Santa is an anagram for Satan, as it should be evident. The enemy throws a tantrum and tries to state this was some form of Coca Cola ad and that it was a marketing type of thing. I have written on Santa before and what Santa means, and how it emerged as a symbol of our mind, all in all.
This is Satan trolling them and taking back his own holiday, literally, in front of the jews. He dresses as a chubby guy with glasses and comes out of our unconscious mind based only on a change of a letter, ready to rock for the holidays. A symbol friendly for kids, and as always, Satan wins on the youth. Kids glow in happiness when they are presented with Santa, and meaning and happiness is embed during the holidays because of Santa.
Santa's colors are red, white and black, the colors of the three stages of the Magnum Opus, but also the spiritual colors of Egypt. Satan is represented as Odin essentially, as he is a form of culture based on that. Kids only enjoy Yule because of Santa. Behind this fable for little kids, as with any other Pagan allegory, there is deep and very spiritual meaning. From the general Pagan lore and the unconscious mind of people, did arise the notion of "Santa", with a very revealing name.
Kids are supposed to make wishes and write letters to Santa to get their gifts. During the night of Yule, Santa visits, to deliver these gifts to them. He comes from the top of he world, such as all Pagan head deities did, like Olympus or Meru. The mountains are frosty but he is warm and cozy on top of them.
When the time is right at the 23rd of Yule, he visits on top of your house, and goes through the chimney. This is symbolic of the Crown chakra which is symbolic of Odin and therefore Santa, as Odin rules the Crown. The Chimney will be smoking, showing that your fire is lighted. The top of the head appears like a 'smoking chimney'. He will fall from the Chimney, he will get into your house.
Then, if he finds milk and cookies, he will grant your wish, and leave you happily. Milk here is symbolic of the Soma elixir, which is essential for the soul, while cookies are symbolic of food and gestation. Both these elements are required to manifest something.
If Santa finds you a good kid, he will leave your gifts beneath your Yule Tree. The Yule Tree in itself is a symbol of the Soul or the tree of life, predating judeochristianity by thousands of years. Still christians look upon the tree with hatred. On the head or pinnacle of the Tree you have a star.
Traditionally the trees were decorated with red decorative tape or red balls. These red balls are symbolic of the personal workings and goals of the ear, while the Yule Star or pentagram is symbolic of the Venus or generative energy.
If you have a good tree, cookies and milk, good Santa or Satan Odin will grant you your wishes, and you will have a prosperous year ahead.
In some tales Santa also comes and kisses kids on the head when they sleep, or leaves something as a gift beneath their pillow. Then he departs again from the Chimney. If your Chimney was too hot when he entered, Santa cannot come in, as such the traditional joke of Santa burning his pants when trying to get in. It is important to be pure but not to burn your house down. The fire and stove is the base chakra. The Chimney is basically the shushumna or middle of the soul.
Santa comes to us with reindeers, typically 6 reindeers, and he is the 7th one, symbolic of the Crown chakra. He has little workers who do prepare the gifts who are in the millions, the Elves, who are symbolic of the light of the soul. Santa puts them in motion depending on the requests of the kids to make them their gifts.
This is the core of our beliefs, a faith of purity, serenity and sanity of mind, natural and beautiful. People only like December because of Santa and Yule.
A jewish racist imposter is "celebrated" by nobody in its gloomy vampiric birth. It cries on the corner because nobody likes it. Boo hoo hoo! Nobody cares. Vampiric Jeboo just sits in the farm where he was born and cries along the pigs in Israel in high pitch schreeching.
Santa laughs at him and eats cookies and milk, and steps over him with the reindeer carriage for epic winz. Then rabbi jewsus whimps and screams "annuda shoah!!".
So make sure you've been 'good boys' and 'girls' this year (and very vey evil goys), that you properly prepared your soul, did your workings, did good deeds, and advanced to become better, and "Santa" comes with gifts for everyone. Yuletide and the night of the 23rd are in celebration of Satan, and a good time for all Satanist to introspect on their relationship with the Gods.
Santa, symbolic of the spiritual energy and force, rewards more or less, and answers the wishes, if one has been spiritual during the year. This is the spiritual concept behind Yuletide, and the reason of celebration.
