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  1. luis

    Hitler hugging a jew girl picture

    You are right, there is litteraly zero evidence that she Is jewish. There is no proof other than some jews that thought they could make some money and say bad things about Hitler at the same time...
  2. luis

    Unbinding the soul

    Lydia can I ask you did you have better results with general cleaning (of both the chakras and soul) or with specific freeing the soul workings? In my personal experience "general" cleaning helps a lot but for certain things i just need to do a working for it, like for specific health problems...
  3. luis

    Hitler hugging a jew girl picture

    But where is the proof that she is a jew?
  4. luis

    Pastor says Christians should welcome death and defy lockdown to go to church

    Xianity is all about dying. There is nothing weird here if you are a xian you have to accept that this is what this religion wants from you...
  5. luis

    Politica italiana

    Infatti, poi se gli Dei hanno detto di fare solo l'Rtr non vedo perché dobbiamo fare altro. Dobbiamo avere fiducia in quello che gli dei ci dicono di fare. Poi ho letto meglio è la firma verrà messa il 23 aprile (2*3=6 un altro numero ebraico) quindi c'è tempo, inoltre hanno cercato di fare...
  6. luis

    Is This The End For Humanity? [Spoiler: ...NOPE]

    If it's a real issue then yes but if it's just to chat with them obviously you should not do it normaly and even more now.
  7. luis

    Dream Response - What is Omyau?

    Honestly do not try if you are not sure. The only was to deal with high-sex drive is...sex. This is how i see it.
  8. luis

    Is This The End For Humanity? [Spoiler: ...NOPE]

    But it say that this is supposed to happen in the time from 2008 till 2023/2024 and it is happening, now that we are reaching 2023 this may happen before but the energy of the planets are there. This statement say that the government as we know it will end and something better Will be created...
  9. luis

    Politica italiana

    Hanno attivato il MES! Non riesco nemmeno a crederci. Lo hanno fatto durante le festività ebraiche quindi stanno cercando di usare l'energia di questa festività per far in modo che vada tutto avanti, non dobbiamo permetterglielo, dobbiamo distruggerli con le RTR!!! O faremo la fine della...
  10. luis

    Important Easter Week

    You need to do as much as you can if you feel physically bad after too many Rtr's then do less. You should not feel numb or in pain.
  11. luis

    Is This The End For Humanity? [Spoiler: ...NOPE]

    I know that there was going to be chaos before the jewish situation was going to be dealt with but living it is really crazy, more and more of this is looking like a movie, a very sci-fi one. I'm going to fight and I know me and my brother and sister in Satan are going to be protected but it's...
  12. luis

    become a God? - why these people "died"?

    We do not even know if these people did really raised their Kundalini, to begin with, they could have just been very advanced but still not have their kundalini raised. Another thing is that the enemy had the Earth full of curses to make the communication with the God's impossible. This was not...
  13. luis

    On Feeling Energy and Astral Senses

    As someone who started to meditate before the Final RTR (3 years before) I can say that yes they have it easier :lol: but even us who started before have it "easier" in some ways, for example, we have better control on our soul and still did many meditations who makes us much more powerful than...
  14. luis

    Unbinding the soul

    We argued about EA some time ago and after some time i realized the same thing you wrote here, there is obviously no Y sound it's just that english speaking people need to add it to pronunce it.
  15. luis

    The New Era

    What makes you say so?
  16. luis

    Judenpresse(J/News): Israel Passover lockdown

    The top jews do not have the Power to take such decisions either. There are two type of top jews, the spiritual and the political, they do not always work togheter. There is a large ammount of jews who do not like the spiritual ones and think they are useless. Even the current Prime minister...
  17. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Comunque in generale non vi fidate cecamente di nessun partito e politico. Come ho già detto Fratelli D'Italia mi piace molto e penso siano molto coerenti, un'altra cosa che mi fa fidare di più è che è stato fondato dalla Meloni soltanto andandosene via dal suo vecchio partito perché le hanno...
  18. luis

    What is the Veda? Is it a book of spells or something else?

    What you say makes sense, the only thing is if you do not raise your energy before the Rtr you are just going to use the energy you have in your soul in that moment, if you have meditated before the Rtr you already going to be strong enough but of course raising the energy a bit more is always...
  19. luis

    Judenpresse(J/News): Israel Passover lockdown

    You have to understand that not all jews know about magick and energy. Only the top ones know about it, they did not let every jews know because they are paranoid and scared that if everyone knows the gentile could find about it much faster. Even the lower jews that are religious they act like...
  20. luis

    Covid: Japan and China

    I'm not saying they are perfect I'm just saying that overall they have good things were not even Wester country have. They have been hit by the jews too like everyone else just much less when it come to certain things. Lolicon and stuff like this are in the anime industry (probabily put by the...
  21. luis

    Rabbi claims "Coronavirus Is Divine Punishment From "God" - Then Gets Coronavirus...LOL

    We do not know the full story here. They may have created It but maybe something went wrong and they are hit too and the vaccine may not be ready, who knows. They may be lying to make everyone feel bad about them but i'm not sure on this one because like the guy i posted here seemed sure that it...
  22. luis

    Are periods curses or natural?

