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Let's talk about racial miscegenation and reincarnation.

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Bruce could be in one of these places: Somewhere in Asia, as a full Asian, or, in a place where Asiatic blood is so high that it's virtually impossible to tell from an actual Asian, such as Siberia where people can be 90% Asian and have some remnants of White.

If he had children with an Asian woman, he would have done a smarter choice. And it is if he had predominantly Asian children where he could reincarnate into his own family. Now, he is bound to reincarnate elsewhere, where his soul will for lack of better words 'fit in'.
inimigo99 said:
So I wonder what the race of Bruce Lee and Shannon Lee is?
Bruce Lee and his offspring belonged to the Jewish race. Bruce Lee was mixed with Jewish. Proof: https://www.jewishinsandiego.org/je...-uncovering-bruce-lees-hidden-jewish-ancestry

List of Academic Studies and Reports That Prove Jews Are A Race: https://archive.is/u6EHP

“In all unions with mixed people, and that is nothing strange, just how nature does things, the predominant race is never the White race in the offspring. One may get whiter traits, or whiter skin, but they still resemble the other parent. This is typical with for example people who are half black half white, most of the times, people look like black people, but just with lighter skin.” - Mixed Race People, Arabs and “White” Yezidis
Except when kikes are involved in the bloodline, one should also consider prominent features of a race. Skin tone is a secondary features. The bone structure tells you a lot more about a race then anything else. White genes are recessive in most mixes, meaning it's almost certain for a soul from the other racial group to reincarnate in mixed offspring. "Native" Americans are not a major race but a mixed race that consolidated over time. It comes from a White/Asian mix.

I'm sorry to say this, but your Dutch relative polluted your bloodline, making it extremely harder for his ancestors to ever reincarnate in his bloodline. I cannot give you a definitive answer in regards to your soul. HP Hooded Cobra is much more experienced than me when it comes to races. All I can suggest, like it was suggested in the past to other users, is to plan a working with the Odhal rune in order to ascertain your racial heritage.

I wish you the best with that. Whatever the results are, feel proud of being who you are. If you are heterosexual, you can then work to purify your bloodline by procreating with someone of your racial group and teach your children to do the same.
Academic Scholar said:
inimigo99 said:
So I wonder what the race of Bruce Lee and Shannon Lee is?
Bruce Lee and his offspring belonged to the Jewish race. Bruce Lee was mixed with Jewish. Proof: https://www.jewishinsandiego.org/je...-uncovering-bruce-lees-hidden-jewish-ancestry

I have strong reasons to disbelieve this, because jews, always try to claim people of great power or importance have been jews. They always do this, even if it takes fabricated evidence.

The examples of Bruce Lee, his strong soul and chart, and other factors, do not point me out to a jew. Facial features and his capacities physically do also point into a direction contrary to this.

He fucked up however in the wife aspect, but it was seen as a symbol of status to get a White woman as most movie stars and other personas always do. His wife does not seem like a jew either.
inimigo99 said:
Academic Scholar said:
inimigo99 said:
So I wonder what the race of Bruce Lee and Shannon Lee is?
Bruce Lee and his offspring belonged to the Jewish race. Bruce Lee was mixed with Jewish. Proof: https://www.jewishinsandiego.org/je...-uncovering-bruce-lees-hidden-jewish-ancestry

These examples you bring out are "as much" White, as 60% orange juice and 40% water. It can pass off as orange juice, but it is not pure orange juice.

Someone being up to 60 or 70% White, can pass off the baseline of being "towards White", but they still are not fully White. They don't represent a solid phenotype, it's just that coincidence had it they look more toward the White parent. They are definitely not the measure of Whiteness.

In all examples you show, the traits of other races, are blatant, such as in the children of the Brazilian singer, whom himself looks like a typical mixed Brazillian, with Asiatic, White, and also Black in them. His children look a lot like they have Asiatic + Black in them, and they are not "White".

The pictures that you post only prove the statement that you say is not accurate. For example, Neymar, being half White, has had a White woman, but his child looks strained White.

If he had more, his other children could look entirely different to that one, because the chances of having a White child under these circumstances which happens to have all the traits, are extremely minimal. The chances of this are miniscule to have a child that even can barely pass off as "White".

