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  1. T

    Munka working for negative Karma [Experiment]

    No lol I meant people from other countries (with "you guys"=you from other countries) I was in a hurry :)
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    Munka working for negative Karma [Experiment]

    There's going to be a waning scorpio moon on the 6th november, available in Italy (we have the void, but it won't be a new moon until the 7th at 5 p.m.) Check if you guys have the void.
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    About Munka Mantra

    Is it related to the Mundaka upanishad? I see that the D and N have dots under them, maybe it's pronounced differently from how it's written. From wikipedia: Mundaka (Sanskrit: मुण्डक) literally means "shaved (as in shaved head), shorn, lopped trunk of a tree". Eduard Roer suggests that this...
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    About Munka Mantra

    Bruuuh I found it https://www.google.it/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser&q=munakka This is the closest thing to munka you can find on internet. It's some ayurvedic thing, raisins.
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    Help with low energy / low willpower

    Yep 36 in the chakras, with 108 reps, it felt way more "impersonal". Yeah it's sooo good I feel you bruh :D I did it once with the 6th and I experienced some kind of very deep emotional liberation. I still am interested about the origin of this word though!
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    Help with low energy / low willpower

    Aaaand I jump on the Munka train aswell looolz, same, I'll restart. Too many reps were too chaotic (sooo time consuming, but it was working for sure) but I had better results when I once tried it with only 36 or so. Oh and btw a question Lydia, God's names, Nanna and Inanna. Nanna is given for...
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    About Munka Mantra

    But where did you HPs find it? (100% impossible to find it on internet. It's not listed between any of the 108 or 1000 names of Shiva). Is it related to this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_(deity) A lunar deity like Shiva/Satan, which has to do with death and rebirth. You mentioned in the...
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    Help with low energy / low willpower

    Lol I'm doing 108 on each chakra, should I lower to, say, 36 or 9? I wanted to throw a nuclear bomb to be sure to have karma wiped out once for all but maybe I have been too zealous :roll: anyway, same, low reps (for example, Mesopotamic Gods' names) feel way more definite and it's easier to...
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    The Runes: deeper and further knowledge about them

    Ehyyy folks I'm opening this post to further our knowledge on the Runes, how they connect to the Gentile soul and chakras. And to which constellations they are connected to (remember Maxine saying Gebo=Virgo?) This is to understand how to use them better (at least for me lol). Any input and...
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Eh, I don't have time for it because I'm always full of things to do, but I'd honestly like to, lol. I'm 100% for it! Trust me I was going to propose it myself :lol: As for the astral senses, the main purpose was to find a "pisces" or "scorpio" rune to empower them further. But I'm all for it.
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    Sopravvivere nella Mente di Massa, in Italia (e non solo)

    Così vero da fare paura. Le cose che hai scritto le noto e le penso ogni giorno, vedendo la gente. Grazie per questo post! Hai riassunto e confermato le mie sensazioni. Cmq raga, quelli con la marcia in più siamo noi, ricordatevelo sempre. Un parassita generico esterno o un violento...
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    Future Events Fall Of China

    They are a decaying race of souls. I don't give a fuck about their condition, they can rot and die lol, the thing that really matters to me is that the spiritual upper, non judaic class (whether sons of enterpreneurs or butchers) doesn't get absorbed and dragged down in this heavy communist...
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    Future Events Fall Of China

    Yeah, improper term. My economics' professor always used to say: a corrupt government for a corrupt people (and viceversa)...
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Yeah you are right, I agree. I've always wanted to know more about that, how runes connect to the constellations, to understand better the essence of each rune and their practical uses. But I see that many times, the question is avoided here.
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    Future Events Fall Of China

    Mageson, speaking of future events, I think you are following the situation in Italy with the fight between Salvini and Di Maio and the EU (Juncker/Moscovici, which threaten the ministers), over Italy's budget plan. The Jews are threatening our politicians with the menace of the spread, to...
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Ehyyy Lydia what about using Ehiwaz (imo is Libra-Scorpio) on the 5th to empower clairaudience/voyance? Maybe starting on halloween? (Which imo is the correct time for the rune).
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Ehyyy Lydia what about using Ehiwaz (imo is Libra-Scorpio) on the 5th to empower clairaudience/voyance? Maybe starting on halloween? (Which imo is the correct time for the rune).
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Ehyyy Lydia what about using Ehiwaz (imo is Libra-Scorpio) on the 5th to empower clairaudience/voyance? Maybe starting on halloween? (Which imo is the correct time for the rune).
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    Yeeah guys LET'S ROLL!!! :twisted:
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Yeah ahah I thought the same way after reading that :P ;) I think I will do 40 day workings though, on pairs, just to be sure. Does the moom phase matter or do I have to wait until cancer waning moon in your opinion?
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    Opening Astral Senses

    Lydia, talking about cleaning, is it possible and effective to use Munka on a chakra to clean it from negative karmic energies? I tried it today on my 6th, it looks like it works well. I ask to be sure that it will bring results (don't want to waste my time lol) and, would that count as a working?
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    I think I'm going to end it all.

