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Why Odin is considered a prominent Lord of the Left-Hand Path


New member
Feb 12, 2022
As a dedicated Folkish Heathen with extensive experience, I am confident in the validity of my observations. Firstly, I do not subscribe to the notion that the All-Father and Satan are identical. However, there are notable parallels between Odin and Lucifer in several respects.

Odin, the supreme god of the Norse pantheon, is often associated with the Left-Hand Path (LHP) due to several key characteristics and actions:

Sacrifice and Self-Improvement: Odin is renowned for his willingness to sacrifice himself for knowledge and power. He hung himself from the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, enduring great pain to gain the wisdom of the runes. This act of self-sacrifice and self-improvement is a core tenet of the LHP.

Shamanic Practices: Odin is associated with shamanic practices, including trance states, divination, and spirit communication. These practices are often explored in the LHP as a means of transcending ordinary consciousness and accessing higher realms of existence.

Master of Magic: Odin is a master of magic and sorcery, wielding powerful spells and enchantments. The LHP often involves the study and practice of magic, seeking to harness supernatural forces for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Challenging Moral Boundaries: Odin is a complex and often morally ambiguous figure. He is not afraid to challenge societal norms and explore the darker aspects of human nature. This aligns with the LHP's willingness to embrace non-traditional paths and question conventional morality.

Connection to the Underworld: Odin has a deep connection to the underworld, often venturing into the realm of the dead. This association with the underworld is significant in the LHP, as it represents a journey into the unconscious and a confrontation with one's shadow self.

It's important to note that Odin is not exclusively associated with the LHP. He is a multifaceted deity with a wide range of attributes and associations. However, his willingness to explore the darker aspects of existence, his pursuit of knowledge through sacrifice, and his mastery of magic make him a compelling figure for those interested in the LHP.
As a dedicated Folkish Heathen with extensive experience, I am confident in the validity of my observations. Firstly, I do not subscribe to the notion that the All-Father and Satan are identical. However, there are notable parallels between Odin and Lucifer in several respects.

Odin, the supreme god of the Norse pantheon, is often associated with the Left-Hand Path (LHP) due to several key characteristics and actions:

Sacrifice and Self-Improvement: Odin is renowned for his willingness to sacrifice himself for knowledge and power. He hung himself from the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, enduring great pain to gain the wisdom of the runes. This act of self-sacrifice and self-improvement is a core tenet of the LHP.

Shamanic Practices: Odin is associated with shamanic practices, including trance states, divination, and spirit communication. These practices are often explored in the LHP as a means of transcending ordinary consciousness and accessing higher realms of existence.

Master of Magic: Odin is a master of magic and sorcery, wielding powerful spells and enchantments. The LHP often involves the study and practice of magic, seeking to harness supernatural forces for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Challenging Moral Boundaries: Odin is a complex and often morally ambiguous figure. He is not afraid to challenge societal norms and explore the darker aspects of human nature. This aligns with the LHP's willingness to embrace non-traditional paths and question conventional morality.

Connection to the Underworld: Odin has a deep connection to the underworld, often venturing into the realm of the dead. This association with the underworld is significant in the LHP, as it represents a journey into the unconscious and a confrontation with one's shadow self.

It's important to note that Odin is not exclusively associated with the LHP. He is a multifaceted deity with a wide range of attributes and associations. However, his willingness to explore the darker aspects of existence, his pursuit of knowledge through sacrifice, and his mastery of magic make him a compelling figure for those interested in the LHP.
Wodanaz = Satanas
Wotan = Satan
Odin is already father Satan, as well as other names and titles like Shiva.

Your personal theories and studies regarding this is irrelevant.

Check High Priest’s in depth writings on Odin and Satan.
The term “Left-hand path” is jewish nonsense, basically promoting destructive ideas like radical individualism, narcissism and violent-negative personalities as opposed to the “right-hand path” from abrahamic religions of no individualism, pacivity and submission to “God”.

Two wings of the same jewish bird of spiritual death.

True spiritual life is a balance of individualism and collectivism, found in The JOS. We are free autonomous individuals, all aiming to be Gods. We are also a family.
Wodanaz = Satanas
Wotan = Satan
Odin is already father Satan, as well as other names and titles like Shiva.

Your personal theories and studies regarding this is irrelevant.

Check High Priest’s in depth writings on Odin and Satan.
Myself and Stephen F. Flowers, also known as Stephen E. Flowers or Edred Thorsson, is a distinguished university lecturer, runologist, and prominent advocate of occultism, particularly Neo-Germanic paganism, and Odinism. As the director of the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies, he has contributed extensively to the study and revitalization of ancient Germanic traditions. However, both he and I would likely disagree on the High Priest's interpretations of Germanic God.