You can identify as an elephant if you want, but you will not be an elephant, and that is the reality. Many Brazilians who are Whiter can feel more in alignment with Whites, but that is, compared to others in Brazil who are Black. You don't put a person from Britain or Ireland and say "yeah, both are exactly the same White".

Unless you're blind or a liar. Some Brazilians can look very White, but still they would be a White subrace, not core or definition of being White. None of these people you posted are a solid example of being the core element of White. It's concentrated orange juice.

All you are trying to do is set the race mixed examples as a "Totally White" or some "New White" example while denying reality. If you want to see what White at the core is, go look at Europe. Or just Neymar's wife, which looks fully White.

They can pass off as "White" compared to other, less White Brazilians, and certainly not in anyway a definitive form of the core of the White, but they are not the definition of White by any stretch of the imagination.

This whole bullshit guilt about feeling a little "mixed", and acting as if it's a sin or something, leads people to insidious methods such as trying to pervert reality itself.

With this mentality one will try to twist every observation as if one tries to twist observation to escape the biblical sin of Eden or something.

In Brazil, cases need to be looked at upon in an individual basis, as there is a lot of mixing that has went on there. For centuries. When this happens in a locale for centuries, the people there become a new subrace, over time. At some point, some traits will dominate the overwhelming part of that race.

There are Brazillians that tend to White, some overwhelmingly so, and Brazilians that can be close to nigerians. But in general, in Brazil, most people hover in the middle, and that's about where one can recognize "Brazilian".
inimigo99 said:
Jessica's children and Gustavo's children resemble the white race completely ...
No they don’t.

and these were just 2 cases, there are millions and millions of cases like these, this is simply the truth and in these cases I am 100% sure that they are gentiles.

It doesn’t matter. It’s like having a recipe for cake where 99.9% of time it comes out of the oven looking bad and tasting even worse, but you think that is very good recipe because .1% of the time it will be a very good cake.

I understand you are a product of miscegenation. You can be proud of your mixed racial heritage but do not force it on others.
The argument that "But, this mixed race couple has a child that kinda looks White", is as saying, "In 60% orange juice, there is 40% water sitting on the top" or "there is always 60% orange juice sitting at the bottom".

Race mixing is like a roulette where you don't know what will eventually come out, except of the certain natural fact, that part Black will always take over 10 to 1 over the White, which will eventually disappear.

If ever something comes out that looks "White", it is the high unlikely case, and it never represents the first blueprint. In the extremely rare case where the genetic roulette brings out a White person, it will be on an environment when it will not maintain itself. And if it does not disappear in one generation or by coincidence, such as the case of Neymar, well his son will probably marry another Race mixed person, and the chances are, it will happen a few years from now.

Therefore onwards goes the race mixing blender, and there is no point to it. In the large spectrum of affairs, all civilizations that overwhelmingly breed "Black", they tend to either become "Black", or a form that largely represents Blacks in the end. With some tidbits here and there which remain from whatever existed before. This is already happening in Brazil and Spain.
inimigo99 said:
but the truth has to be told ... and the truth is the HPHC's statements are not accurate.
Also you:
In one of the HPHC's pdfs, he states:

In a sense, when someone has a child, they are doing this to be able to reincarnate later into the same racial line
So it's only accurate when it's convenient?

Starting with the ridiculous example of a racial Asian person "possibly" reincarnating White if he race mixed... Which would be laughable if wasn't tragic. I don't know the idea people get from that sermon statement but that does not imply pure Whites are the personal candy store for mixed people to "reincarnate Whiter". More probably, the pure White person in the relationship will reincarnate mixed as a result. Do you think there will be more purer Whites for the pure White person in these relationships to incarnate? How this math works?

All these roundabouts about that sermon you picked yet another time seem like just a way to justify your choices.

He just said the obvious, if a pure "X race" person mates with a person of the same race, they'll most likely grant a quality reincarnation for themselves for not being dumb.
inimigo99 said:
Regarding black people, I really didn't want black people or people with black genes to exist in my country or in South American countries ... I can't tolerate the idea of ​​a descendant of mine mixing with people who have black genes, however I personally am more tolerant of mixing between whites / Hispanic and natives, (by these words I mean that I consider a racial policy of "whitening" the natives here in South America a good thing, I am not saying that the same should be applied in Europe or in the USA) after all I am mixed between whites and natives and the members of my family are composed of people from these 2 races.
According to my DNA test, I’m 60% Southern European and 30% Native American (Native American as in Mexican and Cuban). I look Mexican or Native and I identify as Native American.

