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  1. P

    combination of energies

    <em>This is a gathering of many put into one . . . since you are all my dear hearts I thought I would forward it to you . . .  take what resonates and blow the rest to the wind.</em>[/B] <em></em>[/B]  <em>Heavenly Father, Holy Mother God, surround me in a Golden bubble of protective...
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    support the burmese people

    Hello, I thought you should know about this: Burma is ruled by one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world. For decades the Burmese regime has fought off pressure--imprisoning elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and democracy activists, wiping out thousands of villages, imposing...
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    Affirmations for Self-expression:

    say this to yourself before going to sleep,the subconscious mind hears this and will carry out these things. [/B] Love is the natural way of my self-expression. It is easy to love. Wisdom is the natural way of my self-expression. It is easy to know. Power is the natural way of my...
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    ten commandments of mother earth

    The Ten Commandments of Mother Earth I. Thou shalt love and honour the Earth for it blesses thy life and governs thy survival. II. Thou shalt keep each day sacred to the Earth and celebrate the turning of its seasons. III. Thou shalt not hold thyself above other living things nor drive them to...
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    2012 and other related stuff

    More on 2012 that puts it further into perspective. - - - WHOLISTIC WORLD VISION GLOBAL NETWORKING SERVICE (PLEASE PASS ON!) Andrew Smith - a WWV UK associate - has submitted the article below on 2012. We have also included another valuable summary and once again the...
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    mayan astrology

    just received this email,felt like sharing with you all. any thoughts? MAYAN ASTROLOGY Mayan Astrology - The study, understanding and incorporation of knowledge of the Cosmos, emanating from a galactic core that binds together the entire galaxy; a study of Cycles, time, and space based on the...
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    Since the Demons have been freed, spiritual warfare has been escalating. The enemy has been attacking many of us. Satanic Leaders get hit the hardest. Some people have caved in under xian coercions and psychic attacks and have gone back to the lies. I have studied intensively for many years...
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    Psychic Exorcism

    do the banishing ritual as given on joyofsatan.org
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    Backwards "prayers" and Blasphemy

    I've seen so many "Satanic" websites before I found the JoS and some had some cool things that I could understand but the majority only had a bunch of bullshit that relies on the judeo-xian-islam interpretation of Satan. I've enjoyed many of the blasphemy sections on many of the websites but...
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    race of asia

    well you might be correct according to textbooks but INDIANS ARE NOT ARYANS, this theory was created by the british to divide hindus into dravidians and aryans and thus make it easier for them to rule,they made three countries out of one. we did not come from anywhere ,we are sons of soil.  
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    the book of light bringer

    THE BOOK OF THE LIGHT BRINGER What you are about to read should not be taken lightly. Everything  in this book is from the true story of our universe and how we  really got here. I will try my best to translate was I was told and  make it as easy to read as possible. I know the true message...
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    race of asia

    the europeans are white ,so are the americans and africans are black and there are chinese ,vietnamese,japs,koreans ,thai,HK,phillipines etc and then there is the indian subcontinent where there are brown people.   my question is what would you call the indian people's race? 2.what would you...
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    Global Warming is A Lie!!!

    Truth is : extreme climate happens because Nibiru is approaching earth! It's on the way already since 2003. Insiders from NASA, DoD national military intelligence, SETI, and the CIA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet could perish during the coming pole-shift caused by the...
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    Energy meditation for beginners EVERYONE SHOYULD READ THIS!

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]churchofthe7stars[/B] For those having trouble with the energy meditation on www.joyofsatan.com here is a technique that can be of use. Lay downor sit or sit in your chair quiety. Relax ( when I say relax I don't nessesarily meean go...
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    Understanding your dreams

    Fuck these new-agers who spend there days with angels and greys to fuck you over and try to confuse you. To understand your dreams is pretty common sense. Just try to understand the main idea of whats going on. If your having a dream where your in a space ship talking to a alien, what is...
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    Meditating laying down

    When you meditate laying down or sitting in a chair you will notice that the chi (ki) is flowing throughout the entire body not just the upper body. You can feel your aura throughout your legs. I personally believe having your legs crossed is why these new-agers and buddhist munks are so...
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    The dedication ritual

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]churchofthe7stars[/B] The dedication ritual on the Joy of Satan site is a format and a format only. If you wanted to create your own format then do so. If you are unable to get the blood out then that is ok! I personally did not get any...
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    Fwd: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] why your spell didn't work

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]churchofthe7stars[/B] <churchofthe7stars@... Date: Apr 6, 2007 4:08 AM Subject: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] why your spell didn't work To: [email protected] Between casting ceremonial rituals, simply spells or advance...
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    Fwd: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] why your spell didn't work

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]churchofthe7stars[/B] <churchofthe7stars@... Date: Apr 6, 2007 4:08 AM Subject: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] why your spell didn't work To: [email protected] Between casting ceremonial rituals, simply spells or advance...
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    Fwd: [Joy_of_Satan] Phillapines Crucifixion

