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Making God's Power Ritual More Powerful, Joining Brothers and Sisters


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Recently in JoS Outreach project new room has been opened which is made by JG Alexandros lowno for doing rituals together.

Everybody is invited to this room who wants to make their rituals more powerful as more people does these more power is generated together,

Participating in ritual schedule? And want more power?

Here we are doing these with JG together, and also few days ago HPHC666 also joined to do few together.

The experience was overwhelmingly briliant for everybody, not because only that most powerful Spiritual Satanists participating here, but also HPHC666 shared here new method, which was allowed to us to tell you about this, so less doubts about our rituals would be present for new SS and etc.,

Now I add here Instructions and also at the bottom there will be small guide how to join "Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals" room for every member of Joy Of Satanas.

First of all we are not robots like the enemy spiritually tries to make everyone into, we are moving opposite and we are alive beings who are advancing and going upwards in life, we have feelings, emotions, sentiments, reasoning, kind hearts and etc,. We are human.

And In this path we approaching Gods who are way on the other end of advancement and provides us with knowledge, power and blessings in becoming like them,

These beings are also Alive but on a such HIGH level where our wildest imaginations can't give us a taste of comprehending how advanced they are.

So now we have methods to approaching them more directly and communicating with them, as our Gurus, Fathers, Mothers, Friends, Protectors and Gods.

These titles they have because we on our level in a way, we understand who are they in our lifes.

Now when we are contacting Them with these Power Rituals, we have to do it right, we can not just open, recite and go away, because this doesn't make any sense, We are alive beings who are trying to befriend Infinitely more Alive Beings.

So we have to do it in a way that Humans should do it.

By using all our capacities that we are able to, WITH Respect, Devotion, Emotions, Willingness, Not invasive manner, Warmly, With a drop of Pleasing(because it is us who mostly needs this, and this Benefits mostly Us.)

So we must do this as much Humanly as we can because we are seeking to become fully human and even surpass this, by reaching Those who are above us.

Here is the new way of doing so, everybody should try this and see:

1. This is not mandatory but calm oneself down little bit and relax with somewhat affirmations or whatever, what eases you.
2. Second step just before starting Gods Ritual, would be envisioning Father Satanas Sigil and asking in RESPECTFUL manner for help in communicating with The God.
3. Now scroll down where is The God's sigil from JoS at the botom of the ritual page, and now in a Friendly Not Invasive manner inhale from 10 to 20 times of Demons energy via this Sigil and try to Open up yourself to The God a bit.
4. Then proceed with a ritual...

Now here is how to join Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals:
Step 1:
Install the Element Application
Download and install the Element application on your device(s): https://element.io.
Create an account by choosing to host it on the domain/server name demonicarmy.com.
You will need to edit the matrix name and manually enter demonicarmy.com as the server.
Step 2:
Message JG Alexandros lowno directly on Element using this ID: @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com

Have a nice and powerful rituals, feel free to share experiences here on forums so more SS would join us, and make our Rituals even more powerful and blessing for everybody.

Happy Yule to everyone! :)

Wow, thank you for sharing this.

I was wondering if I really have been doing the God's Rituals that properly, and what you have shared has helped me to confirm this and reconsider my approach and attitude. I will try it. I have been too robotic, as you say.

I would also love to join the group, although perhaps when I have a bit more privacy on my end. I have to be quiet when doing Rituals, so that nobody hears me. I do worry that also impacts the strength of the Ritual, as I can't vibrate too loud.
Wow, thank you for sharing this.

I was wondering if I really have been doing the God's Rituals that properly, and what you have shared has helped me to confirm this and reconsider my approach and attitude. I will try it. I have been too robotic, as you say.

I would also love to join the group, although perhaps when I have a bit more privacy on my end. I have to be quiet when doing Rituals, so that nobody hears me. I do worry that also impacts the strength of the Ritual, as I can't vibrate too loud.
You can vibrate silently and it will be still powerful. If you have rised energies, try it silently and see if you can get vibration of letter, just needs more effort.

You can do it even whispering and still get out the vibration, just needs to focus more.

Don't ever worry about strength, this affects your whole intention I not benefitial manner.

You do what you can and that is always enough.
Recently in JoS Outreach project new room has been opened which is made by JG Alexandros lowno for doing rituals together.

Everybody is invited to this room who wants to make their rituals more powerful as more people does these more power is generated together,

Participating in ritual schedule? And want more power?

Here we are doing these with JG together, and also few days ago HPHC666 also joined to do few together.

The experience was overwhelmingly briliant for everybody, not because only that most powerful Spiritual Satanists participating here, but also HPHC666 shared here new method, which was allowed to us to tell you about this, so less doubts about our rituals would be present for new SS and etc.,

Now I add here Instructions and also at the bottom there will be small guide how to join "Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals" room for every member of Joy Of Satanas.

