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  1. Ignisalas

    Mercury retrograde, everyone needs to be aware

    A few years ago when I got my old laptop I got home and took it out of the box, and it had a huge dent in it like someone smashed it with a hammer. The screen was all shattered and everything and I had to take it back and get a new one. I wasn't studying astrology back then but I wonder if...
  2. Ignisalas

    Mercury retrograde, everyone needs to be aware

    It means the planet looks like its moving in reverse or backwards in astrology and the zodiac signs. I use https://www.theplanetstoday.com/astrology.html to study the planets. Take a look and you'll understand pretty quick. The planets outlined in pink are retrograde and moving backwards. The...
  3. Ignisalas

    Third Eye doesnt want to open

    Ive been doing a lot of work on my third eye and 6th chakra for the past month. It seems like my third eye doesn't want to open. Ive been slacking off on working on my chakras, but now ive been doing a lot of work on them. well atleast my third eye and 6th chakra. I do 40x Chandramase, with an...
  4. Ignisalas

    Mercury retrograde, everyone needs to be aware

    I feel like mercury has the most devastating impact on electronics and traveling when its stationary. Like right before it goes retrograde and right before it goes direct. I spilled coffee on my old laptop by accident when mercury was stationary and about to go direct. I had some files saved on...
  5. Ignisalas

    Mercury retrograde, everyone needs to be aware

    Mercury will be going retrograde around the 15th or 16th this month, and will last until the 6th of December. I wanted to make a post to remind everyone to protect yourself from it. Do an AoP and affirmations to protect yourself and your electronics from mercury retrograde. The last mercury...
  6. Ignisalas

    Reminder, Venus Square and Astral Sense Workings

    Was that a typo? Venus is retrograde in libra right now and goes direct on 16th. Could be a good time to start a new Venus square while it stays in libra.
  7. Ignisalas

    The Venus and Mercury Squares...

    This has probably been discussed in the past, but im going to throw this out there. In the squares section on the JoS site it says that the Venus square empowers the heart, and the mercury square empowers the throat chakra. Are these mixed up and need to be fixed? Do they even have the right...
  8. Ignisalas

    Question about Jupiter square

    Someone already made a post about Jupiter square and luck, I was going to use a Jupiter square to empower my aura to attract good luck and great fortune to me, but im unsure if I should use the spiritual square or material. Should I just do the material square and do an affirmation like: "The...
  9. Ignisalas

    For what Satan created Humanity?

    I thought that human beings where at first created to basically be an energy source, the whole 'gold' mining thing isn't exactly what it says. The 'Gold' was really light energy/souls, am I right? Then Satan and the gods started to fall in love with human women. That's what Maxines sermons said...
  10. Ignisalas

    Video game fallout 76, Master Sloth.

    lol I saw the fallout 76 trailer and I felt like messing with mageson with it :lol: Ive been seeing a lot of sloths on social media here and there too.
  11. Ignisalas

    Meaning of number 37

    I think that one of the high priests said in a sermon that number 37 is of the enemy, because its basically just like 777, three sevens, which is a number of the enemy, "jesus" and "Yahweh" we have the number 36 which is a multiple of 9, you can add number 37 up to 666, but you can also add it...
  12. Ignisalas

    Would it be bad to use Suryae right now?

    As long as you didn't start during a void moon its fine. It doesn't matter if the moon is void afterwards whenever you continue the square each day. I asked this type of question a while back, and people said it was alright as long as you didn't begin the working during void moon.
  13. Ignisalas

    Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

    And last I checked it was 11 dead and 6 injured. The energy around the whole thing feels weak, this massacre will most likely be forgotten about fast, unless jews push it. I believe theres another anti-gun protest starting up after this happened, which if this was caused by jews, its most likely...
  14. Ignisalas

    Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

    Well... Either this is something completely caused by jews to try and enforce gun laws, or someone has woken up to the jews. So what happen here? 11 people (jews I think) are dead after a gunman opened fire on at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The report said that the gunman made anti-Semitic posts and...
  15. Ignisalas

    Borg World The Age Of The Jewish Messiah

    Mark Fuckerberg looks like a total emotionless robot. Ive always hated him and something about him seemed off and disgusting to me. You can clearly see that this thing is cold and soulless like some kind of machine. I get a nasty gut feeling when I see jews, and Zuckerberg gives me one of the...
  16. Ignisalas