That said, could you clarify the source of knowledge from which this High Priest derives his understanding of Germanic mythology and lore?
Myself and Stephen F. Flowers, also known as Stephen E. Flowers or Edred Thorsson, is a distinguished university lecturer, runologist, and prominent advocate of occultism, particularly Neo-Germanic paganism, and Odinism. As the director of the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies, he has contributed extensively to the study and revitalization of ancient Germanic traditions. However, both he and I would likely disagree on the High Priest's interpretations of Germanic God.

That said, could you clarify the source of knowledge from which this High Priest derives his understanding of Germanic mythology and lore?
Thread 'Satan is Odin / Wodan'
I have been Folkish Odinist for about 25 years. I have had several dreams of being hung, which was Odin's method of sacrifice, so I am pretty certain He has chosen me, for whatever reason.
In the Eddas, Allfadir chooses his followers from two different strata of society: the Nobility and the Outlaws. Both groups are free of all societal restraints and can follow their wyrd wherever it leads. I found the Hanged God, and all the other Gods and Goddesses, as I underwent a life transformation, having lost everything and everybody from my earlier life and having endured a total nervous breakdown. I think most modern Odinist find Grimnir in these circumstances.
"I have as many names as there are ways to die". Odinism, like Spiritual Satanism, is not for the masses of herd animals that make up the modern human population. Only the spiritually evolved elite follow the path of the Lord of the Dead. A way that leads away from the reincarnation merry-go-round and makes us allies with the Gods as they further the evolution of the Folk.
Myself and Stephen F. Flowers, also known as Stephen E. Flowers or Edred Thorsson, is a distinguished university lecturer, runologist, and prominent advocate of occultism, particularly Neo-Germanic paganism, and Odinism. As the director of the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies, he has contributed extensively to the study and revitalization of ancient Germanic traditions. However, both he and I would likely disagree on the High Priest's interpretations of Germanic God.

That said, could you clarify the source of knowledge from which this High Priest derives his understanding of Germanic mythology and lore?
Greetings @Promethean
I fully understand the background you and Mr Stephen Flowers are coming from so I would like to start by establishing that Spiritual Satanism / Joy of Satanas is not a revitalization of a specific ancient regional pagan religion in the same manner as the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies has revitalized the traditions and heritage of the ancient, pre-christian Germanic people (understandingly since in most countries there are various research efforts and institutes that have the specific goal of reviving and bringing back to public attention the traditions and practices that the specific ancestors of every said nation had) but we have come to the understanding that before the accelerated expansion and destructive influence of Christianity and Islam, the majority of all people on the planet were the adepts and followers of superficially different pagan religions but the reality of the matter is that all ancient polytheist pagan religions were "worshiping" the very same Gods but in different names, attributes and symbolism depending on the region, language and culture.

To state that the "Germanic Gods" were any different from the "Egyptian Gods" or the "Greek Gods" or the "Hindu Gods" or the "Roman Gods" or the "Sumerian Gods" etc. is an inaccuracy that stems from the above mentioned reasons of regional, cultural and language differences but the religion all these civilizations followed was the same and the same Gods were widely regarded as the Creators of Humanity, hence why all the similarities across all ancient cultures about common symbolism such as the "Creation myth", the "crucifixion" and many others. Spiritual Satanism is nothing but the same core pagan religion of all pre-christian ancient civilizations but stripped of any deceiving differences and solely based on the teachings of the Gods themselves which you might be familiar with if you have read previously through the Joy of Satan website.

I am fully aware this is going to sound ambitious and "baseless" to unfamiliar people but since some information about ancient symbolism of various pagan religious, some meditation and witchcraft information such as the Necronomicon and other practices come from existing outside bibliography written by various authors in the past, a lot of information that exists in the Joy of Satanas, especially occult information about meditation and magic, or information about the Gods come from the Gods Themselves and does not exist anywhere else in any public setting. This is one reason why in Spiritual Satanism we don't make use of forms such as "mythology" and "lore" because these represent only superficial and abstract concepts that most people today understand about their ancient, pre-christian past without having any practical and useful knowledge at hand to help them actually create real contact with the Gods. While the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies works to revitalize pagan ancient Germanic traditions solely for cultural purposes, for the German people to have an understanding of "who they were" in the pre-christian times as a mater of general culture and general education, Joy of Satanas aims to bring back to humanity the core religion that the vast majority of people practiced for most of our existence as a species.