    I honestly agree with you 100% many things that are natural for us should not be so painful. We are not living in the most natural way both physically and spiritually
  23. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Sinceramente per adesso preferisco la Meloni, conta che nessun partito si salva. Sia la destra che la sinistra (anche l'estrema destra) sono tutti creati e sostenuti da ebrei, chi più e chi meno. Trovo il partito di Fratelli d'Italia molto meno controllato, poi ovviamente gli errori umani ci...
  24. luis

    The New Era

    I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
  25. luis

    Rabbi claims "Coronavirus Is Divine Punishment From "God" - Then Gets Coronavirus...LOL

    Many Rabbi's are getting it which means our RTR is going really good. They are not protected anymore. The hits they are taking are huge.
  26. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Sulla frase ovviamente non possiamo fare i pignoli, queste persone non sono Sataniste purtroppo (almeno che non ci sia qualcuno all'interno che lo sia e finge per ovvi motivi di non esserlo) non possiamo pensare che loro usino frasi diverse, sono cose che si dicono in Italiano, non ci vedo...
  27. luis

    Rabbi claims "Coronavirus Is Divine Punishment From "God" - Then Gets Coronavirus...LOL

    I just found this and thought it was funny
  28. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Aggiungo a questo che mi sembra che il governo abbia magicamente cambiato rotta, ha anche accettato proposte buone del centrodestra. È ha detto no al Mes. Forse sono gli effetti della Rtr finale. Speriamo bene...
  29. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Aggiungo a questo che mi sembra che il governo abbia magicamente cambiato rotta, ha anche accettato proposte buone del centrodestra. È ha detto no al Mes. Forse sono gli effetti della Rtr finale. Speriamo bene.
  30. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Sono molto contento che abbiano scritto questo. Per me questo partito va oltre "essere di destra" come ideologia creata da ebrei, loro ci tengono all'Italia.
  31. luis

    COVID-19 Bioweapon India Takes China To International Court

    To kill any of his oppositions. There were many manifestations before against the Comunist government. The proplem is that it all backfired on them thanks to the Rtr and now it seems the government in China is even more hated than before which is a good thing.
  32. luis

    "There Are No Mediators In Satanism" =/= "Only God Can Judge Me"

    I feel like you would have done something really terrible to makes the God's not forgive you. I'm not talking anything normal but things that you would never could change back to normal like a pedo that abused many kids. I feel like even someone that has those feelings could be forgived but not...
  33. luis

    What is the Veda? Is it a book of spells or something else?

    Lately i've been wondering about the Veda, I've read some time ago here in the forum that the Veda is like a book of spells but by checking out the translations i just cannot see it, is it a book of spell somehow like the bible but without the syphoning of energy or what? And how do use it?
  34. luis

    5G And Co-Vid

    It target everything even xianity and islam. The Final Rtr destroy the Jews and everything they have created, spells or physical things. On top of this we have all the old rituals (both the old Rtr's and the old and new Rituals) that still are on the Astral and are made stronger the more we...
  35. luis

    Ho paura della verità

    Il meccanismo mentale di cui parli è semplice lavaggio del cervello fatto da quanto eri piccolo, è successo pure a me per parecchi anni che al solo leggere il nome Hitler o Satana mi spaventavo, molto stupida come cosa considerando che nei siti c'è una marea di materiale che spiega per bene il...
  36. luis

    Salvini? Come scusa?

    Dubito anche io, si sta comportando e si è sempre comportata meglio di Salvini. Non direbbe mai di aprire le chiese per Pasqua, è cristiana convinta ma più di fare qualche post tipo "Buona Pasqua" non direbbe mai di aprire le chiese perché in un momento del genere è una cosa stupida. Inoltre...
  37. luis

    5G And Co-Vid

    The Final Rtr is the only strong thing we can do right now, like any magick it takes time to manifest but the God's said we won if we keep going like now, of course the enemy will not sit and try everything they can until the last moment but we know they can only do so much damages but we will...
  38. luis

    5G And Co-Vid

    In Italy the 5G is being build by Huawei, thanks to the leftist government. I was watching a video of a right-wing politicians talking about this the other day and he said that this will create many security proplems because China could Spy on us. I do not remember the exact words but he said...
  39. luis

    Covid: Japan and China

    I love how the Japanese are still so strong and without too much jewish brainwashing (I know they are not perfect but honestly, I have seen far worse in Europe...). It's something that I asked myself too why the heck nobody is speaking about how the Chinese government tried to cover up the truth...
  40. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Sul creare divisioni intendevo in Italia e nel mondo in generale fra le persone non intendevo qui sul Forum. Sono d'accordo che siamo tutti SS è davvero non c'è nessuna divisione. Fine off-topic :P Su quando riguarda l'economia e quello che l'europa sta cercando di fare lascio questo link...
  41. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Personalmente frequento di più il forum Inglese per una questione di tempo. Ho visto che comunque qui ci sono molti membri competenti che rispondono alle domande e quindi io che vengo e dico la stessa cosa non mi sembra il caso, poi ovviamente rispondo se lo trovo necessario. Nel forum Inglese...
  42. luis

    What works well with biokinesis?

    I would go with the mantra Satans which is powerful and is for general use or use the Raum meds with High reps (if you can of course) because this empowers the soul and then use it for whatever. Just like any spell raise the energy, in this case, something more general and powerful like Satanas...
  43. luis

    Benefits of being healthy? (Spiritual wise)

    What do you mean by being healthy spiritually? If you mean having all the chakras clean, unblocked and empowered then, of course, this means that you are much more powerful, you can invoke much more energy thus making your spells much powerful. By having the soul and chakras clean means that the...
  44. luis

    Stealing energy and Walking on water

    Do not steal energy from people, animals, and plants. It's not a good thing to do plus the energy that would steal is full of negative energy. It's not like the energy of the sun or other planets. Candles do not have any special energy. Walking on water is possible but that is really advanced...
  45. luis

    Birthstrike... Staying childless to save the planet!!