    I know how you feel but seriously, don't exagerate your situation! It's simpler than you think, you just need to organize yourself. Trust me, here you have all the tools you need to fix your life :) . You just need a good organisation and discipline, being observant to that organisation. After...
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    Important The Jews Have Cursed Gentiles To Death

    Yesterday I was sleeping and I started crying, I was aware of that even if I was sleeping. I had a dream/vision, I basically felt/saw the pain and sufference from my father's line, as if I was seeing through my lineage, through the centuries, all the weight of time. Yes, the sorrow and the...
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    Mageson, in my opinion, money and wealth in general serve for two main purposes: supporting you and your life so you can grow and evolve, and creating the material stability to let your children build their life and making sure they won't miss any life occasion because they lacked the needed...
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    IMPORTANT! 17/September/2018

    Lol guys let's spam it like maniacs, they are so done you can feel it in the air. I see that people are much more relieved, they haven't that alien communist "weight" on their being anymore, or at least, it is not as strong as before. People are being freed, and the jewish scum-god is dying...
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    The vibration for 4th and 6th Chakra vibrations has been changed.

    But I still read this: Heart Chakra: SHUKRAYA, vibrated as SHH-UUU-KKK-RR-AH-YAH Throat Chakra: BUDHAAYA, vibrated as BUU-DD-HAH-AH-YAH After the countless discussions and doubts on the forum about that, I was thinking it was an error. Has this info been updated aswell? It's confusing, I've...
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    Bene Victory, sono felice che tu abbia individuato con chiarezza il problema, e tranquillo, fai benissimo a sfogarti :). Da quello che ho letto, hai descritto un essere inetto, spento e incapace che a sua volta cerca di colmare questa sua carenza dandoti dell'inadatto, del buono a nulla e...
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    Ti capisco, anche io sono in una fase simile. "Auto-boicottaggio", a me viene da pensare che ci siano problemi con il tuo Nettuno natale, o con la 12 casa, che forse si collegano al tuo Sole natale (forza di volontà/convinzione) o con il tuo governatore o governatori. Ma il tema natale non ha...
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    Help for chronic spiritual parasites

    Heyyy guys sorry for the late answer lol. Thanks everyone :* the knife method works well with friends and people not from past lifes. For relatives and such (people from past lifes) who are parasites or who are anyway possessive/oppressive people, you need ansuz (+knife visualization). My...
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    Energy stagnation

    Yep it was a major block in the 6th and 7th :P
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    Question about sabbats

    Shortly, I was on a trip when I started seeing more and more jews all dressed-up elegant and with the kippa. I then realised they were coming from a sinagogue nearby, from the sabbat. I then checked the astrological hour on their site. They always begin on the middle of the hour of Venus and end...
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    La paura non vuole andarsene

    Ah una cosa: devi costruirti una forte aura di protezione. Dubbi e paure simili sono indotti spesso da attacchi psichici, una forte aura di protezione li ferma. I pilastri della tua routine devono essere hatha yoga, aura di protezione e meditazione sul vuoto (per imparare a controllare la...
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    Esperienza personale (per me ha funzionato poi non so): già sostituire la pasta con il riso funziona per restare più asciutti. Poi ovviamente niente bibite zuccherate e simili. Fai yoga! Lo yoga tra i tanti benefici tiene sotto controllo il peso :) Se il problema è compulsivo, allora puoi...
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    La paura non vuole andarsene

    Paura=fallimento. Irrigidirsi nella paura porta a bloccarsi e a non progredire (che non vuol dire non essere prudenti peró). Avere delle paure è normale, ma devi indagare su quanto siano razionali. Ti dico questo: é da più di 2000 anni che il nemico lavora per distruggere il nostro percorso e le...
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    Help for chronic spiritual parasites

    Hi guys. Have you ever been close to a person/relative who is a chronic spiritual vampire that automatically sucks the needed energy? (example: a person which has been abused, traumatised in infancy and which hasn't been loved by parents -> parasites on the 5th chakra.) Do you know that costant...
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    Question about The Gods and Their Spiritual Evolution

    Hi guys :P (I don't know if my logic is correct, these are speculations not statements so I'm open for corrections). So, after these years passed reading the Jos and the HPs' writings, I've come to the conclusion that solar systems are like launching ramps for the souls. If you meditate and...
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    Opening chakras with thor