Happy Yuletide to all of our Spiritual Satanists, and may Satan bless you with endless gifts, material and spiritual.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is Satan trolling them and taking back his own holiday, literally, in front of the jews. He dresses as a chubby guy with glasses and comes out of our unconscious mind based only on a change of a letter, ready to rock for the holidays. A symbol friendly for kids, and as always, Satan wins on the youth. Kids glow in happiness when they are presented with Santa, and meaning and happiness is embed during the holidays because of Santa.
Santa's colors are red, white and black, the colors of the three stages of the Magnum Opus, but also the spiritual colors of Egypt. Satan is represented as Odin essentially, as he is a form of culture based on that. Kids only enjoy Yule because of Santa. Behind this fable for little kids, as with any other Pagan allegory, there is deep and very spiritual meaning. From the general Pagan lore and the unconscious mind of people, did arise the notion of "Santa", with a very revealing name.
Kids are supposed to make wishes and write letters to Santa to get their gifts. During the night of Yule, Santa visits, to deliver these gifts to them. He comes from the top of he world, such as all Pagan head deities did, like Olympus or Meru. The mountains are frosty but he is warm and cozy on top of them.
When the time is right at the 23rd of Yule, he visits on top of your house, and goes through the chimney. This is symbolic of the Crown chakra which is symbolic of Odin and therefore Santa, as Odin rules the Crown. The Chimney will be smoking, showing that your fire is lighted. The top of the head appears like a 'smoking chimney'. He will fall from the Chimney, he will get into your house.
Then, if he finds milk and cookies, he will grant your wish, and leave you happily. Milk here is symbolic of the Soma elixir, which is essential for the soul, while cookies are symbolic of food and gestation. Both these elements are required to manifest something.
If Santa finds you a good kid, he will leave your gifts beneath your Yule Tree. The Yule Tree in itself is a symbol of the Soul or the tree of life, predating judeochristianity by thousands of years. Still christians look upon the tree with hatred. On the head or pinnacle of the Tree you have a star.
Traditionally the trees were decorated with red decorative tape or red balls. These red balls are symbolic of the personal workings and goals of the ear, while the Yule Star or pentagram is symbolic of the Venus or generative energy.
If you have a good tree, cookies and milk, good Santa or Satan Odin will grant you your wishes, and you will have a prosperous year ahead.
In some tales Santa also comes and kisses kids on the head when they sleep, or leaves something as a gift beneath their pillow. Then he departs again from the Chimney. If your Chimney was too hot when he entered, Santa cannot come in, as such the traditional joke of Santa burning his pants when trying to get in. It is important to be pure but not to burn your house down. The fire and stove is the base chakra. The Chimney is basically the shushumna or middle of the soul.
Santa comes to us with reindeers, typically 6 reindeers, and he is the 7th one, symbolic of the Crown chakra. He has little workers who do prepare the gifts who are in the millions, the Elves, who are symbolic of the light of the soul. Santa puts them in motion depending on the requests of the kids to make them their gifts.
This is the core of our beliefs, a faith of purity, serenity and sanity of mind, natural and beautiful. People only like December because of Santa and Yule.
A jewish racist imposter is "celebrated" by nobody in its gloomy vampiric birth. It cries on the corner because nobody likes it. Boo hoo hoo! Nobody cares. Vampiric Jeboo just sits in the farm where he was born and cries along the pigs in Israel in high pitch schreeching.
Santa laughs at him and eats cookies and milk, and steps over him with the reindeer carriage for epic winz. Then rabbi jewsus whimps and screams "annuda shoah!!".
So make sure you've been 'good boys' and 'girls' this year (and very vey evil goys), that you properly prepared your soul, did your workings, did good deeds, and advanced to become better, and "Santa" comes with gifts for everyone. Yuletide and the night of the 23rd are in celebration of Satan, and a good time for all Satanist to introspect on their relationship with the Gods.
Santa, symbolic of the spiritual energy and force, rewards more or less, and answers the wishes, if one has been spiritual during the year. This is the spiritual concept behind Yuletide, and the reason of celebration.
Happy Yuletide to all of our Spiritual Satanists, and may Satan bless you with endless gifts, material and spiritual.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666