    I saw a video about this some time ago, these woman's that follow this shit have all been tramautizated in some ways. So they are all Crazy that is why they follow this jewish "activists".
  46. luis

    Has anyone else been under psychic attack recently?

    While I think you are right but I too had a bad experience, I feel like they are attacking more, my astral sight isn't the best but I felt they were grey. They made me doubt satanism and literally had anxiety for a while. I do not know why this happened because there is no way I can doubt...
  47. luis

    They are definitely trying to do something in Italy with this...

    Of course they blame everything on Whites...I wonder were the homeless are...
  48. luis


    By "lucky" obviously I meant it as a "joke" I know they are just people that have worked their soul in a past life. For the numbers honestly, I do not have that much expectations but it's good to know that it won't take 100 years or worse as some said some time ago, it's a reasonable time, heck...
  49. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Personalmente odio come i Film Italiani si concentrano sulla feccia della nostra società, sempre a parlare di mafia e far sembrare gli Italiani dei poco di buono. Sono d'accordo con te che cercano in tutti i modo a gli Italiani di fargli odiare l'Italia e questo funziona in modo che le persone...
  50. luis


    She said that it's a message for everyone but that the years are average, for some it may take more or less. It depends on a lot of things but the Final RTR really helps a lot.
  51. luis

    The Torah Protected them Alright Lol

    If they keep going we may not even have spiritual resistance after this whole situation lol they shoot themself in the foot with this one :lol:
  52. luis

    They are definitely trying to do something in Italy with this...

    To be honest no but I'm not going out and I do not live in a place where there a lot. I have to ask some people that I know to see if they saw them.
  53. luis

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    It's no removed, it's just if you click his link it takes you to the page but there three points in the URL "..." so it gives an error, this is the right link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6u_OWyF6As&feature=youtu.be
  54. luis

    Throat Granthi

    I'm always happy to help my fellow SS :D Good luck!
  55. luis

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    From experience the Merkaba is a meditation that would show more powerful effects if you already more powerful. In my opinion having a cleaner soul (just enough not 100% clean) would make the effects show up much more. I did it when i was new and i had similar experiences to yours. About you...
  56. luis

    They are definitely trying to do something in Italy with this...

    Yours is 15, 1+5=6, another jewish number. Mine is 12 which is double 6. They are trying to do something with it 100%.
  57. luis

    Throat Granthi

    You should always use an affirmation after you have raised your energy even if you are just using a mantra to clean you must use an affirmation. For the Raum meds, I use an affirmation that state that all my chakras, aura and soul is always free and clean from any negative energy and blockages...
  58. luis


    I do agree with you and I do understand that everyone is different and it's going to take different time for everyone but we should have at least an average of years. Before I thought that it would take a lifetime to advance but after HP Shannon said that Azazel told her it takes average of 7-10...
  59. luis

    Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

    HP I've seen the same thing from my home in Italy some days ago! I never seen one before but i thought that they May be connected to this situation. I knew it want a star because it did move in a weird way and after a while it disappeared and this is not something that stars do... Another...
  60. luis

    Throat Granthi

    It's in here https://web.archive.org/web/20150330181914/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf Make sure to use a good affirmation for the Raum Meds and the Chariot of Ra, I use a cleaning affirmation for it.
  61. luis


    The soul and chakras takes their time to be clean and empowered, you could meditate all day and it would not make it quicker it would just burn you out. This is why we say that it takes time, now this doesn't mean that you can practice everyday telekinesis this will actually help you down the...
  62. luis

    Who created bodybuilding?

    Ok now I understand what you were trying to say, I agree balance is needed.
  63. luis


    You do not empower all the chakras every day? Raum meditations, Merkaba and using Cleaning mantra's like Raum, Surya, Vissuddhi and Thurisaz to clean and unblock your chakras, these are all things you should do. I just feel you do too little. You should empower each of your chakras every day...
  64. luis

    They are definitely trying to do something in Italy with this...

    I noticed something that I want to share here, this may be happening not only in Italy. We know that the Jews are trying to use the Virus situation for their World dominations, we also know that there are planets right now like Saturn in Aquarius that helps in limiting freedom and the Jews are...
  65. luis


    I do not know what level of advancement you are, if you are new it will probabily takes you a lot of time before you can move objects. You need to be pretty powerful which can takes years, you can practice telekinesis as even this can speed up the process but you need to know that it will take...
  66. luis

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    The point of Void meditation is to make you develop the skill to concentrate on a single taks without thinking about something else which will diluite the energy of the spell thus making it less powerful. Let's say you are doing a spell and while you vibrate a mantra you are thinking about...
  67. luis

    Who created bodybuilding?

