near the city of which I am located? I definitely need something close to my home so that I can become financially empowered and benefit from the prosperity and wealth ritual.
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3646: Coldness

    Feeling of coldness/energy while doing the opening meditations, what does this mean? Are my chakras open already?
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3645: Kundalini Yoga

    breath of fire for the kundalini yoga poses? or yogic humming breath for them? Does breathing normally have any effect? And I can't keep my hands in the air because they hurt in the last position.
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3644: 'Permanent' Mars Working while the Moon is in Aries?

    On the 16th of this month there will be a waxing moon in Aries on a Tuesday and also Mars is currently in Capricorn. This seems to be a really good date to begin a mars square or a mars working but I wanted to ask if its alright to add 'permanent' into my affirmation for the mars working. Would...
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3643: satanist

    What to do when you have a partner who is not a satanist??? he is still afraid about demons and spirits and I don't judge because he doesn't know the truth. I've tried to say that you don't need to be afraid and things like that, I haven't given anything away at once.
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3642: First religion

    Isn't Hinduism the oldest religion? What about sumerian religion and Egyptian, how can Satanism be older
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3641: Sexist parents

    Hi Is there any kind of magic to fix our parents without hurting them?They say sexist words and break my heart and after I stand up for myself they say we are just joking and we didnt mean to be sexist. I know that they really are sexist but I dont want to hurt them.I also cant leave my family...
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3640: Кто хочет со мной дружить? Who wants to be friends with me?

    Меня очень заинтересовала возможность создания крепкой связи с другим живым существом и не видя смысла выбирать животных, я пришел к выводу что мне нужны люди которые тоже заитересованы в этом. В моём представлении мне ответит тот самый человек(и) предоставленый Сатаной и у меня порозовеют щёчки...
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3639: No evil zodiacs huh?

    Considering that the jos is still down, and the moon in sagittarius. . . yeah, I'd say sagittarius is evil.
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3638: World Fact checker

    How about creating a website for everyone to check the submitted queries if it’s true or false ? I’d need to target few small categories first such as spirituality ?
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3636: Few questions and will appreciate your answers so much

    Hi, I have questions and answering them will mean a lot to me and I will really appreciate it. I hope the members will benefit from the answers to these questions. Question 1: What happens when a chakra fully opens? Question 2: What are the uses of the word of power GAUM? Question 3: Is...
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3635: magic squares with runes

    Has anyone tried doing the squares except you use Runes for mantra instead I was just curious
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3633: I want to get rid of this... Please give advice.

    Hello. I do not know why it is so; perhaps it affects me subconsciously... I am a very sensitive, emotional and vulnerable person, and my mother told me (previously before. And especially during quarrels) that I do nothing - I just lie, sleep and eat. Now I’m embarrassed to say once again...
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3632: Fear of girls

    How can someone overcome serious fear of girls due to ptsd of past relationships? Especially, if I get attracted to sadistic/scorpio women sexually? Don’t mind darkness in the bedroom but at the same time I wouldn’t want someone batshit insane.
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3631: Opening the crow chakra meditation?

    Is there any bad effects if i do it repeatedly/many times? i feel so good doing it/ full of pleasure.
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3630: sorry for the big text I'm confused and I don't know

    This may sound silly but I need to share it. I met a guy and we started talking, he showed interest first, then me, but over time it seemed that only I wanted it, but we never stopped talking and he was always answering me, out of nowhere he seems super more interested, he didn't ask me to date...
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3629: Can ASTAROTH be anyone’s SS ?

    Is it possible ?
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3628: Protection from extortion

    I need to consult about options in order to protect myself, my business and my business partners from recent extortion attemps. For a bit of context, I'm a part of a small commerce guild (we all sell the same kind of goods) which has become the new target of criminals dedicated to extortion. We...
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3627: Two slightly personal questions.

    Hello. I have two slightly personal questions... 1) I seem to be asexual biromantic (I don’t feel sexual attraction to anyone, but I can love both sexes). This is fine? 2) Is it possible to have an incubus/succubus for purely love (not sexual) purposes? With the goal of loving and receiving...
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3626: HP Cobra's post about delusion and reality

    Hello siblings how could one differentiate between delusions and real experiences with Gods? I remember HP posted about this but I cant find the post Is it possible for Gods to help someone before knowing about Satanism or dedicating?
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3625: Me ajude [Help me]

    Estou muito irritada Em 2021 eu estava usando velas coloridas, estava estudando no JOS, eu tinha cadernos e anotava porque pra mim é mais fácil aprender anotando. E minha família infeliz é toda crente, descobriram que eu estava usando velas e me proíbiram de usar. Um tempo depois, quando eu...
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3624: About your beliefs