According to the US Census Bureau, “Hispanic” is not a race. There’s white people, black people, Asians, etc. that identify as Hispanic. Here’s a JoS article on the subject: ”Hispanic” Does Not Exist

You can’t “whiten” non-white Native Americans and to attempt such would be disrespectful. What you’re proposing is mixing the non-white Native South American races out of existence. We can’t magically become white no matter how many degenerate, self-hating white people reproduce with the non-white Natives.

Race mixing between the white Aryans and indigenous native South American races is unacceptable, it’s detrimental to everyone involved. Why would you want to “whiten” the non-white South American races? Why can’t they racially develop and stick to their own? They can never become white and there are serious consequences to race mixing.

Race mixing is scientifically proven to have detrimental consequences such as mixed race people having infertility, health issues, defects/disabilities, etc. due to being mixed. Scientific proof:
Please stop with the stupid stuff about "oy vey I gotz kill meself" and that type of stuff. Observing races is not to cause these stupendous feelings.

By normal standards, you can incarnate and/or exist in more than half the earth, and in most Nations. They only ones actually threatened of disappearing, are Whites of European stock [already a minority] so I don't get the feelings of fear, worry and self guilt on your behalf.

I don't understand why people are not satisfied over hundreds of millions of choices, in partners or in landmass. Why do you have to be "European"? You don't have to. Nobody has to be anything else.

Brazil is to where soon, what these people say, will become the case. It has become the case for hundreds of millions in Brazil, and is the case for more countries on earth. This is how life has went. It's not to criminalize people or whatever. It's scientific observation.

When this happens, people have to make the best individual choices they can. This is not about hating life or attacking it. It's about improving it.

Europe or the whole planet, should not follow this road, that's all there is to it. Because there will be nowhere for these people to exist henceforth.

Love and enjoy your life and find the best matching partner. The rest is just bullshit self hate.

We're trying to maintain what exists, and not to allow all biodiversity to be killed. This is not about causing negative feelings. It's about preservation of different forms of humans and life. Thing is, some types of humans, in this process, disappear. That's what is tried to be prevented.

As you describe, you classify as almost White, or a mostly White sub-race, there are Brazillians who compared to others are Whites. So that's what you probably are. I'd call myself Brazilian and not feel any self hate. There's no reason.

Yes, jews want this in Europe, and it shouldn't happen in Europe, because if it does, game over for the European people.

inimigo99 said:

HoodedCobra, I understood what you said, but for example, these people "60% orange juice" are not the same thing as a pure native, a pure Asian or pure black and they are also not the same thing as mixed people among different ones racial combinations ... so I have some doubts:

1-Where do these people fit in?
2- If the world were hypothetically organized into NS-nations, where would these people fit in?

The left calls everyone of mixed race "people of color" or "mongrel" and puts everything in the same category ... and they are not all the same "racial thing".

I, in terms of genotype, am exactly what jews want to create in Europe ... a mixed person who does not fit into any racial category, a racially unclassifiable person.

But what can I do? I will not kill myself or give up on myself because I was born in the racial and biological conditions I was born in ... In the real world, right now, most people are simply living their lives and not giving a damn about the concept of race.

There are some idiots here in my country who say: "we are all mixed, we are all Brazilians, we are all the same", but that is not true.

An Aryan knows where he fits.
A Japanese knows where he fits.
I don't know where I fit in ... and I don't accept being fit in Brazil the way it currently is.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The examples of Bruce Lee, his strong soul and chart, and other factors, do not point me out to a jew. Facial features and his capacities physically do also point into a direction contrary to this.

That is very advance cobra ,seriously, You had ability to identify people origins from their astrology chart "natal chart"
I always thought fourth house has something to do with origins "family/bloodline".
But also there is many other factors.
inimigo99 said:
To be honest I disagree with the beliefs of many members who answered the topic I created and I did not get precisely the answers I want.

Anyway, I thank HP.HoodedCobra for his attention and for being friendly with me.

I also thank other members who contributed knowledge, especially to StormBlood.