    No need to offend gays, having a good looking butt is something both for hetero and gays, a lot of girls like good looking butt. It's not femminine in any way. I do agree that balance is needed in the body. If you look at the Greek Gods, they are balanced, if anything there is both something...
  68. luis


    It's different for everyone and i do not know what meditations you do everyday you may be doing too little or not the right meditations. Another super important thing is that it will take 10 years to raise the Kundalini for most Satanist now that we are doing the Final Rtr, this is because the...
  69. luis

    Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

    I have faith that if we all keep doing the Final RTR as much as we can the enemy will be destroyed, I've already seen many positive manifestations for us, Europe (at least in Italy I do not know elsewhere) have been exposed a lot here, there are many people's asking and screaming that Italy...
  70. luis

    Papa fa richiesta ai xstiani

    Ti capisco ma per il tuo bene e meglio che ti controlli. Mio padre ha comparato quello che faccio ai musulmani -_- anche se mi ha fatto arrabbiare mi sono controllato e gli ho detto che facevo yoga e non aveva niente a che vedere con quello che fanno i musulmani.
  71. luis

    Jews: Destroying Civilization, Economy, World... Over "CoVID"...To Protect The Elderly...LOL

    Remember that the God's said to Maxine that we won (which means that if we keep doing the RTR like we are doing now in the future the victory is ours) so do not even think they can pull off anything at all. They can make humanity suffer for a bit but it will all backfire to them hard, even...
  72. luis

    Papa fa richiesta ai xstiani

    Calmati, che te ne frega cosa pensano gli altri di quello che fai? Non potrai mai dire loro che sei un SS ed è meglio che pensano che tu sia Buddista o se proprio non ti piace digli che fai Yoga. Nello yoga ci sono i mantra.
  73. luis


    It takes many many years to be advanced, let alone having these powers when you are pretty much new, we are talking about even as far as 10 years to raise the kundalini if you do everything correctly.
  74. luis

    Improving Lung Health

    Thank you this makes sense for something that I have, I think I've read somewhere that the gut is connected to the lungs which also makes sense. I'm constipated and bloating and I think this may be IBS (i have not been diagnosticated for it), I'm using magick to fix this and I think it's...
  75. luis

    Hps Just Confused need explanations plz ?

    1. You do not need to know the original name of the reptiles or anything like that. There is no need for it. 2. Wut? We are destroying their very essence and all their magick they ever did and will ever try to do with the Final RTR, they are not the Sun God or whatever God, they are just...
  76. luis

    How to use energy balls to communicate with other satanists...?

    You can do this but if the other SS is not spiritually open then he cannot receive the message...
  77. luis

    Papa fa richiesta ai xstiani

    Ma tutte le scuole non dovrebbero essere chiuse scusa? Ovviamente se è una cosa che non puoi evitare fallo e poi pulisci la tua anima e fai ogni giorno l'RTR Finale (ovviamente se possibile capisco che ci sono persone che vivono in posti dove non proprio possibile per genitori o altro che non...
  78. luis

    How to use energy balls to communicate with other satanists...?

    You either both have the ability to comunicate telepaticaly or there is not other way spirituality speacking.
  79. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    To be honest i think all of this situation will last until this summer. Which is pretty bad for the economy and I'm pretty sure the jews will be exposed. Only time can tell.
  80. luis

    Improving Lung Health

    Central thank you for writing this :) Can I ask you something, do you think if someone has skin problems is there any problems with the Lungs?
  81. luis

    Are the Chinese human?

    How can you say this knowing about the jews? If they really did all of this is because of the JEWISH COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT and that is it. If they would make you work all day without giving you food and little to no money I'm sure you would have eaten a Rat too. If some Chinese do eat these...
  82. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    That is Dailymail fault for not understanding that is a joke. He always say funny things like that but obviously it's not for real.
  83. luis


    Final Rtr that is all you need to do. If it was easy to get rid of them now we would have already done it. It takes time unfortunately...
  84. luis

    Confessions of a Potard

    These type of drugs open holes in your aura and damage your soul, if you meditate while doing these things it's like trying always fix something that you always broke. Good luck in your journey, make sure to stay away from these things, do a spell if needed and with time meditations will help...
  85. luis

    White People, The BEST of this World

    Black should all be with Blacks in their own country and same with Whites and Asians, whatever they are good and developed or not. There is no need to say that one race is better than another or whatever as we are not at full "power" the jews stripped all gentiles of real spirituality and the...
  86. luis

    Any good affirmation for an immigration working?

    Look I don't care what anyone says but I do not like Salvini either, I do think he is better than any leftist party but I think Fratelli D'Italia (Meloni party) is much much better. He has said and done so many stupid things even if he does have better politics he still looks dumb for some...
  87. luis

    Transitting Saturn over chartruler and Venus

    CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN AND AURA OF PROTECTION is your only answer here. Seriously do these things and it will all go well.
  88. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    To be honest I believe they will be exposed and destroyed before the God's returns. Hopefully, this is the case and we can get rid of them and make the world better, think about it if they are exposed and everyone will know the truth then the God's could contact the planet Earth and speak with...
  89. luis

    March 25 - RTR Syncing Tool, Vatican Retaliation

    HP can you create a post about spamming the Final Rtr from 25 march until the end of April? In this way it will reach every SS.
  90. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    If they are getting this desperate it means good news for us :) Thank you for the explaination.
  91. luis

    Israeli doctor in Italy: We no longer help those over 60

    That would only happen when the jews will be exposed and not trusted anymore, until then there is really nothing we can do.
  92. luis

    Any good affirmation for an immigration working?