First of all we are not robots like the enemy spiritually tries to make everyone into, we are moving opposite and we are alive beings who are advancing and going upwards in life, we have feelings, emotions, sentiments, reasoning, kind hearts and etc,. We are human.

And In this path we approaching Gods who are way on the other end of advancement and provides us with knowledge, power and blessings in becoming like them,

These beings are also Alive but on a such HIGH level where our wildest imaginations can't give us a taste of comprehending how advanced they are.

So now we have methods to approaching them more directly and communicating with them, as our Gurus, Fathers, Mothers, Friends, Protectors and Gods.

These titles they have because we on our level in a way, we understand who are they in our lifes.

Now when we are contacting Them with these Power Rituals, we have to do it right, we can not just open, recite and go away, because this doesn't make any sense, We are alive beings who are trying to befriend Infinitely more Alive Beings.

So we have to do it in a way that Humans should do it.

By using all our capacities that we are able to, WITH Respect, Devotion, Emotions, Willingness, Not invasive manner, Warmly, With a drop of Pleasing(because it is us who mostly needs this, and this Benefits mostly Us.)

So we must do this as much Humanly as we can because we are seeking to become fully human and even surpass this, by reaching Those who are above us.

Here is the new way of doing so, everybody should try this and see:

1. This is not mandatory but calm oneself down little bit and relax with somewhat affirmations or whatever, what eases you.
2. Second step just before starting Gods Ritual, would be envisioning Father Satanas Sigil and asking in RESPECTFUL manner for help in communicating with The God.
3. Now scroll down where is The God's sigil from JoS at the botom of the ritual page, and now in a Friendly Not Invasive manner inhale from 10 to 20 times of Demons energy via this Sigil and try to Open up yourself to The God a bit.
4. Then proceed with a ritual...

Now here is how to join Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals:
Step 1:
Install the Element Application
Download and install the Element application on your device(s): https://element.io.
Create an account by choosing to host it on the domain/server name demonicarmy.com.
You will need to edit the matrix name and manually enter demonicarmy.com as the server.
Step 2:
Message JG Alexandros lowno directly on Element using this ID: @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com

Have a nice and powerful rituals, feel free to share experiences here on forums so more SS would join us, and make our Rituals even more powerful and blessing for everybody.

Happy Yule to everyone! :)

Awe, Hell yes! 😃🔥 This, is beautiful , thank you for sharing ❤️
You can vibrate silently and it will be still powerful. If you have rised energies, try it silently and see if you can get vibration of letter, just needs more effort.

You can do it even whispering and still get out the vibration, just needs to focus more.

Don't ever worry about strength, this affects your whole intention I not benefitial manner.

You do what you can and that is always enough.

Thank you. That is very helpful and good to know.
When whispering runes, it is best to be in light trance and while vibrating in whisper melt into vibration, feel that whispering vibration with your whole energy and being.

Key is to vibrate and feel every letter clearly as real as possible with your energy field in whisper, this will create vibration which you extend throughout your being and amplify it with your will power.

This will ensure it will be powerful and your whole being will be affected.
Update: For Joining Room You can also Inform us here on forums, JG Alexandros lowno will add you. Either way is good.
Recently in JoS Outreach project new room has been opened which is made by JG Alexandros lowno for doing rituals together.

Everybody is invited to this room who wants to make their rituals more powerful as more people does these more power is generated together,

Participating in ritual schedule? And want more power?

Here we are doing these with JG together, and also few days ago HPHC666 also joined to do few together.

The experience was overwhelmingly briliant for everybody, not because only that most powerful Spiritual Satanists participating here, but also HPHC666 shared here new method, which was allowed to us to tell you about this, so less doubts about our rituals would be present for new SS and etc.,

Now I add here Instructions and also at the bottom there will be small guide how to join "Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals" room for every member of Joy Of Satanas.

First of all we are not robots like the enemy spiritually tries to make everyone into, we are moving opposite and we are alive beings who are advancing and going upwards in life, we have feelings, emotions, sentiments, reasoning, kind hearts and etc,. We are human.

And In this path we approaching Gods who are way on the other end of advancement and provides us with knowledge, power and blessings in becoming like them,

These beings are also Alive but on a such HIGH level where our wildest imaginations can't give us a taste of comprehending how advanced they are.

So now we have methods to approaching them more directly and communicating with them, as our Gurus, Fathers, Mothers, Friends, Protectors and Gods.

These titles they have because we on our level in a way, we understand who are they in our lifes.

Now when we are contacting Them with these Power Rituals, we have to do it right, we can not just open, recite and go away, because this doesn't make any sense, We are alive beings who are trying to befriend Infinitely more Alive Beings.