There are so many religions and variations of the same religions in the world today that we humans like to think that "everyone else thinks their God/s is/are the real ones" because christianity and islam have destroyed what we humans considered previously as religion and replaced it with fictional, man-made "Gods" and created an environment of "elitism" where only "those few chosen ones" are in contact with the "God" and everyone else is supposed to blindly follow them. Joy of Satanas and Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of this but the path of actually establishing real contact with the Gods is one of rather hard work and consistence in attaining the necessary psychic abilities, instruction of which is all provided publicly on the Joy of Satanas website such as the Meditation section.

I have deliberately failed to address your inquiry of where did High Priest Hooded Cobra has documented his understanding of specifically Germanic mythology and lore with the intention to emphatize on the global, widescale aspect of Ancient Paganism/Spiritual Satanism as a core religion of all people from pre-christian times because ultimately this carries infinitely more weight in the context and goal of re-establishing a real connection betweem Man and Gods.
Myself and Stephen F. Flowers, also known as Stephen E. Flowers or Edred Thorsson, is a distinguished university lecturer, runologist, and prominent advocate of occultism, particularly Neo-Germanic paganism, and Odinism. As the director of the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies, he has contributed extensively to the study and revitalization of ancient Germanic traditions. However, both he and I would likely disagree on the High Priest's interpretations of Germanic God.

That said, could you clarify the source of knowledge from which this High Priest derives his understanding of Germanic mythology and lore?

I would also like to point that a lot of it is a misinterpretation of "Satan", given you mention "Left Hand Path", and thus, connections are harder to make of the Pagan Pantheons and that limited paradigm - here are some other articles clearing up the correct etymology and attributes of our Gods:

Satanas as The Reborn God: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/a-secret-about-satans-name-satan-is-god.78036
Satan and Golden Age of Saturn (Kronos): https://ancient-forums.com/threads/elysian-fields-heaven-saturn-and-magnum-opus.23180
About Baalzebul (Zeus) who is Thor/Donnar: https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html
About Astarte/Demeter (Freya): https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AstarteHC.html
About Azazel/Apollo: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html
I would also like to point that a lot of it is a misinterpretation of "Satan", given you mention "Left Hand Path", and thus, connections are harder to make of the Pagan Pantheons and that limited paradigm - here are some other articles clearing up the correct etymology and attributes of our Gods:

Satanas as The Reborn God: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/a-secret-about-satans-name-satan-is-god.78036
Satan and Golden Age of Saturn (Kronos): https://ancient-forums.com/threads/elysian-fields-heaven-saturn-and-magnum-opus.23180
About Baalzebul (Zeus) who is Thor/Donnar: https://satanisgod.org/BeelzebulHC.html
About Astarte/Demeter (Freya): https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AstarteHC.html
About Azazel/Apollo: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html
Thank you for your quick response Egon.
Greetings @Promethean
I fully understand the background you and Mr Stephen Flowers are coming from so I would like to start by establishing that Spiritual Satanism / Joy of Satanas is not a revitalization of a specific ancient regional pagan religion in the same manner as the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies has revitalized the traditions and heritage of the ancient, pre-christian Germanic people (understandingly since in most countries there are various research efforts and institutes that have the specific goal of reviving and bringing back to public attention the traditions and practices that the specific ancestors of every said nation had) but we have come to the understanding that before the accelerated expansion and destructive influence of Christianity and Islam, the majority of all people on the planet were the adepts and followers of superficially different pagan religions but the reality of the matter is that all ancient polytheist pagan religions were "worshiping" the very same Gods but in different names, attributes and symbolism depending on the region, language and culture.

To state that the "Germanic Gods" were any different from the "Egyptian Gods" or the "Greek Gods" or the "Hindu Gods" or the "Roman Gods" or the "Sumerian Gods" etc. is an inaccuracy that stems from the above mentioned reasons of regional, cultural and language differences but the religion all these civilizations followed was the same and the same Gods were widely regarded as the Creators of Humanity, hence why all the similarities across all ancient cultures about common symbolism such as the "Creation myth", the "crucifixion" and many others. Spiritual Satanism is nothing but the same core pagan religion of all pre-christian ancient civilizations but stripped of any deceiving differences and solely based on the teachings of the Gods themselves which you might be familiar with if you have read previously through the Joy of Satan website.