Sorry, but what is the precisely Answer that you would like to hear ? :roll:

If its regarding Reincarnation then Hp.cobra answered
If its regarding spirituality then stormblood told you about Rune Odhal
And finally if its regarding Race then also stormblood provided with a link so can you study about skull/race etc

so what is the "precisely" thing that you are searching for ? :(

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bruce could be in one of these places: Somewhere in Asia, as a full Asian, or, in a place where Asiatic blood is so high that it's virtually impossible to tell from an actual Asian, such as Siberia where people can be 90% Asian and have some remnants of White.

If he had children with an Asian woman, he would have done a smarter choice. And it is if he had predominantly Asian children where he could reincarnate into his own family. Now, he is bound to reincarnate elsewhere, where his soul will for lack of better words 'fit in'.

What of someone who is a hybrid of 2 subraces under the same race ie 2 white subraces, and they don't have children? What becomes of them when the reincarnate?
Shadowcat said:
What of someone who is a hybrid of 2 subraces under the same race ie 2 white subraces, and they don't have children? What becomes of them when the reincarnate?

what's that ,statistics exam ?

hp.cobra answered this question ten thousand times ,, and enough is enough ..
sonnenkraft said:
Shadowcat said:
What of someone who is a hybrid of 2 subraces under the same race ie 2 white subraces, and they don't have children? What becomes of them when the reincarnate?

what's that ,statistics exam ?

hp.cobra answered this question ten thousand times ,, and enough is enough ..

No need to snap. I actually actively use the search function to search for info so i don't have to repeat things others have asked..in this case I must have missed something. Mus have been a crime though in this case....
These examples you bring out are "as much" White, as 60% orange juice and 40% water. It can pass off as orange juice, but it is not pure orange juice.

Someone being up to 60 or 70% White, can pass off the baseline of being "towards White", but they still are not fully White. They don't represent a solid phenotype, it's just that coincidence had it they look more toward the White parent. They are definitely not the measure of Whiteness.

In all examples you show, the traits of other races, are blatant, such as in the children of the Brazilian singer, whom himself looks like a typical mixed Brazillian, with Asiatic, White, and also Black in them. His children look a lot like they have Asiatic + Black in them, and they are not "White".

The pictures that you post only prove the statement that you say is not accurate. For example, Neymar, being half White, has had a White woman, but his child looks strained White.

If he had more, his other children could look entirely different to that one, because the chances of having a White child under these circumstances which happens to have all the traits, are extremely minimal. The chances of this are miniscule to have a child that even can barely pass off as "White".

You can identify as an elephant if you want, but you will not be an elephant, and that is the reality. Many Brazilians who are Whiter can feel more in alignment with Whites, but that is, compared to others in Brazil who are Black. You don't put a person from Britain or Ireland and say "yeah, both are exactly the same White".

Unless you're blind or a liar. Some Brazilians can look very White, but still they would be a White subrace, not core or definition of being White. None of these people you posted are a solid example of being the core element of White. It's concentrated orange juice.

All you are trying to do is set the race mixed examples as a "Totally White" or some "New White" example while denying reality. If you want to see what White at the core is, go look at Europe. Or just Neymar's wife, which looks fully White.

They can pass off as "White" compared to other, less White Brazilians, and certainly not in anyway a definitive form of the core of the White, but they are not the definition of White by any stretch of the imagination.

This whole bullshit guilt about feeling a little "mixed", and acting as if it's a sin or something, leads people to insidious methods such as trying to pervert reality itself.

With this mentality one will try to twist every observation as if one tries to twist observation to escape the biblical sin of Eden or something.

In Brazil, cases need to be looked at upon in an individual basis, as there is a lot of mixing that has went on there. For centuries. When this happens in a locale for centuries, the people there become a new subrace, over time. At some point, some traits will dominate the overwhelming part of that race.

There are Brazillians that tend to White, some overwhelmingly so, and Brazilians that can be close to nigerians. But in general, in Brazil, most people hover in the middle, and that's about where one can recognize "Brazilian".
Many southern states had the one drop rule and fanatics like Walter plecker believed God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for race mixing
That guy acted like a dictator
I hate seeing one drop rule fanatics in our ranks
Many southern states had the one drop rule and fanatics like Walter plecker believed God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for race mixing
That guy acted like a dictator
I hate seeing one drop rule fanatics in our ranks
Truth is Truth no matter what opinions people have.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