    Sorry for the newbie question. I've recently started to open some chakras with thor. The thing is: I've begun on a Waning Moon (moon in aquarius), the jos says to prefer a Waxing Moon. Is it gonna work 100% as if it was a waxing moon?
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    Question about freeing the soul

    Something I was thinking about: let's say one is doing a working to end a past life love commitment that is hindering the individual's love life. When the individual finishes the working, is the other person set free aswell?
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    Operation during VoC

    Will an operation during a void moon be successful? Or is it dangerous and it is better to move it to another day?
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    Two Questions

    Hi guys :) 1) I need a meditation to purify the Ida and Pingala channels from all negative energies(I see I have problems with the Ida especially). A complete method if possible. 2) Is the moon in Taurus a good moment to begin a freeing the soul working? I know the best are Scorpio, Cap and...
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    Energy stagnation

    Hi guys :P I have some kind of stagnation at the level of my neck/throat chakra. Is it my 6 chakra or my 5 chakra which is blocked? I don't know how to interpret it. Because the feeling of stagnation is under the 5 chakra (at the base, very close), but the Jos says that, when these feelings...
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    Orbs For Sinastry

    What do you guys use? 2 degrees max or the ones given by Maxine? "For conjunctions, squares, trines and oppositions 8-9 degrees For sextiles 6 degrees For inconjuncts 5 degrees For semi-sextiles, semi-squares, sesi-squares, quintiles 1 1/2 degrees."
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    Unblocking chakras with thor

    Im using thaur to unblock three chakras separately, how much time should I leave between every working? Can I do all of them in a row or should I wait some time between them?
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    The Trishula

    Is Shiva's Trishula representing the human soul aswell? Is it a diagram of the human soul? The way I see it is: the human soul is the zodiac, the point where the three parts at the top meet is the 5 chakra, Scorpio, then the central part above this is Sagittarius, with Pisces above. If you place...
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    Savitar you mentioned the Doshas, which are body types. I googled it but I generally don't trust such subjects the way they are treated (because of the new age/normie mindset etc). You mentioned the Vata Dosha being the skinny-nervous one, ruled by Mercury and Saturn in its essence. Then there...
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    Understanding karma

    Hi guys, I have a question about a specific part of my karma of which I want to know the cause. It's about a square between my Venus and Pluto (almost exact). Now, both in sinastry and in the natal chart, this is not good especially if related to the 7 house or the 5. Which is my case (related...
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    2 questions

    Hi guys :) 1)I'm using planetary mantras to empower my chakras. Is it better to begin when the planet which rules the chakra is in a favorable position? Example: beginning to empower the 3 when the Sun is in Aquarius, is it bad? Does the placement matter? Or is it a matter of power only...
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    Problem with square

    I started a moon square, and yesterday I did the reps on the end of the astrological day. I finished 4 minutes before the dawn (so the start of the new day). Is the square still valid? Or is it so time-sensitive that I need to restart?
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    Wisdom teeth, help

    Hi guys. I have a problem. My lower wisdom teeth are perpendicular to the side of my last visible molars, with that I mean that they are not fully grown and they are hidden under the gums. This means that they create a hollow space between them and the second molars, so they could give problems...
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    Changing mentality

    Hey everyone, my question: I want to change my general mentality and mindset(and approach to the life etc), but I don't know where the problem/s is/are. I just feel there's something wrong, but I can't rationally find the specific cause. (I mean, rationally it's all ok lol there is no real...
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    November Dates for Magickal Workings

    Hi Lydia :) is the 10th december better for removing health issues? Couldn't one start a sun square aswell? (Sun will be in Sagittarius, which -I think you mentioned it-is a good sign for healing).
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    Spiritual advancement for relatives

    Hey guys ;) so, I wanted to get some of my family members into yoga/qi gong etc. The aim is to get them out of a non-spiritual level and to give them enough spiritual strenght and making their lifes better. In short, getting them to a good result, under our level of SS (basically without telling...
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    A Warning

    Hi, something I remember. There was a user, Lion (?), who posted a meditation for astral senses. Basically this http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/3rd666.html but with the astral senses (astral hearing and sight) instead of the pineal gland.
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    Secondary sexual characteristics

    Hi guys :) as for the beard, it depends on testosterone's receptors aswell, so yes there may be enough testosterone but inactive (or not present) receptors in the skin.
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    Secondary sexual characteristics

    Beard, chest hair, muscle and skeletal growth etc. These are all produced by the testosterone hormone during puberty. (Talking about the male body). Thing is, in some individuals, let's say, the beard doesn't grow completely (or muscles/chest hair etc). The individual doesn't look much...
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    Is there a way to discover the Ascendant by just looking at someone?

    Any tips? You don't know the hour of birth, but you have a photo of the subject. Since the Ascendant (and relative ruler/co-rulers) rule the body, can you discover the ascendant by just looking at their look/body?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