    Pipe bomb found in George Soros mailbox

    Looks like people are fed up with George Soros. I was walking through my house and I overheard the news on the TV that a family member was watching that there was a pipe bomb found in George Soros' mailbox. Seems people are waking up to the bullshit. I tried to search for a youtube video to post...
  17. Ignisalas

    The Incoming Invasion of Hondurans to the US and Mexico

    And I want to add that if this invasion of parasites isn't bad enough, just think of the economy of America right now and what would happen to it if over 10,000 of these bastards actually get past the borders. America is slowly turning into a poverty plagued 3rd world country. You have the big...
  18. Ignisalas

    The Incoming Invasion of Hondurans to the US and Mexico

    I was about to make a post about the migrant caravan, but you guys beat me to it. I don't know much about it, but ive heard that it was caused by Soros, am I right? I cant believe that people don't see the problem with this bullshit, its like a cancer creeping its way into America, but most of...
  19. Ignisalas

    Help with Munka working

    Is the munka vibrate in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6EkqZO4oQ the correct way to vibrate it? Its Aldrick Strickland's video, but its a bit old and I was just wanting to confirm if its the correct way to do Munka. Also, there will be a full-waning moon in Taurus in a few days, would that...
  20. Ignisalas

    Using "Making" and "Causing" in affirmations

    Thanks guys. I always wondered about those words lol. For some reason I always thought they wouldn't work well in affirmations. Probably because energy doesn't have the ability to reason, so I kinda thought that those words wouldn't do too well.
  21. Ignisalas

    Using "Making" and "Causing" in affirmations

    Do the words "making" and "causing" work in affirmations? I was wondering about these words for a while. I just made another post about losing weight and which runes I should use for it. If Im using a rune to get physically fit, could I use an affirmation like "The energy of (Whatever) rune is...
  22. Ignisalas

    Using Sowilo for weight loss?

    Im a few days into using the Sowilo rune for weight loss. I vibrate it 80 times and affirm 8 times "The energy of the rune sowilo is speeding up my body's metabolism in a healthy and positive way for me" I thought I should use the Sowilo rune for this kind of thing, but does anyone else have...
  23. Ignisalas

    Would it be bad to use Suryae right now?

    I wanted to do money workings because in a few days my electricity is getting shut off because I cant pay it, and its starting to get really cold outside. Plus my internet is getting shut off again, so I wont be able to get on the forums for like another 2-3 months.
  24. Ignisalas

    Would it be bad to use Suryae right now?

    Sun is in Libra, and its energies are watered down. I was going to use Suryae for a money working. My teeth are fucked up right now and I cant vibrate any V, F or TH sounds properly. and speaking of money workings, does anyone have any ideas for money workings without Runes? I tried to vibrate...
  25. Ignisalas

    "Impeach Trump" "Join 6 Million Americans to take Trump out of Office"

    Has anyone else noticed how much theres been ads about taking Trump out of office? I watch youtube a lot and ive been seeing a shit ton of ads about impeaching Trump. What would actually happen if trump gets impeached? The guy that I see in the ads gives off very nasty jewish vibes, and he has...
  26. Ignisalas

    I think I found my death in astrology, and its sooner than I thought

    I knew someone would say that, but a username on the forums isn't really useful to any rabbi mystics and jews that like poking around and spying on the forums, since they don't know me personally and they don't know my real name or what I look like. And without those things, its a lot harder to...
  27. Ignisalas

    I think I found my death in astrology, and its sooner than I thought

    So ive looked into astrology a lot and ive been trying to see horrible events in the future that may happen so I can work to avoid them. In the year 2025, theres some very bad shit that'll probably go down for me. My chart ruler is the Sun at 1 degrees Aires in my 8th house. In 2025 Neptune and...
  28. Ignisalas

    "ISIS" Creator John McCain Dead at 81

    What are your thoughts on this? John McCain is the person who created the terrorist group 'ISIS'. We all know that Isis is an Egyptian name of Astaroth, so maybe she caused his brain cancer, which led to his death.
  29. Ignisalas

    F*ck mercury retrograde.

    And I cant recover anything from my old pc, the hard drive is fried from the coffee. I spilled the coffee on it and a minute later the whole thing froze up while I was watching youtube videos and I turned it off and on again to try to fix the problem and a boot menu screen came up and said "Hard...
  30. Ignisalas

    F*ck mercury retrograde.