I am fully aware this is going to sound ambitious and "baseless" to unfamiliar people but since some information about ancient symbolism of various pagan religious, some meditation and witchcraft information such as the Necronomicon and other practices come from existing outside bibliography written by various authors in the past, a lot of information that exists in the Joy of Satanas, especially occult information about meditation and magic, or information about the Gods come from the Gods themselves and does not exist anywhere else in any public setting. This is one reason why in Spiritual Satanism we don't make use of forms such as "mythology" and "lore" because these represent only superficial and abstract concepts that most people today understand about their ancient, pre-christian past without having any practical and useful knowledge at hand to help them actually create real contact with the Gods. While the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies works to revitalize pagan ancient Germanic traditions solely for cultural purposes, for the German people to have an understanding of "who they were" in the pre-christian times as a mater of general culture and general education, Joy of Satanas aims to bring back to humanity the core religion that the vast majority of people practiced for most of our existence as a species.

There are so many religions and variations of the same religions in the world today that we humans like to think that "everyone else thinks their God/s is/are the real ones" because chrisianity and islam have destroyed what we humans considered previously as religion and replaced it with fictional, man-made "Gods" and created an environment of "elitism" where only "those few chosen ones" are in contact with the "God" and everyone else is supposed to blindly follow them. Joy of Satanas and Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of this but the path of actually establishing real contact with the Gods is one of rather hard work and consistence in attaining the necessary psychic abilities, instruction of which is all provided publicly on the Joy of Satanas website such as the Meditation section.

I have deliberately failed to address your inquiry of where specifically did High Priest Hooded Cobra has documented his understanding of specifically Germanic mythology and lore with the intention to emphatize on the global, widescale aspect of Ancient Paganism/Spiritual Satanism as a core religion of all people from pre-christian times because ultimately this carries infinitely more weight in the context and goal of re-establishing a real connection betweem Man and Gods.
Greetings @Promethean
I fully understand the background you and Mr Stephen Flowers are coming from so I would like to start by establishing that Spiritual Satanism / Joy of Satanas is not a revitalization of a specific ancient regional pagan religion in the same manner as the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies has revitalized the traditions and heritage of the ancient, pre-christian Germanic people (understandingly since in most countries there are various research efforts and institutes that have the specific goal of reviving and bringing back to public attention the traditions and practices that the specific ancestors of every said nation had) but we have come to the understanding that before the accelerated expansion and destructive influence of Christianity and Islam, the majority of all people on the planet were the adepts and followers of superficially different pagan religions but the reality of the matter is that all ancient polytheist pagan religions were "worshiping" the very same Gods but in different names, attributes and symbolism depending on the region, language and culture.

To state that the "Germanic Gods" were any different from the "Egyptian Gods" or the "Greek Gods" or the "Hindu Gods" or the "Roman Gods" or the "Sumerian Gods" etc. is an inaccuracy that stems from the above mentioned reasons of regional, cultural and language differences but the religion all these civilizations followed was the same and the same Gods were widely regarded as the Creators of Humanity, hence why all the similarities across all ancient cultures about common symbolism such as the "Creation myth", the "crucifixion" and many others. Spiritual Satanism is nothing but the same core pagan religion of all pre-christian ancient civilizations but stripped of any deceiving differences and solely based on the teachings of the Gods themselves which you might be familiar with if you have read previously through the Joy of Satan website.

I am fully aware this is going to sound ambitious and "baseless" to unfamiliar people but since some information about ancient symbolism of various pagan religious, some meditation and witchcraft information such as the Necronomicon and other practices come from existing outside bibliography written by various authors in the past, a lot of information that exists in the Joy of Satanas, especially occult information about meditation and magic, or information about the Gods come from the Gods themselves and does not exist anywhere else in any public setting. This is one reason why in Spiritual Satanism we don't make use of forms such as "mythology" and "lore" because these represent only superficial and abstract concepts that most people today understand about their ancient, pre-christian past without having any practical and useful knowledge at hand to help them actually create real contact with the Gods. While the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies works to revitalize pagan ancient Germanic traditions solely for cultural purposes, for the German people to have an understanding of "who they were" in the pre-christian times as a mater of general culture and general education, Joy of Satanas aims to bring back to humanity the core religion that the vast majority of people practiced for most of our existence as a species.

There are so many religions and variations of the same religions in the world today that we humans like to think that "everyone else thinks their God/s is/are the real ones" because chrisianity and islam have destroyed what we humans considered previously as religion and replaced it with fictional, man-made "Gods" and created an environment of "elitism" where only "those few chosen ones" are in contact with the "God" and everyone else is supposed to blindly follow them. Joy of Satanas and Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of this but the path of actually establishing real contact with the Gods is one of rather hard work and consistence in attaining the necessary psychic abilities, instruction of which is all provided publicly on the Joy of Satanas website such as the Meditation section.

