For example, if you do Meditations on the Lower (Male) Chakras, this can happen because they have an Electric Field and their activity causes tingling and heat. The Upper (Female) Chakras, on the other hand, have a Magnetic Field, and unlike the Lower Chakras, their activity is expressed in pressure, tension/pulling (like Gravity), and headaches if you just adjust (it goes away). When all the Chakras are unified, they will all function differently.
It can still be the case that some Chakras may be blocked, and this may respond with heat and pressure in the area concerned because the Energy cannot pass through. You may be overdoing the amount of Vibrations and vibrating Mantras more times than your Soul and Body can process.
The temperature depends on many factors: on the expansion of the Sushumna, on the amount of Fire Element, on the activity of the Base or Solar Chakras, on the constriction of the Energy Channel, on the activity of the Kundalini.
In general, many Meditations raise the temperature. Sometimes this is an expected consequence, and sometimes it is not desirable at all and should be eliminated. For example, the Sushumna Expansion Meditation. It exists for the Adept to increase the Plasticity of his Soul, because the high temperature allows the Metals (Chakras) to be attuned, and the resulting Energy is the increase of the Fire Element from the Kundalini activity. In this case such a consequence is normal.
As for the temperature, it is certainly present due to the active Bioelectric nature of the Energies, but a prepared Soul can easily take high thermal loads. However, it is necessary to analyze each case in detail, and in general it is better to listen to your Body and your Soul, Meditate on your state, you need to learn it yourself.