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]Tommeh[/B] <twisted_tommy31768@... Date: 03 Apr 2007 03:16:38 -0700 Subject: [Joy_of_Satan] Phillapines Crucifixion To: [email protected] Once again, the xians prove themselves to be completely stupid. A man from the Phillapines...
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    Fwd: [Joy_of_Satan] VERY IMPORTANT! Should I post a "provable" scie

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]warmthofthespirit[/B] <warmthofthespirit@... Date: 03 Apr 2007 03:11:00 -0700 Subject: [Joy_of_Satan] VERY IMPORTANT! Should I post a "provable" scientific explanation of magic ? To: [email protected] To make it short. Current...
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    Fwd: AANEWS for Sunday, April 1, 2007

    A M E R I C A N A T H E I S T S A A N E W S #1227 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4/1/07 http://www.atheists.org http://www.americanatheist.org http://www.atheistviewpoint.tv U.N. RIGHTS COUNCIL CONDEMNS "DEFAMATION" OF RELIGION AS ISLAMISTS PUSH FOR GLOBAL BLASPHEMY BAN. WILL...
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    A little extra help

    This message is regarding Maxine's last sermon: When programing energy you can also use this techniques in your meditation program. When I clean my aura I will also affirm : my aura is full of bright possitive energy and all negitive energy and influences are **ALL* being sent by to...
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    check out the trance page on jos website or the blacksun website On 3/21/07, <b class="y[/IMG]kayan[/B] <mana_revolt@... wrote:
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    summon him through trance..first go in a trance and then summon demon alloces. On 3/20/07, <b class="y[/IMG]kayan[/B] <mana_revolt@... wrote:
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    the hexagram

     also want to add- I had to do a lot of research to find the information in the reply post below. The populace is force-fed that the hexagram was jewish in origin. I have read time and again in many mainstream books that the hexagram originated with "Solomon" who is another fictitious character...
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    earth could not answer

    It is impressive the number of people who come to us realy lost. Knowing nothing, or very little. Some with clear xian influence, others more open minded, but still with wrong concepts and ideas. It seems it's much easier to accept Satan as the xian figure of the fallen angel, an entity, than...
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    The Ankh

    Attachments : The ankh is a very important symbol, one of Satan's names is "Enki," and this name is connected to "Ankh." The Egyptian word for "Ankh" was derived from Enki. Satan's Sigil with the cup has the glyph for Venus hanging within it...
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    true kaballah

    Kabalistic practices take time and repetition to master. As I mentioned before, the True Kabalah is creation and magickal practice through sound. It has been corrupted with Jewish bullshit garbage for centuries to lead people astray and away from any real spiritual power. When practicing the...
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    its pretty difficult to answer this question since i cant say which of our member speaks chinese and im not chinese so i dont speak chinese but i know a few of them are from as near as hong kong. but nonetheless you can ask questions in english,since i have seen that your english is real good
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    The importance of Trance

    The effects and the success of a working is dependant on how deep the trance is. When someone is new to Satanism it is important to begin a meditation program. The mind of the average person is not strong enough to create change on its own. When we are new and attempt to visualize our...
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    Sexuality and Satanism

    --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: There has been a lot of hype regarding sexual preferences and such of late. I am writing this to straighten out a few things. It is a sad fact that the xian church and its cohorts...
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  34. P


    Note, Freemasons use the snake with the halo -- Chonubis.  33 degrees, and as Maxine said 33 spinal vertebrae.   This explains a lot of things.   You see, I am sure that The Power rises for them, only the Snake is controlled by something else.  Something not natural.   Trust me I know.   Shaitan...
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    THE KUNDALINI LIE Kundalini "awakenings" as described in books and on the internet are incorrect, and almost certainly well placed lies. The Snake is not bliss; it understands the language of the earth. It is not debased, it is enlightened to the knowledge – forbidden knowledge I might add...
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    Fwd: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] TEENS

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]Salem Burke[/B] <salemburke@... Date: Mar 4, 2007 2:03 PM Subject: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] TEENS To: JOS MINISTRIES <[email protected], Willard Chapman < magister_willard@..., Maxine Dietrich <maxinedietrich@...
  37. P


    Also, once in Hollywood I was at a dinner party with a costume designer whose husband was a director.  There was a Jewish man -- nice guy actually, but wasted.  And we were talking about things, and he knew who I was obviously -- everyone did in that little circle.   Anyhow he asked me if "I...
  38. P


    The "grey alien" is really a "Forest Folk" person known as a Kappa. The Kappa is among the "demons" that are summoned by ceremonial magicians, namely the Jews and likely the Roman Catholic Church. In other words, the Jew and Catholics believe they are "getting away with murder" and know damn...
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    For goodness sakes I would love for people within the groups to have more confidence in themselves. A lack of confidence is why most would prefer to run to Satan when every little situation occurs. I understand that one spell is not going to get you a million dollars. Even if you are in a...
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    Getting started in Satanism