    Hello, I'm very skeptical one one hand I do believe you and acept the part about national socialism and the Jewish conspiracy is beyond proven to be correct, but the part about your pantheon seem a mishmash of different cultures from different times how is this true? How is Satan the creator...
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3623: hair changing color through life

    let's say that someone is born blond with light brown eyes, and it stays like this as a child, after which during life the color of the eyes becomes increasingly darker and the hair brown could this be due to a very heavy general contamination of health? if this person then applies himself to...
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3622: Hewo :3

    I need help ,Im interested in this form of satanism,I'm not sure which one or what it's called ,but I have one problem,I'm better at learning from someone speaking or showing me it than reading it .Is they're by chance a YouTube channel or series of videos that can help me ,I really want to...
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3621: Succubi relations with Demons

    Hello everyone. I have a question about the demon lover (Succubus). During the ritual to Satan, I asked for help to receive such support. But is it possible that a given demon could have already chosen a person and waited? And the second question is how to strengthen the bond so that I feel it...
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3611: Portugal right wing party

    Hi I'm from Portugal I never been mutch interested in politics but there is a right wing party slowly on the rise they are called ( chega) that means enough, their leader seem a bit radical but he is not afraid to call out the other politicians when they are corrupt and he is not afraid to...
  187. AskSatanOperator


    Après avoir réciter 108 le mot de pouvoir MUNKA Combien de fois dois je vibre URUZ OU ANSUZ ? avant de faire l affirmation [After reciting 108 the power word MUNKA How many times must I vibrate URUZ OR ANSUZ? before making the affirmation]
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3609: Utilisation du calandrier satanique [Using the satanic calendar]

    Je ne sais pas comment utiliser le calendrier satanique, malgré mes effort, je n arrive pas a le comprendre quelqu un peux m aider. Je suis né le **********/1974 en République démocratique du Congo. Qui peut me dire mon signe astrologique et comment utiliser le calendrier satanique selon ma...
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3619: Fraternizing with the enemy..?

    In the Al Jilwah, it says: ..."I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own & that obey me of anything that is good for them." HPHC had a sermon titled "Self Knowledge & Other People" from September , 2023 in which he points out the healthy...
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3618: Depression and victim sexual abuse

    I have a friend who suffers from deep depression, they were a victim of childhood sexual abuse and this has crippled them emotionally, they never told their parents about it and I am the only one who knows. They won't even talk to a therapist about it but they have sought out therapy for other...
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3616: Kenaz working

    would this affirmation suffice? "the energies of kenaz is enhancing my study of x (any study/studies)" would this even work at all?
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3615: porn and sorcery

    when masturbating to somthing, what do you attract? because i heard that when you masturbate to that thing you are masturbating to, you attract it
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3614: Did the initiation ritual work out?

    Hi! If I wrote my Name in blood, but not the signature from my passport, did the initiation ritual work out? At the age of 18, I changed my name, and I wrote a new name (the current one). Thank you so much
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3613: Was my ritual successful? Wasn't this incident a gross mistake? Are Satan and demons angry at me?

    Hello! When I was doing the initiation ritual, and when I burned the paper, I did not provide for a second plate with foil, and for fear of getting burned, I put the paper to the candles, but two of the three fell out, the third burned a little more on its side, there was a small fire because of...
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3612: Hi I need help

    Hi please I need help the Christian spirits attacking me I need your help..
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3610: Jew spies

    Hi I'm kinda new here I have been on the fence for some time, though I'm a bit reluctant to participate in these forums, I do believe in your cause but I'm afraid of the jews they are everywhere trying to control everything, are the Jewish secret services keeping tabs on Jo's are you being...
  197. AskSatanOperator


    I'm writing from Africa, Cameroon. I have been pondering over this issue, if there's any Church of Satan in Africa...Once in a while different Races needs to have a meeting place in a chosen City to honour Satan in one accord. This is where some followers of Satan will be encouraged to be...
  198. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3606: A beginner in Satanism

    Hello, I would like to thank everyone here. They seem to be doing a great job and deserve appreciation. I am a beginner in spiritual Satanism and I hope you can help me know the basic steps for beginners. I have already searched the main page of Satanism's Delight, but it seems that there are...
  199. AskSatanOperator

    Question #3605: karmic patterns

    hypothetically speaking one dies of heart attack due to substance abuse and unhealthy lifestyle then he is reincarnated in a family with a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases and is attracted to the use of substances from an early age if he manages to defeat his addictions in this life...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