    I'm back after a week of no internet or anything but TV to watch. When mercury went stationary I spilled coffee on my old laptop by accident and pretty much destroyed it. I just got this new one today and it costed me most of my money, since I'm broke as f*ck. I lost a ton of JoS files I had...
  31. Ignisalas

    How do you use runes on other people?

    I was wondering how to use runes on other people, like the fehu rune. Do I just vibrate it and visualize it on the persons soul, would that work well? I don't want to go into too much detail, but someone in my family has been waiting on money to come to them for a few days now, and I was going...
  32. Ignisalas

    How to tell if your mixed with other races?

    I thought redheads where from the pure white race. Also I have large facial features, Its hard to explain but my head is a little large and seems a bit out of proportion with the rest of my body. My nose, and my brow bones above my eyes are large, and it makes my face seem big. I don't know...
  33. Ignisalas

    How to tell if your mixed with other races?

    I know a DNA test could tell you, but Ive never gotten a dna test, so I was wondering how to tell if your race mixed. Theres something that's been bothering me for a while, and that is my weird hair type/texture. My dad told me that there was a native American woman in our family a few...
  34. Ignisalas

    Alex Jones

    Alex Jones is just in it for the money. I just saw a post on MSN that he is demanding his followers to buy more of his products. He always puts the blame on Satanists for a lot of the bullshit he talks about. I don't know where he comes up with some of the shit he talks about, like the 'gay...
  35. Ignisalas

    Void Moon and Magical workings question

    If we start certain workings when the moon isn't void and the same time the next day, continue the working, but the moon is void during that time, would this effect the working? Where I live, I sometimes have brutal 20-30 hour void moons. I was wondering if I started something, say 9:00 PM that...
  36. Ignisalas

    Nervous about Summoning and talking to Demons

    This is a little something that's been bothering me for a while. I always get nervous and uncomfortable sometimes when I try to talk with demons. I cant seem to pull myself together to do a full summoning ritual, but I can sit in my room and say their names and talk to them that way. I have no...
  37. Ignisalas

    Sun Square Affirmations

    I'm planning on starting a sun square next sunday. Theres an issue that ive had for a while with affirmations... How exactly do I use affirmations with the sun mantra? I was planning on using it to increase my wealth. Could I affirm something like "The energy of the sun mantra is empowering my...
  38. Ignisalas

    The new RTR makes me high for some reason...

    Does anyone else have this feeling after doing the new RTR? Its like a strange light headedness and it doesn't feel negative, it actually feels blissful and gives me a happy feeling. I just got done doing the full ritual and it took me over an hour and a half, I was doing it slowly. I do feel...
  39. Ignisalas

    Heart Chakra Under Attack?

    I was laying on my bed and I focused on my heart chakra, and I saw an orange colored string or wire type thing attached to my heart chakra, I visualized myself taking my athame and cutting the wire, and suddenly my heart chakra got really bright, white-gold colored. I know my heart chakra is my...
  40. Ignisalas

    Vibrating the Planetary mantras into the aura?

    What effect would vibrating the planetary mantras into the aura have? I know a lot of us use Suryae to clean our auras, but I wonder if any of the others have any good effects, like Guruave and the venus mantra. Also I have mp3s of HPS Maxine vibrating the planetary square mantras, she uses...
  41. Ignisalas

    How to Visualize certain Runes on the soul?

    To make it short, I'm not sure how to visualize some runes on the soul. The kind of runes that don't really fit the spine and chakras, like Sowilo, Uruz, Kenaz, Jera, and the runes that don't have the middle bar that's meant to fit the spine. Runes like Fehu, Wunjo, and Nauthiz, are easy to...
  42. Ignisalas

    Crown Chakra feels out of place and off center, + Opening it

    Ive been working on my crown chakra a lot lately and it feels like its off to the right side of my head a little bit. It could be the Ida or something, but I'm not sure. I saw a post where another member said that the right side of their body feels strange or heavy when working on the crown. I...
  43. Ignisalas

    Ive been under attack like never before these past few weeks, +astrology things

    Ive been under attack by something the past month or so... I was hit by unbelievable misfortune and I couldn't find anything in astrology that could have set it off. My electricity and internet was cut off, bill wasn't paid. I had to leave and move into a new home, and I'm just now getting...
  44. Ignisalas

    What chakra does Mercury Rule?

    I made a topic like this a while back, I was wondering if mercury rules the throat or the heart, since theres a lot of JoS pages that say it rules the Throat, and a lot that says it rules the Heart. I have a weak mercury in my natal chart, and I was going to work on that chakra and strengthen...
  45. Ignisalas

    How to use multiple runes in one working?