    After all this coronavirus situation has ended I think Italy will never see a leftist government ever again lol Hopefully with the RTR's we can make this happen, the enemy is exposing themself too much to where there is no going back for them even here in Italy. For JoJo the affirmation could be...
  93. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol
  94. luis

    Throat Granthi

    Every chakra is blocked, this is because there is negative karma/energy in there, to advance spiritually you need to clean you aura and chakras every day, for some chakras that are more blocked you can do the things that Psychxdeliclove666 told you (Raum, Surya, Thurisaz [Thaur is the more...
  95. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    Yep i did i mistake, I'm sorry! Luckily there is time still and everyone can do the Rtr at noon!
  96. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    I've found the English news https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2020/03/22/pope-francis-calls-christians-worldwide-combat-coronavirus-pandemic-midday-prayer if anyone is interested, I've made a mistake the hour is at noon, not midnight like I said (Thank you Lydia for letting me know <3)...
  97. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake
  98. luis

    SS Rituals For March 14th to March 24th

    HP how much of the Final Rtr do you think we should do? I thought of doing 6 per day and hopefully a bit more if possible, if i divide 2 in the moring, 2 in the evening and 2 at night i can definitely do it.
  99. luis

    The Runic Soma Sophia

    Thank you this is interesting, it would be cute to know one day the Greek kabballah but in the end they are all derivated from sanskrit so there is no really need to use it if you already use the runes and sanskrit.
  100. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    Yes! This time arround it will not go well for them! For any Italian SS here if you can make sure the 25 march at 12 am you do the Rtr as much as you can! (Of course even the days before and After but the 25 make sure to give them a little more of "love" to the enemy ;) )
  101. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    Yep plus the pope is asking to do it at 12 am because this is one of the best moment of the day for magick/meditations. It has to do with the power of the sun. He has knowladge of magick, this is obvious if you are a SS.
  102. luis

    Curse and Camn You, Astrology!

    Some advanced disciplines like these may take a long time to learn, you are not stupid but everyone has different abilities and negative Karma that May make you slower on certain things. The Key to this is spiritual advancment, before i really was not good at Logic things and my Memory was not...
  103. luis

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.aleteia.org/2020/03/22/il-papa-invita-i-capi-delle-chiese-cristiane-alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/ Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which...
  104. luis

    Italy research, 99% of Coronavirus deaths had other diseases

    The same thought that I had, honestly this is all very suspicious. The jews definitely are planning something not good, they want to get a lot of money with the vaccines that they have created ((coincidentally)) they started to research for one before the coronavirus was a thing and we do not...
  105. luis

    Looking Past "Co-Vid As A Pandemic" Into The Political Aspect

    This is will denitely escalate in a revolution (at least in Italy) people's where arleady fedup. I already knew that it would take something this bad to wake up people's to the truth, normaly people's are so busy that they don't try to see the Truth but now that they are home in a bad situation...
  106. luis

    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    And the virus doesn't spread by air so that is stupid.
  107. luis

    Italy Has No Plan B

    This situation will 100% escalate to a revolution, i do not believe we will loose as the God's already said that we will win. The point is that the Rtr will create the situation where people's understand who the enemy is and will revolt. I always thought that winning this war would have not...
  108. luis

    Intelligence Working

    Oh sorry, I did not understand that. Well still for anyone that would have used a wrong affirmation my post is still valid. There are many newbies around here and I do not want them to do it the wrong way.
  109. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    You do not understand what HP Maxine said, she did not say that a White with darker feature is not worth or not White enough or not able to advance or anything like this, she has darker features. The point is originally we where with much lighter features, I believe even the Whites that had not...
  110. luis

    Throat Granthi

    Use Raum to clean your aura and chakras, vibrate Raum into each of your seven chakras too, what I do is 20 reps of Raum for each of my seven chakras plus 76 reps concentrating a white light on my whole body, the total is 216 if you can't do this number do less and adjust as you wish. Cleaning is...
  111. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    The one you linked is a good topic. I want to say that even if she said that of course, this depends on you, there are some who may take a bit more or a bit less, this depends on what meditations you do every day, how much and how advanced you already are. But in general, you can do it in a...
  112. luis

    A Most Decisive Time For The War

    Is it possible for you to tell them that you just do Yoga for relaxation? There many studies online that show the benefits of chanting a mantra, show them this and they should not question it. Even if you do the bare minimum it's better than nothing. If they are the type that will say or do bad...
  113. luis

    Cursing a mentally unstable person

    Do it. Disease or not if he is bothering you and other people's to where he puts your lives in dangers then there is no excuses. Make sure to use a good affirmation.
  114. luis

    Intelligence Working

    The affirmation is not enough. Something like this could be better: In a positive way for me now i'm always more intelligent forever". Something similar to this would be better.
  115. luis

    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    I do not care about Israel but yes if the government is full of jews or goyms then they could do it in gentile nations...
  116. luis

    A Most Decisive Time For The War

    Not only I feel the energy of the planet much cleaner but I do feel more "light" like the pressure of the negative energy has been lifted off me, I even feel more powerful. This is a golden time to attack them harder, with the church closed they do not have the same energy anymore, they are weak...
  117. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    Nope read this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=22613&p=102016#p99781 About the pure part i was not sure this is why i asked, maybe the God's have some technology for making Whites that are not 100% pure more pure or maybe they don't. We'll know in the future.
  118. luis


    Yes, I agree with this 100%, now that you are home and do not need to work do more RTR! It's not only an Italy problem if they crash the global economy which they are trying to do. This has manifested a bit faster on Italy because of Xianity and their ugly energies that here are more...
  119. luis

    Complete SS Calendar for 2020

    Lydia if he is a SS just ask the God's to ((politely)) fuck him over...you can't tollerate this situation :o
  120. luis

    Clarification on covid Italy

    Well they hided in in the beginning then obviously it's reaching a situation where you can't really hide it anymore. What they did is not Hide It from their population because obviousy if many dies everyday they will know something is wrong but they hide it from other nations so the economy...
  121. luis

    Clarification on covid Italy

    Yes! They are saying that China is so friendly with Italy and all these bullshits...
  122. luis