I have deliberately failed to address your inquiry of where specifically did High Priest Hooded Cobra has documented his understanding of specifically Germanic mythology and lore with the intention to emphatize on the global, widescale aspect of Ancient Paganism/Spiritual Satanism as a core religion of all people from pre-christian times because ultimately this carries infinitely more weight in the context and goal of re-establishing a real connection betweem Man and Gods.
@The Alchemist7 Thank you for sharing such a detailed analysis. I found your perspective to be both insightful and thought-provoking.
I have been Folkish Odinist for about 25 years. I have had several dreams of being hung, which was Odin's method of sacrifice, so I am pretty certain He has chosen me, for whatever reason.
In the Eddas, Allfadir chooses his followers from two different strata of society: the Nobility and the Outlaws. Both groups are free of all societal restraints and can follow their wyrd wherever it leads. I found the Hanged God, and all the other Gods and Goddesses, as I underwent a life transformation, having lost everything and everybody from my earlier life and having endured a total nervous breakdown. I think most modern Odinist find Grimnir in these circumstances.
"I have as many names as there are ways to die". Odinism, like Spiritual Satanism, is not for the masses of herd animals that make up the modern human population. Only the spiritually evolved elite follow the path of the Lord of the Dead. A way that leads away from the reincarnation merry-go-round and makes us allies with the Gods as they further the evolution of the Folk.
@Rodulf Are you a member of any tribe you care to mention? I am with the Black Sun Tribe. We have worked with AFA and Operation Werewolf to a large degree. Most members walked away from the AFA when Stephen McNallen stepped down. I feel that the AFA is becoming a bit too Christian, and they refuse to accept any of the darker aspects of Odin—very White Light if you will. However, they still possess many excellent members and Folk Builders. So please do not think for one minute I am spitting venom.
Greetings @Promethean
I fully understand the background you and Mr Stephen Flowers are coming from so I would like to start by establishing that Spiritual Satanism / Joy of Satanas is not a revitalization of a specific ancient regional pagan religion in the same manner as the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies has revitalized the traditions and heritage of the ancient, pre-christian Germanic people (understandingly since in most countries there are various research efforts and institutes that have the specific goal of reviving and bringing back to public attention the traditions and practices that the specific ancestors of every said nation had) but we have come to the understanding that before the accelerated expansion and destructive influence of Christianity and Islam, the majority of all people on the planet were the adepts and followers of superficially different pagan religions but the reality of the matter is that all ancient polytheist pagan religions were "worshiping" the very same Gods but in different names, attributes and symbolism depending on the region, language and culture.

To state that the "Germanic Gods" were any different from the "Egyptian Gods" or the "Greek Gods" or the "Hindu Gods" or the "Roman Gods" or the "Sumerian Gods" etc. is an inaccuracy that stems from the above mentioned reasons of regional, cultural and language differences but the religion all these civilizations followed was the same and the same Gods were widely regarded as the Creators of Humanity, hence why all the similarities across all ancient cultures about common symbolism such as the "Creation myth", the "crucifixion" and many others. Spiritual Satanism is nothing but the same core pagan religion of all pre-christian ancient civilizations but stripped of any deceiving differences and solely based on the teachings of the Gods themselves which you might be familiar with if you have read previously through the Joy of Satan website.

I am fully aware this is going to sound ambitious and "baseless" to unfamiliar people but since some information about ancient symbolism of various pagan religious, some meditation and witchcraft information such as the Necronomicon and other practices come from existing outside bibliography written by various authors in the past, a lot of information that exists in the Joy of Satanas, especially occult information about meditation and magic, or information about the Gods come from the Gods Themselves and does not exist anywhere else in any public setting. This is one reason why in Spiritual Satanism we don't make use of forms such as "mythology" and "lore" because these represent only superficial and abstract concepts that most people today understand about their ancient, pre-christian past without having any practical and useful knowledge at hand to help them actually create real contact with the Gods. While the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies works to revitalize pagan ancient Germanic traditions solely for cultural purposes, for the German people to have an understanding of "who they were" in the pre-christian times as a mater of general culture and general education, Joy of Satanas aims to bring back to humanity the core religion that the vast majority of people practiced for most of our existence as a species.

There are so many religions and variations of the same religions in the world today that we humans like to think that "everyone else thinks their God/s is/are the real ones" because christianity and islam have destroyed what we humans considered previously as religion and replaced it with fictional, man-made "Gods" and created an environment of "elitism" where only "those few chosen ones" are in contact with the "God" and everyone else is supposed to blindly follow them. Joy of Satanas and Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of this but the path of actually establishing real contact with the Gods is one of rather hard work and consistence in attaining the necessary psychic abilities, instruction of which is all provided publicly on the Joy of Satanas website such as the Meditation section.

