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Mar 22, 2025
Hi everyone :) very happy to be here. I am an ex christian in search for real truth. Always been very sad and down inside following the bible, I've struggled with depression and anxiety mentally for a long time and take good medication now, but I've still had a hole inside and realize I need more spirituality in my life. christianity is NOTTTTTT for me. I've always had doubts inside about it and see more hurt done than good. Im in the stages of letting go of that completely its had such a hold on my mind and I'm in search for complete liberty. I have always been taught that Lucifer is bad and really just wants to deceive and if you're a christian than He wants to kill you. This might sound silly to some but I'm struggling right now with being accepted after being a christian my whole life as I was taught it at a very young age. I used to walk around and bash Lucifer but now I'm starting to reconsider everything I thought I knew.

to anyone who knows a lot about this as I am new "Does Lucifer forgive me for being a christian before and all the stupid things I said?"
Much love :)
I have been trying to message people for help but don't know how lol very new here.
Hi everyone :) very happy to be here. I am an ex christian in search for real truth. Always been very sad and down inside following the bible, I've struggled with depression and anxiety mentally for a long time and take good medication now, but I've still had a hole inside and realize I need more spirituality in my life. christianity is NOTTTTTT for me. I've always had doubts inside about it and see more hurt done than good. Im in the stages of letting go of that completely its had such a hold on my mind and I'm in search for complete liberty. I have always been taught that Lucifer is bad and really just wants to deceive and if you're a christian than He wants to kill you. This might sound silly to some but I'm struggling right now with being accepted after being a christian my whole life as I was taught it at a very young age. I used to walk around and bash Lucifer but now I'm starting to reconsider everything I thought I knew.

to anyone who knows a lot about this as I am new "Does Lucifer forgive me for being a christian before and all the stupid things I said?"
Much love :)
I have been trying to message people for help but don't know how lol very new here.

I am really glad to see that people like you are following the natural course of events that leads them to rediscover the original Gods.

In the end as much as Christianity is a deadly evil, it is also true that Christians can feel that by following the Bible they are destroying themselves. In the long run at least they can. Kind of like when a cult leader tells you to stab yourself every day because that will be good for you.

Maybe you will be too mentally plagiarized to understand it in the beginning, but after years you will notice that your life has only gotten worse and still you suffer a lot and have visible damage. So it's normal that you realize this and decide that that was not the right place for you.

The most luminous Father Zeus, from Luciferian wisdom enlightens will be very happy indeed to have you back among his original people. Now continue to study the site and settle in. When you are ready, quietly devote your soul to the care and guidance of Satya and his Gods, to whom you decide to remain under their gaze.

You are welcome to post as many topics as you like here, the moderators will approve them when they notice and review them. And we will be glad to answer and help you.

Feel free.
Welcome. This will surely be the start of a most miraculous and awe inspiring journey for you. I am most curious to see where your path will lead. So wondrous..
"Does Lucifer forgive me for being a christian before and all the stupid things I said?"
If your son or daughter got into a dangerous cult that brainwashed him or her to do stupid and bad things and after a few years he or she escaped it and came back to you, would you hold what he or she did while she was brainwashed by that cult against him/her or would you just be happy he escaped the dangerous cult?
welcome to the path and with your new family.

the most advice i think you need now is to get rid of christian indoctrination and to make this your aim and first priority.
it leaves stains on the soul in a ways beyond measure.
study the materials on the site carefully but another advice i must give here is not to get too deep in spiritual practices before cleansing and freeing yourself 100%.

this question gives many red flags!
"Does Lucifer forgive me for being a christian before and all the stupid things I said?"
Solomon is a jewish character that is hostile to pagan entities. Just letting you know since you had that as your name.
That's not entirely true. A lot of Spiritual terms and Knowledge have been stolen by the Jews. Among others it is such words as ยซDemonยป ยซAngelยป, ยซSeraphimยป, ยซCherubimยป, ยซTheurgyยป, ยซKabbalahยป and many others, which have acquired a distorted meaning, although the roots of the word itself go far back to the Pagan Era. The same happened with the concept of Solomon. Because it's an Allegory, and the real Jewish King Solomon never existed.

A little bit about that so you realize it's not of Jewish origin:

Solomon is a spiritual allegory that is stolen from Pagans. ยซ...ยป The "Lesser key of solomon" is a bollocks grimoire that was written by jews, based on again stolen and totally perverted material.
Source: click.

Saturn is also a planet directly responsible for immortality, and without Saturn and the proper placing of this energy into specific center, there is no basis upon which to build the so called "Temple of The Sun", what became later the "Temple of Solomon". If you spiritually advance then Saturn will not be as hostile to you.
Source: Elysian Fields, Heaven, Saturn and Magnum Opus.

The true meaning of the "Temple of Solomon" is the TEMPLE OF THE SUN. "Sol" "Om" and "On" are all words for the Sun. "Sol" is the Latin word for the Sun and is close to the English word "soul." "Om" is a name given by the Hindus to the Spiritual Sun and "On" is an Egyptian word for Sun. The symbolism of the Temple of Solomon was stolen and made into an actual character, as with the fictitous nazarene and nearly everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible.

For more information:
The Removal and Desecration of the Original Gentile Religious Texts - Ancient Gentile Religious Texts: Replaced With Meaningless Rabbinical Drivel and Enemy Literary Filth.
Source: A History of the Baphomet.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