    The Psychic Warfare Of World War Two

    You can "project" your mind wherever you want and see what is happening there (this is through space and time which means that you can see even other planets and back in the past or in the future even if this obviously is difficult and you should be advanced to have good results).
  123. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    I'm gay so it's not going to happen plus it has been said before that the Magnum Opus can be do in a lifetime (actually in 20 years of meditations now thanks to the Final Rtr you can become a God if you do everything right) so there is no need for reincarnation. I do belive either you can become...
  124. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    Yes you are right but if there was another government (a good/decent one) then doing things as soon everything started would have been the best thing. With this government not really because they do not care about the Italians.
  125. luis

    Clarification on covid Italy

    The other Europeans countries are not saying the truth about how many infected they have and how many died of this virus, they are scared that it will happen the same thing that happened to the Italian economy.
  126. luis

    Help contacting Guardian Demon

    You will never be 100% sure because you need to be somewhat advanced to know who he/she is, this takes many years. I personally have an idea of who he is but because my astral senses are not fully open i don't fully know.
  127. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    In my opinion if they did this from the very start, we would have been safe from the virus to spread and have much less infected. Economically we would have been in the same situation because this economy does not work and the Jews alway try to fuck us up but at least the virus would have not...
  128. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    I know what you said, what i'm talking about is if someone that has this feature can change it back to be more pure without reincarnating. If everyone becomes Immortal then there is no point to reincarnate so can they become racially pure without reincarnate in another body? This is what i tried...
  129. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    They are waiting that it spread just like they did in Italy. If in Italy would have done things faster we would have not been in this situation.
  130. luis

    The Psychic Warfare Of World War Two

    Without Rtr too! Which mean we did go against them when their magick was the strongest and we almost win by a inch. Now that we have the Rtr's i don't have any doubt that we are going to win. This is what every SS should think.
  131. luis

    SS Rituals For March 14th to March 24th

    Sorry, I did not mean this, I asked how the Italian Jos sites are doing. I'm actually from Italy so I know pretty well how we are doing :(
  132. luis

    Dannato Coronavirus

    Siamo sotto la protezione degli Dei quindi stai tranquillo, spiritualmente spero tu sappia cosa fare. Per il resto io penso che le cose non andranno così male, quello che mi preoccupa più di tutto è l'economia che è crollata e l'Europa che ha dimostrato che non gliene frega niente e anzi lo...
  133. luis

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    I think you may be right and they are trying to do worse with us, they are trying to crash our economy so they can control us better like how they did with Greece. I hope this situation will backfire on them and they can be finally be exposed for what they really are. It's kinda scary to be...
  134. luis

    SS Rituals For March 14th to March 24th

    How is Italy? I always thought our Italian community would be the second biggest in here, or am I wrong? As far as I can remember finding the Italian Jos at my time was quite easy.
  135. luis

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    The problem is what if they force this on people's...by the way here in Italy I have not heard the news about this Vaccine from Israel, which is really weird, I don't know why they are keeping this a "secret" maybe they are scared that this will expose them or something.
  136. luis

    Incest in Astrology? And 15 of Leo in North Node

    Of course, this mostly comes from traumas either in this life on in a past life. Sometimes sex deprivations create this too. The mother was alone for a long time without the father and could have groomed her kid, it's really disgusting and sick but it does happen. Meditation and normal sex life...
  137. luis

    SS Rituals For March 14th to March 24th

    The Europe (and the Left in general) at least in Italy has been exposed so hard that I doubt there is a turning back for them. I really don't like this situation in Italy but the enemy exposed themself so much that I can't thank this virus enough lol There always be idiots that will praise the...
  138. luis

    Opening The Soul

    Yes but I'm pretty sure it's not so strict. Some energy could work well with other planets and so on, this does not mean that each rune does not have a Planet that rules them but they are not so strict.
  139. luis

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    But what does this mean? Does it mean that a White that is not racially pure can purify themself and become 100% White? Or it doesn't matter?
  140. luis

    I just wanna know If I'm wrong

    You are your biological gender and that is it. If you are a male and feel like you have both qualities (like you have both male and female stereotypical qualities) then it's totally normal, I'm a male and I'm not the most stereotypical masculine guy, I have many feminine qualities an that is it...
  141. luis

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    I have faith in what we are fighting for, so i can't believe things will get to the point that the majority of people's die but it's definitely scarry. I'm more scared about the economy in Italy right now, the good news is that Europe is exposing themself so much that there is really no...
  142. luis

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    Yeah, i do not trust them over anything. This could very well be a Samson option for them, they are like if they can't be enslaved they better be dead... The only thing if this vaccine is tested and many start to drop dead this will expose them so much that nobody will trust them ever again.
  143. luis

    Opening The Soul

    I think runes are not so strict to what are they connected. The energy of Thor is quite fiery and kind reminde me of the energy of Mars in some way. This rune is good to open the Crown (Jupiter) chakras because the fiery/electric energy of it helps open blocked chakras. The Th it is used to open...
  144. luis

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    Even the most normies that i have spoked about this said that it's impossible that is a coincidence...
  145. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Stronza ebrea della BCE dice cazza all'Italia e ci tratta come un paese di merde, questo video è interessante: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxvmxhhmBU0 Comunque come avevo già detto stanno cercando di sfruttare questa situazione del virus per distruggere l'Italia...
  146. luis


    Start to meditate, clean your soul and chakras and do an aura of protection everyday, Hatha yoga, Kundalini Yoga and empower your chakras, you will feel better by doing this. If things don't change (It may take some time even up to a year or more of really severe) you can do a specific spell to...
  147. luis

    Increasing repititions + additional questions.