    How exactly do you use 2 runes in one working? Do you Vibrate a rune a certain amount of times and then vibrate the next rune a certain amount of times, then affirmations? Like if I'm using Algiz with my aura of protection, and I want to add in Sowilo to strengthen it, how exactly would I do...
  46. Ignisalas

    Jews pushing so F*cking Hard to cause War.

    Just a reminder to everyone that we should be spamming the shit out of the anti-war RTR's Every social media/News websites I go on is talking about war between USA and Russia. Its also all over the TV where I live, We really need to fight back hard.
  47. Ignisalas

    Question about Kabbalistic Square Affirmations

    I have a weird noobish problem with the Squares and affirmations, I just wanted to ask a quick question about them. When I do vibrations and affirmations I always vibrate and then do the affirmations after the vibration. For example: if I'm doing a vibration 18 times, i'll do the vibration 1...
  48. Ignisalas

    Question about astral sight & Third Eye, What Am I Seeing?

    Every now and then when I close my eyes I can see floating faint colors that move and swirl across my vision, what exactly am I seeing? am I seeing energy? This doesn't happen when I meditate on my third eye, it happens randomly. Like when I'm laying on my bed with my eyes closed this happens a...
  49. Ignisalas

    The "Am I jewish?" attack

    Ive been worried about this for a while, Its hard to carry on in Satanism with this worry on my mind. Ive had this kind of attack hit me before, and hit me hard and made me depressed so much. I haven't had any contact from Satan or the gods. And I haven't opened my third eye yet, and ive been...
  50. Ignisalas

    The Mayans

    Anyone ever wondered about this kind of stuff. Things like the mayans suddenly disappearing and other ancient civilizations that just vanished. Its been on my mind for a while, lol I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this. Mageson seems like someone who knows a lot about the...
  51. Ignisalas

    Help with Mars Square

    I'm going to start a mars square, but I don't really know how to do it properly. I have the mantra for it AUM KRAAM KRIM KRAUM SAU BHAUMAYA NAMA but do I just vibrate it into my entire being? Do you use affirmations with it? Like say an affirmation then vibrate the mantra and repeat this for the...
  52. Ignisalas

    Losing hope, Horrible Life, feel like giving up

    I hate posting all these negative things about myself, but Its serious and I could use some helpful advice and comments to uplift out of the depression ive been in. Its hit me hard the past few weeks. I cant remember how I found JoS, I just found it one night a few years ago. Ive been drawn to...
  53. Ignisalas

    Solar Chakra Question

    Would working on my solar chakra increase the overall power of my soul an aura? I know working on the other chakras would do this too, but I'm asking only about the solar chakra, since its naturally the most powerful chakra of the soul. Which mantra would be best to use to empower it, Raum or...
  54. Ignisalas

    Runes for weight loss and muscle gain?

    I started a meditation the other day to lose weight and gain more muscle, while the moon was in Taurus. I was wondering if any of the runes could help with this, like Sowilo. Would any of the runes help with this kind of meditation?
  55. Ignisalas

    Mercury Retrograde over Natal Chart Ruler

    My chart ruler is the Sun, and its at 1 degrees Aries, Next month Mercury will go retrograde and be in conjunction with my Natal Sun, so whats going to happen? Will my computer break or something like that? I hope not, I don't have the money to buy a new one right now. How will this effect me...
  56. Ignisalas

    ...And an Anti-Gun protest starts after the school shooting. What a Cohencidence!

    And wouldn't you know an anti-gun protest starts after the school shooting. I cant believe people are so blind the the fact that the jews are behind all of this. They haven't woken up yet, but they are starting too. I have an article here from MSN Titled "We had this monster living under our...
  57. Ignisalas

    Astrology and Birth Chart Questions

    Can anyone explain what the MC and IC actually are? What are the moons nodes, and how do I find them? I see this 'True Node' thing in my chart and I don't know what it is, but its tightly conjunct with my IC. Is that a moon node? Is that bad or good? Is the MC the "dragons tail" that shows past...
  58. Ignisalas

    Other ways to activate the Pineal Gland?

    Is there any other way to activate the pineal gland other than the crown chakra opening vibration, or Gaum? I think I can feel my pineal gland pretty good, it feels like its behind my eyes just a tiny bit above them and towards the back of my head. Are there any other vibrations/mantras I...
  59. Ignisalas

    Sun in Aquarius, can I still use Suryae?