I have deliberately failed to address your inquiry of where did High Priest Hooded Cobra has documented his understanding of specifically Germanic mythology and lore with the intention to emphatize on the global, widescale aspect of Ancient Paganism/Spiritual Satanism as a core religion of all people from pre-christian times because ultimately this carries infinitely more weight in the context and goal of re-establishing a real connection betweem Man and Gods.
Thank you for this extensive list of references.
@Rodulf Are you a member of any tribe you care to mention? I am with the Black Sun Tribe. We have worked with AFA and Operation Werewolf to a large degree. Most members walked away from the AFA when Stephen McNallen stepped down. I feel that the AFA is becoming a bit too Christian, and they refuse to accept any of the darker aspects of Odin—very White Light if you will. However, they still possess many excellent members and Folk Builders. So please do not think for one minute I am spitting venom.
No, I am not a member of any group. The Kindreds I'm seeing on the net are waaaaay too Universalist for my taste. Seems like almost all of them endorse transexual marriages, race-mixing, advertise a "Heathens Against Hate" tag....just no.
No, I am not a member of any group. The Kindreds I'm seeing on the net are waaaaay too Universalist for my taste. Seems like almost all of them endorse transexual marriages, race-mixing, advertise a "Heathens Against Hate" tag....just no.
Very True, The Asatru Folk Assembly is the largest in America and there is the Odinic Rite and Wotan Network all great places to start. I am not sure if Operation Werewolf is operative anymore and my Black Sun tribe is on pause as of the moment. These are all Folkish Heathen Tribes. https://wotannetwork.com/, https://odinic-rite.org/main/, https://www.runestone.org/ Contact me with any other questions. Good Luck Kinsman.
The term "left-hand path" is extensively used in the official ToZ sites. Check some examples:

Why would ToZ use "jewish nonsense" to describe spiritual concepts?
That is true. The left-hand path was invented originally as a term to distinguish individualist magickal orders (mainly of the "Satanist"/ "dark" magic variety like Voodoo) from the "right-hand path" authoritarian magickal orders that used Abrahamic themes.

Today, most people who go by the term "left-hand path" are pseudo-Satanist emos and fools who practise things like the Qlipoth or make up their own rituals (chaos magick), which is why I reffered to it as jewish, as those places are usually infested with jews or jew-minded people who believe they've joined the "dark side" of the false abrahamic dichotomy.

I personally would say it's inaccurate to call TOZ right hand or left hand as it promotes individuality and self-deification but also stresses authority and obedience to the Gods. But since TOZ started as the JOS, it naturally found far more relation with other "Satanic" and occult groups that were more in line with the JOS' promotion of individuality and took on the label of the left-hand path in relation to these groups.
That is true. The left-hand path was invented originally as a term to distinguish individualist magickal orders (mainly of the "Satanist"/ "dark" magic variety like Voodoo) from the "right-hand path" authoritarian magickal orders that used Abrahamic themes.

Not true though. The term "left hand path" originally came from the Sanskrit term vama marga. There were practitioners of Tantra who took the tantric texts literally and practiced sex and meat-eating and other things that were shunned by mainstream Hindus, contrary to the right-hand path dakshina marga whose followers took the tantric texts allegorically to be more acceptable to the Hindu status quo.

Stephen Edred Flowers defined the term "Left-Hand Path" in his book Lords of the Left-Hand Path as any path/religion that include 2 things:

  • Antinomianism (breaking taboos and going against the status quo, doing things that are shunned by the mainstream norms or religions in order to deprogram from them)
  • Self-Deification (seeking to transform yourself into a god using magickal/occult/spiritual means instead of worshipping and being subservient to an external being)
So as long as someone practices these two concepts, they are left-hand path. The ToZ qualifies as LHP using this definition. Antinomianism being going against the mainstream Abrahamic religions and deprogramming from them and self-deification as the Magnum Opus, working to become a God yourself.

True, it includes more of self-deification than antinomianism but Stephen Flowers also said that Laveyan Satanism which is mostly about antinomianism but with very little self-deification is still LHP.
Yes, and what you're stating above fits the jewish narrative.

Again, LHP is Ha Ilan Ha Hizon, and RHP is Etz Chaim, but both are jewish.

The fact that we use our Gods' real names, not the slanderous ones, means we have gone PAST what some rotting rabbis say.