    There are a number of newbys who don't know which meditations to practice. Why they get certain side-effects and so on. As one progresses in Satanism all of this is understood. My best advice for those who are new is to perform the 6 month meditation program in the Spiritual Warfare section...
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    for your information

    Before some members start to question, I want to explain something important, wich is why we seem to be laughing and joking most of the time. As HP Maxine said in her post "Higher Levels": "When we meditate regularly and make breakthroughs, things in our lives noticeably change...
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    Joy of Satan Ministry

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]High Priestess Maxine Dietrich[/B] <maxinedietrich@... Date: Feb 22, 2007 2:06 PM Subject: [Joy_of_Satan_Ministries] Joy of Satan Ministry To: Advanced Meditation <[email protected], [email protected]...
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    Opus Dei

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Fro[/IMG]Priestess Pandora Arcana[/B] The Inquisition is still existing, the catholic church has the OPUS DEI wich is the same as the Inquisition's Holy See, "Sancto Officio", and the actual Pope is the leader for this sect of the Jesuits...
  44. P


    I just got back from watching this movie. Overall it was entertaining. The effects were great. But, the story (based on the Marvel Comics Serial) is another blasphemy towards Father Satan. Satan's character (Mephistopheles, played by Peter Fonda) is shown as an old man, portrayed to be so...
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    The Jesuits (The Society Of Jesus)

    The Jesuits (The Society of Jesus) The "Black Pope" is only a myth; a myth to divert the responsibility of these crimes against humanity from the Catholic pope and his clan of criminals. This is another scheme to delude the masses- blame shifting. Of course, we all know Father Satan has been a...
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    Brothers & Sisters, I've been through some down times, and had unspeakable troubles which I can't discuss freely with anyone. During those hard times, none of my friends were there. When I only mention a slight part of my problem, they instantly back off and gave excuses as being "busy with...
  47. P

    death bed repentence

    One more for tonight. Again, I posted these on myspace and I compromise just a little bit on there, compared to here. FEAR!!!! I read about/hear about so many stories of decent people who have known about the lie of the death-dealing religions like Christianity, and they have spent much of...
  48. P


    I ran across something in a book in a book on Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The Egyptian hieroglyph for "air" and "wind" is very similar to one of Beelzebub's Sigils. The evolution here is obvious. My point is Beelzebub is "Prince of the Air." I find it sickening how the enemy has denigrated our Gods...
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    dragon kundalini

    Attachments : DRAGON KUNDALINI   by   Salem Burke   THE BIRTH OF MY DRAGON   On February 5, 2007 the Dragon at the base of my spinal cord rose to the occasion of my life crisis and destroyed all of my enemies before the 12 th of that week.  Now by "enemies" I am referring to those who are...
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    for dealing with negative people

    One of the most important reasons we clean our auras is to get off all of the negative energy that we encounter on a daily basis. Much of this comes from others in our immediate environment. The workplace can be especially troublesome as well as the home for many. Negative people include those...
  51. P

    xianity and new testament:anti-jew or anti gentile?

    Not too long ago, an atheist friend told me that the new testament is anti-semitic. Why should he care unless he is jewish? He was raised Mor(m)on. So I'm just doing a little extra research today. Most if not all of us here already know that the new testament and the whole Christian religion...
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    fairy naughty

    Attachments : FAIRY, FAIRY NAUGHTY The Truth About Fairies From a Never Sent Letter to High Priestess Maxine, Magister Willard, and my infamous and diabolical idol -- Uncle Chuckie   by   Salem Burke     Tinkerbelle Fairy Queen (left) and Aztec Totem God Paynal (right), a Dark Emperor Fairy...
  53. P


    As I stated before , I have learned much on the job here and continue to do so. I read a book, " Pacts with the Devil" where the author claimed to have summoned Sorath using the nine-foot circle with some horrific results. When I was new, me and a friend of mine were working a pendulum one...
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    Sermon on Self-Reliance

    Satanism is all about our completing the work Satan was prevented from finishing, that of the human ascent to the godhead. We cannot advance or progress upon this path if we do not apply ourselves to daily power meditation. Satan wants for us to be a force of our own. As I have stated so many...
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    seven towers of satan

    The Seven Towers of Satan (Ziarahs) represent the seven chakras. The tower with the "sharp, fluted point" symbolizes the heart chakra. The trapezoid, which is actually the uncapped pyramid, symbolizes Satan's unfinished work. Here is an excerpt from The Satanic Rituals: From their...
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    The Chariot of RA and the Roation of the Chi

    The true meaning of the Chariot of Ra, which evolved into the Reidh Rune, is the rotation of the chi/bioelectricity. This also corresponds to the Chariot trump of the Tarot. This meditation is advanced. Demons gave this to me and it is of the Egyptian Kabalah. 1. Condense your chi into any...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