    Ive been trying to empower my solar chakra lately and Ive been doing a few Raum vibrations and Suryae too. Is it bad to vibrate Suryae into your solar chakra right now? Ive been doing it for the past 5 days and I don't really get any negative effects from it, I noticed though that I do get a...
  60. Ignisalas

    I'm Struggling in Satanism

    I didn't want to post this because it makes me feel like a failure, but I need some answers. Its been a hard struggle for me the few years ive been a member here. I haven't been able to open any of my psychic senses and I haven't been able to really contact any demons and I get confused and I...
  61. Ignisalas

    Questions about my Birth Chart

    Ive wanted to ask a few questions about my birth chart for a while, but everytime I type to post them, I get discouraged and a little embarrassed and not post them. I have a retrograde 12th house Mars and its caused a bunch of problems in my life. I wanted to know if theres a way to fix this...
  62. Ignisalas

    Money, Earth Element, & invoking Jupiter's Energy - Money Topic

    Ive been in poverty for most of my life, ive been doing a money affirmation combined with the Fehu rune every day. My birth chart Saturn is in my 8th house, which causes extreme poverty. I was wondering if there is anything better that I can add to this, to make it a super money spell. By adding...
  63. Ignisalas

    Mercury and Venus Chakras, throat or heart?

    I have seen the info on the JoS site about the throat and heart chakra, and it doesn't really add up. Shouldn't mercury be of the throat chakra, and venus the heart? Ive asked this question before a while back in the groups. The star of Vishnu that the jews stole and turned into 'the star of...
  64. Ignisalas

    CHANDRAMASE and GURUAVE Vibrations for 6th and Crown Chakra-Questions

    I was wondering is the vibrations Chandramase and Guruave are the most powerful of all the vibrations for the 6th and crown chakra? Along with the others on: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html Has anyone had a lot of experience with them? What effects do they have? Do...
  65. Ignisalas

    Humans On Other Planets? What happens after the jews get defeated?

    I read Maxine's post on the JoS Adult group about Nuclear Destruction. She said there was other planets in our solar system that had human populations on them, like Mars, and another planet called 'Phaeton' which was blown to pieces and is now the asteroid belt. She said the jews caused those...
  66. Ignisalas

    Number 72 Confusion

    I'm in a bit of confusion when it comes to the number 72. We have the 72 name RTR, to the jews its also known as the "72 angels" Why do we have 72 Goetia demons? Why is the number 72 so common in both jewish and Satanic occult? I know 7+2 is 9, the number of permanence, but is there anything...
  67. Ignisalas

    Suicidal, Unfortunate Satanists, Jewish Curses, and More

    I hope this gets seen as many people as possible. I'll ask Father Satan if somehow he could let people see this post, even though it'll be posted during a void moon. I have seen so many posts and cries for help on the groups, to the point where it sickens me. Not the posts themselves, but...
  68. Ignisalas

    Bune and Sorath

    Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone had experience with communicating with Bune. I believe she is my guardian Demon, and I would like to learn how to communicate with her better, what is the best way to talk with her and such. I don't really know how to talk with demons, I suck at summoning...
  69. Ignisalas

    Synthetic Marijuana, and other Drugs

    So heres a little something that I would like to talk about. There was a synthetic marijuana plague in the area I live about 2 years ago. This shit was unbelievably addicting for people. I wonder if it was designed to be that way, just like other drugs that are out on the street, just far...
  70. Ignisalas

    Chakra Discussion, Opening and Empowering

    I thought I would make a topic about the Chakras, so we could talk about the best, and strongest vibrations to open and empower them. The vibrations used on the JoS site aren't really effective for me anymore, so I would like if everyone could share their experiences with different vibrations...
  71. Ignisalas

    Texas Church Shooting - What are your thoughts?

    somebody probably already made a topic like this but it hasn't got approved yet, just in case nobody did I decided to make one. We know that Soros put about 20 billion dollars in on the protest against Trump, on Nov. 4th. HP Mageson wrote about it as being a way to push Trump out of office, and...
  72. Ignisalas

    "Diary of Anne Frank" and "Schinler's List"

    I remember when I was in school years ago, when I was only in the 8th grade my reading teacher gave out these parent permission slips for the students' parents to sign. It was about the movie "Schinler's List" that had graphic nudity and violence in it. My reading teacher made the 8th grade kids...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