ToZ is neither LHP nor RHP - we're above this judaeo-centric perception.
Greetings @Promethean
I fully understand the background you and Mr Stephen Flowers are coming from so I would like to start by establishing that Spiritual Satanism / Joy of Satanas is not a revitalization of a specific ancient regional pagan religion in the same manner as the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies has revitalized the traditions and heritage of the ancient, pre-christian Germanic people (understandingly since in most countries there are various research efforts and institutes that have the specific goal of reviving and bringing back to public attention the traditions and practices that the specific ancestors of every said nation had) but we have come to the understanding that before the accelerated expansion and destructive influence of Christianity and Islam, the majority of all people on the planet were the adepts and followers of superficially different pagan religions but the reality of the matter is that all ancient polytheist pagan religions were "worshiping" the very same Gods but in different names, attributes and symbolism depending on the region, language and culture.

To state that the "Germanic Gods" were any different from the "Egyptian Gods" or the "Greek Gods" or the "Hindu Gods" or the "Roman Gods" or the "Sumerian Gods" etc. is an inaccuracy that stems from the above mentioned reasons of regional, cultural and language differences but the religion all these civilizations followed was the same and the same Gods were widely regarded as the Creators of Humanity, hence why all the similarities across all ancient cultures about common symbolism such as the "Creation myth", the "crucifixion" and many others. Spiritual Satanism is nothing but the same core pagan religion of all pre-christian ancient civilizations but stripped of any deceiving differences and solely based on the teachings of the Gods themselves which you might be familiar with if you have read previously through the Joy of Satan website.

I am fully aware this is going to sound ambitious and "baseless" to unfamiliar people but since some information about ancient symbolism of various pagan religious, some meditation and witchcraft information such as the Necronomicon and other practices come from existing outside bibliography written by various authors in the past, a lot of information that exists in the Joy of Satanas, especially occult information about meditation and magic, or information about the Gods come from the Gods Themselves and does not exist anywhere else in any public setting. This is one reason why in Spiritual Satanism we don't make use of forms such as "mythology" and "lore" because these represent only superficial and abstract concepts that most people today understand about their ancient, pre-christian past without having any practical and useful knowledge at hand to help them actually create real contact with the Gods. While the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies works to revitalize pagan ancient Germanic traditions solely for cultural purposes, for the German people to have an understanding of "who they were" in the pre-christian times as a mater of general culture and general education, Joy of Satanas aims to bring back to humanity the core religion that the vast majority of people practiced for most of our existence as a species.

There are so many religions and variations of the same religions in the world today that we humans like to think that "everyone else thinks their God/s is/are the real ones" because christianity and islam have destroyed what we humans considered previously as religion and replaced it with fictional, man-made "Gods" and created an environment of "elitism" where only "those few chosen ones" are in contact with the "God" and everyone else is supposed to blindly follow them. Joy of Satanas and Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of this but the path of actually establishing real contact with the Gods is one of rather hard work and consistence in attaining the necessary psychic abilities, instruction of which is all provided publicly on the Joy of Satanas website such as the Meditation section.

I have deliberately failed to address your inquiry of where did High Priest Hooded Cobra has documented his understanding of specifically Germanic mythology and lore with the intention to emphatize on the global, widescale aspect of Ancient Paganism/Spiritual Satanism as a core religion of all people from pre-christian times because ultimately this carries infinitely more weight in the context and goal of re-establishing a real connection betweem Man and Gods.
Thank you TG for providing such a detailed, informed and considerate question to this user.
I wish we'd see more answers like this on the forums, they truly elevate us, thank you again immensely for showing what we really stand for.
Yes, and what you're stating above fits the jewish narrative.

Again, LHP is Ha Ilan Ha Hizon, and RHP is Etz Chaim, but both are jewish.

The fact that we use our Gods' real names, not the slanderous ones, means we have gone PAST what some rotting rabbis say.

ToZ is neither LHP nor RHP - we're above this judaeo-centric perception.
Check the links I shared above so you can change your mind about the subject. If the term LHP still bothers you so much, you can share your point of view with a high priest to reform the ToZ. But the fact on the matter is that the ToZ embraces the term "left hand path" to describe itself.
Check the links I shared above so you can change your mind about the subject. If the term LHP still bothers you so much, you can share your point of view with a high priest to reform the ToZ. But the fact on the matter is that the ToZ embraces the term "left hand path" to describe itself.
Let's be fair here: those articles you all shared are old. HP Hoodedcobra's newer sermons all use the term LHP in a derogatory way.

@Hárbarðr was faster in his explanation, sooo thanks!
Check the links I shared above so you can change your mind about the subject
That what? That this term was used? No need to - I know they're there. These articles are OLD. HP Hooded Cobra's ones are more contemporary.