    The smaller chakras are connected to the main 7 chakras and to others through the Nadi system. It's normal if they get activated even if you do not work on them.
  148. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Vero, ma sono abbastanza sicuro che dopo questa situazione la sinistra non governerà più per un bel po' di tempo. Già il fatto che il governo abbia accettato molte proposte del centrodestra fa capire che loro non sanno fare molto e che le proposte più sensate non sono state fatte da loro. Questa...
  149. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Il menefreghismo è grave ma è anche colpa del governo che ha fatto comunicazioni schizofreniche, prima non era niente che un'influenza e tutti quanti erano razzisti contro i cinesi e dovevamo andare ad abbracciarli poi invece abbiamo cominciato ad andare in una pandemia? A chi dovevano credere...
  150. luis

    Increasing repititions + additional questions.

    You can increase vibrations, from my experience as i did it many times it works and the working is not ruined. About the cleaning yes you can do two, remember that cleaning and protection can be considerated meditations so you do not have to worry about doing too much (if you can handle the...
  151. luis

    How long should one wait in between workings?

    You do not need to wait between meditations, only on workings. The affirmation look good, i'd vibrate Raum or Surya on each of your seven chakras so they will be cleaned more.
  152. luis

    2.5 trillion wiped out as stocks crash worse since 2008,Fed might attempt bailout

    Sorry HP i know that this is a bit off-topic here but have the God's spoke about the situation? Should we be worried? I'm more worried about the economy right now and of course in Italy the jews are doing big damages. Should we do more Final Rtr? Is there a light in this tunnel? It would really...
  153. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Stanno facendo di tutto per prendere il controllo dell'Italia e anche del resto dell'Europa, cercano di indebolirci per poi attaccarci senza far capire niente, non aiuta il governo che abbiamo adesso :x La nostra unica speranza è che con l'Rtr Finale riesca a trasformare la situazione in...
  154. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    All Italy is sealed now...I'm not worried about the Virus I'm worried about the economy...this Leftist government is doing on purpouse. We need to do more Final Rtr so it can all backfire on them. The good news is that all the church in Italy are closed until next month, i know that they can...
  155. luis

    La situazione in Italia è grave

    Come tutti sapete l'Italia è in una situazione disastrosa, non per il virus ma per l'economia. Con i provvedimenti del governo l'Italia entrerà in una grave crisi economica, per colpa della stupida incompetenza del governo, stanno cercando di approvare ad insaputa di tutti il MES che significa...
  156. luis

    Are the Jews using the CoronaVirus to take over the nations?

    I was reading this https://kabbalahexposed.com/Purim.html and soon it's Purim and Esther, the curse of Purim should be the one they use to overthrow gentile kings and rule gentiles nations right? What if they are using the CoronaVirus to crash down the economy and rule these nations? I mean if...
  157. luis

    Christian Witchcraft

    Interesting, they basically did witchcraft and they did not even realize what they where doing... Church in Italy are closed until next month, I hope this give us a boost!
  158. luis

    Death - but not suicide

    You'll reincarnate (it could take a lot of years if there is not a compatible body) but you'll have the same soul with the same negative Karma which mean that you'll experience again anything bad that you have experienced in this life. This is why suicide is stupid, cleaning your soul will...
  159. luis

    How long should one wait in between workings?

    If you are in a hurry even 5/10 minutes is good and generaly what i do is 10 minutes between workings. The more you wait the better but if you are in a hurry 10 minutes is enough.
  160. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    HP i do not think this news is true, i can't find anything in Italy news about it.
  161. luis

    A Little Chaos, A Little Bernie Sanders, And What This Reveals

    I agree, in this world the only thing that can wake up the sleeping NPC's is pain. This is the only way. SS should not worry because you are protected (if you do what you are supposed to do) and your loved one are too, it doesn't mean that some will not suffer a bit at all but they are far more...
  162. luis

    Capitalism Isn’t much different than communism

    Some years ago i found a job that i did for like two week before breacking down (I was meditating during this) 10 hours per day for 20 euros which is litteraly nothing for this type of job, It was a pretty heavy job too, i did not sit around and the owner told his costumer that i was too slow...
  163. luis

    Glorious Victory By Hindus

    Even if corrupted in some ways they still worship the true God's and it's not as bad as other religions that worships jewish thoughtforms and have crazy "corruptions" in them. Hindu's feel much better energetically than anyone else that pray to jewboo or any other jewish thoughtform.
  164. luis

    How old can you be to advance spiritually?

    And died. That is the problem, this means that there is a limit to where you can't advance spiritually enough to where you can do the Magnum Opus or at least extend your lifespan. Of course, I don't know the full story so I can't say it fo sure, he could have not done enough meditations or maybe...
  165. luis

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    The other nations are not telling the truth, that is obvious. They will tell the truth only when half of the nations will be infected.
  166. luis

    How old can you be to advance spiritually?

    There are some family members who are in my opinion open-minded enough to where I can see them someday starting to meditate and be an SS, I don't know when that day is but I know they will become an SS. The problem is that they are old if they start now they could do it but the question is how...
  167. luis

    Munka 108x too much for a begginer and why someone is still talking to me am i insane?

    Doing 108 won't damage your nervous system. I think you are just paranoic and the voice in your head it's just a big mental problem. It can be fixed but it will probabily take time. If you can't do vibration, just use affirmations everyday even way more than 40 days. You could even register...
  168. luis

    Birth on a Void Moon

    I guess the Void of Moon gived him his Genius and eccentric nature. Thank you i will try to look him up. My mom was born on a Void of Moon and the house affected by it Is the house of childrens so i don't know how this played out in her life and in how it's going to play out in me and my Brother...
  169. luis

    Is it completely bad to bad a electronic object during Mercury retrograde? Any experience?

    Yeah you are right, i was kind excited yesterday to have found this deal that i asked anyway :lol: but yep this is the most logical thing to do.
  170. luis

    Is it completely bad to bad a electronic object during Mercury retrograde? Any experience?

    As the title of my topic, is it that bad? Does anyone have any experience with it? I just found a great deal on something and i don't know if i can wait to buy it after the Mercury retrograde...
  171. luis

    Birth on a Void Moon

    Does anyone know a celebrity or successful person that was born on a void o moon? Just so we can study how it made a difference in their life, of course, this person should have the hour and day of birth know publicly so we cans study their chart.
  172. luis

    talk to animals.

    It can definitely happen, from my experience. It's quite magical how wonderful this is :)
  173. luis

    South Korea; Christian cult members over half of the Coronavirus infected

    I was actually thinking about this but for Italy, the Vatican is here which is their main "antenna", could it be this why Italy seems to always have a lot of problems?
  174. luis

    A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

    Savage will probabily start to kill dogs and Pets now :cry: This is worrying more than the virus. And of course the fact that with Animals it will spread even more to the humans. Fucking kikes.
  175. luis

    World Banks 2017 pandemic insurance

    Fuck I hate how this economy is, it's not realistic for the needs of the people's but it's all based around how fucking much money jews can steal...
  176. luis

    The Communist Regime Unleased The Pandemic As Warfare

    Leftist are stupid, it's not impossible to think that they want Italy to suffer economicaly. If they listened to the right-wing politicians we would have been much more safe now.
  177. luis

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    Should we trust the news that Israel will have a vaccine ready in three weeks? I do not trust them at all but it's not impossible to think that they wanted to profit from this and so they were the ones that created the whole situation to make money by selling the vaccine to other nations and by...
  178. luis

    Hindus Shut Down Churches

    Even if Hinduism is corrupted they still worship our God's and so they are quite open to them (at least more than a xian/other jewish religion) and so I guess our RTR has a fast effect on them more than others. Really good news lately, keep it up with the Final RTR :)
  179. luis

    Israeli scientists developing a coronavirus vaccine

    Wait aren't they going to make a lot of money out of this? First the masks then the vaccine...what if they created the virus but they were ready with the vaccine already so that they not only make a shit ton of money out of this but play the "we are saviors so don't hate us" card? All of this is...
  180. luis

    The prophecy of John of Jerusalem

    There is no such thing as prophecy. They wrote this only to encode occult things and to use them for their spells to control the world. Now that we are doing the Final RTR they don't have power to do anything and their "prophecy's" mean nothing to us.
  181. luis

    Finland on the Verge

    Finaly xianity will end! The Final Rtr is doing is job :D
  182. luis

    Growing up to be a Satanist.

    My experience was similar to you in some way. There is really nothing you can do about it, just start to meditate and do your best!
  183. luis


    This means that the enemy is trying to weaken gentiles and to trigger a global economic crisis...i think so they can rule the world. It's really scarry, but with the Final Rtr it should all backfire on them.
  184. luis

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    If there is a Human or God that help you empower your soul then yes you could advance a bit. If you are advanced enough you can sustain your astral body but you can't advance that much. Look if you are a SS that does the correct meditations everyday you do not have to think about death, you can...
  185. luis

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    Are you trolling? Don't make me waste time.
  186. luis

    Jews planning to bring coronavirus to India

    What should we Italians SS do? Should we be worried? Luckily my mother is open minded enough to understand that we should stock up but still i don't think we have enough money to stock up for a month... I'm from the South of Italy where until now there is no emergency but still it's fucking...
  187. luis

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    Well you can't lol at best in your astral body you can attract energy with your mind but because this is less powerful than vibrating a mantra it's not the best way to advance.
  188. luis

    Jews planning to bring coronavirus to India

    In these days in Italy, there are 6 new cases of people's with the Coronavirus in North Italy, the problem in Italy is the Government that we have now :(
  189. luis

    The Withering Away Of The Soul

    You need the body to do Asana, breathing exercise and vibrate mantra's. Think about it, it's only natural that you would need the body.
  190. luis

    9 year old boy bullied to death for being white

    Londstain is real...it's not anymore White and the other race's are teached to hate Whites :(
  191. luis


    Yep, I was going to replay with the same message, it's not that impossible to think that they have intel on vaccines. I do agree that it's really a difficult argument- I'm sure not all vaccines are bad but unfortunately for a normal guy it's impossible to know what is bad and what is good...us...
  192. luis

    Why Do Democrats Want The Guns?

    Don't worry I understand what you tried to say ;)
  193. luis

    HP Slothz

    I doubt the Egyptians could do such an unnatural practice...
  194. luis

    What is the real meaning of 3:00 am, besides being Satan's time ???

    Isn't the Magnum Opus started at 3 AM during Spring Equinox?
  195. luis

    Kundalini può causare danni fisici?

    La Kundalini vera è propria non può risalire in una persona non pronta però è possibile che qualcuno che pratica delle meditationi sbagliate possa avere qualche risalita di energia simile alla kundalini e provocare problemi. Ovviamente se sei un Satanista spirituale, pratichi le giuste...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