Quotes from one of the articles:
Those in the LHP who are browsing this forum or our sites, must consider that we do not accept the general falsifications that the jews presented about Satan, the Demons, or anything related to this. We stand on completely different research and information
Promotion of false ideas only helps the jews in the end of the day, and we do not feel like we should move inside their limited confinement zone of ideas that they have created and promoted in the LHP, nor to admixtures of thoughts and ideas or practices that go back into what we clearly refer to as an "enemy".

We are outside the (jewish) box.
Let's be fair here: those articles you all shared are old. HP Hoodedcobra's newer sermons all use the term LHP in a derogatory way.

The fact that they are old do not invalidate them. This is a logical fallacy by definition. Furthermore, in your very first link, HP Hoodedcobra clearly states:
Those in the LHP who are browsing this forum or our sites, must consider that we do not accept the general falsifications that the jews presented about Satan, the Demons, or anything related to this. We stand on completely different research and information.

We are not against any of you, but at the same time, it must be understood that we extend way beyond this close yoke of mind control the jews have enforced on the LHP. We are against this, so we might as well be considered a pure version of what the "LHP" was intended to be, but didn't come out to be.
I have put some words in bold to emphasize the fact that ToZ is indeed part of the LHP, and the point is that ToZ is against the imposed overwhelming corruption by the enemy which many who follow the LHP end up believing. The other links where he mentions the LHP, he does so by denouncing these corrupted forms of LHP. The fact that many LHP groups have failed to deliver true spirituality does not necessarily mean that the essence of LHP is wrong. ToZ embraces this true essence that was accurately described by Promethean in my interpretation of the matter.
Yes, and what you're stating above fits the jewish narrative.

Again, LHP is Ha Ilan Ha Hizon, and RHP is Etz Chaim, but both are jewish.

The fact that we use our Gods' real names, not the slanderous ones, means we have gone PAST what some rotting rabbis say.

ToZ is neither LHP nor RHP - we're above this judaeo-centric perception.

Not sure whether you're replying to my or the other guy's post (that's why it's important to quote who you are replying to) but LHP and RHP came from Tantra as I said. Eventually they came in the west and were first used by H.P. Blavatsky in the late 1800's. She supported the "Right-Hand Path" and slandered what she called the "Left-Hand Path". Then at the end of the 20th century many used the term "Left-Hand Path" to identify themselves.

RHP and LHP refer to 2 different worldviews that existed even before the jews. Stephen Flowers states that one of the earliest examples of LHP is the Haoma warriors in Ancient Persia, who were slandered by the Zoroastrians.
@Hárbarðr I was replying to Menis Therian's post, but quoting yours as well.

We are not against any of you, but at the same time, it must be understood that we extend way beyond this close yoke of mind control the jews have enforced on the LHP. We are against this, so we might as well be considered a pure version of what the "LHP" was intended to be, but didn't come out to be
To paraphrase, ToZ is what LHP was intended to be, but which never will. Because of jews.

RHP and LHP refer to 2 different worldviews that existed even before the jews
And what are present-day LHP and RHP based on? Crowley, Thelema, Talmud, the Bible - all hebrew, all jewish. The enemy wants to control both sides so that even the rebellion is controlled.

Etymology is one thing, what it is, what it has become - this is what matters.

Not the least of which is the fact that jews have gone far and beyond corrupting as much as they could.
@Hárbarðr was faster in his explanation, sooo thanks!

That what? That this term was used? No need to - I know they're there. These articles are OLD. HP Hooded Cobra's ones are more contemporary.

Quotes from one of the articles:


We are outside the (jewish) box.
To claim that LHP and RHP is a "judaeo-centric perception" doesn't add up. If you research about this subject, you will find out that both Vamachara (left hand path), and Dakshinachara (right hand path) come from a "Hindu box", not a Jewish one. In this context, it makes sense to think that both could be complementary, but that's not the approach that ToZ has (as far as I know). If you research further, you'll also find that the terms LHP and RHP were coined by a Russian occultist from the 19th century who despised Jews for creating Chritianity (her name was Helena Blavatsky).

I have already addressed your other points in another post, but I want to add some critics about something being "old". I just wonder, for instance, if a Christian or a Muslim claims that a passage from their book is invalid just because it is "old" and not "contemporary". I think they could not be considered Christian or Muslim, could they? Another point is if someone is new to the ToZ, where do you think they will find information about zevist wedding, Demons summoning, or baptism? Oh yes, it is in the "old", and therefore, the official website of ToZ, which describes ToZ as being LHP. If you want to oppose what the founder of our religion stated about it then, well, good luck with that. You can believe in whatever you want really, but until a HP does not change the zevist websites, it will continue to be what it is: Vamachara.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