So we have to do it in a way that Humans should do it.

By using all our capacities that we are able to, WITH Respect, Devotion, Emotions, Willingness, Not invasive manner, Warmly, With a drop of Pleasing(because it is us who mostly needs this, and this Benefits mostly Us.)

So we must do this as much Humanly as we can because we are seeking to become fully human and even surpass this, by reaching Those who are above us.

Here is the new way of doing so, everybody should try this and see:

1. This is not mandatory but calm oneself down little bit and relax with somewhat affirmations or whatever, what eases you.
2. Second step just before starting Gods Ritual, would be envisioning Father Satanas Sigil and asking in RESPECTFUL manner for help in communicating with The God.
3. Now scroll down where is The God's sigil from JoS at the botom of the ritual page, and now in a Friendly Not Invasive manner inhale from 10 to 20 times of Demons energy via this Sigil and try to Open up yourself to The God a bit.
4. Then proceed with a ritual...

Now here is how to join Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals:
Step 1:
Install the Element Application
Download and install the Element application on your device(s): https://element.io.
Create an account by choosing to host it on the domain/server name demonicarmy.com.
You will need to edit the matrix name and manually enter demonicarmy.com as the server.
Step 2:
Message JG Alexandros lowno directly on Element using this ID: @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com

Have a nice and powerful rituals, feel free to share experiences here on forums so more SS would join us, and make our Rituals even more powerful and blessing for everybody.

Happy Yule to everyone! :)

I don’t know what I have done wrong but I can’t get the ID Of JG Alexandros I key it in but I can’t access it, what am I doing wrong?
I don’t know what I have done wrong but I can’t get the ID Of JG Alexandros I key it in but I can’t access it, what am I doing wrong?
Give me your ID we will add you, you can send it through message.
The advice you relayed from High Priest Cobra was amazing. Even at my stage I felt so much different. I also took my time and felt so much rewarded for it. The sense of peace true meditation and effort it gives is beyond comforting. The ability to have inner peace even when something is able to cause stress is life changing. Calmness and a sense of reward that pairs so amazingly with inner mindfulness. Thank you very much to you for your effort in informing us of this Draconi666. May you be giving your just rewards for putting for this effort on our behalf.
Hello. I'm trying to create an account by "changing account provider," but the website doesn't find "demonicarmy," or "demonicarmy.com." I initially made an account and then I tried to find this chat room, but I couldn't find it there either.

What am I doing wrong? 😕
Hello. I'm trying to create an account by "changing account provider," but the website doesn't find "demonicarmy," or "demonicarmy.com." I initially made an account and then I tried to find this chat room, but I couldn't find it there either.

What am I doing wrong? 😕
Hi. You have to write demonicarmy.com at the host name when you create an account. Where it is "matrix.org" you have to change it.
You can contact @Alexandros Iowno [JG] about this.
Yes if you still have problem there, better to contact JG. But just try to create new account while changing Host name as I wrote in last my reply.

First time I also failed to sign up, some of others also, but just give it a try again and do more carefully to not miss anything, it should work then
Yes if you still have problem there, better to contact JG. But just try to create new account while changing Host name as I wrote in last my reply.

First time I also failed to sign up, some of others also, but just give it a try again and do more carefully to not miss anything, it should work then
I am still unable to do it from my phone. When I wrote the host name, it doesn't show anything, doesn't let me create an account as if the host name doesn't exist.
However, I managed to do it from my desktop computer, so now I'm waiting for JG's response, and then I'll log in from my phone. :)
Recently in JoS Outreach project new room has been opened which is made by JG Alexandros lowno for doing rituals together.

Everybody is invited to this room who wants to make their rituals more powerful as more people does these more power is generated together,

Participating in ritual schedule? And want more power?

Here we are doing these with JG together, and also few days ago HPHC666 also joined to do few together.

The experience was overwhelmingly briliant for everybody, not because only that most powerful Spiritual Satanists participating here, but also HPHC666 shared here new method, which was allowed to us to tell you about this, so less doubts about our rituals would be present for new SS and etc.,

Now I add here Instructions and also at the bottom there will be small guide how to join "Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals" room for every member of Joy Of Satanas.

First of all we are not robots like the enemy spiritually tries to make everyone into, we are moving opposite and we are alive beings who are advancing and going upwards in life, we have feelings, emotions, sentiments, reasoning, kind hearts and etc,. We are human.

And In this path we approaching Gods who are way on the other end of advancement and provides us with knowledge, power and blessings in becoming like them,

These beings are also Alive but on a such HIGH level where our wildest imaginations can't give us a taste of comprehending how advanced they are.

So now we have methods to approaching them more directly and communicating with them, as our Gurus, Fathers, Mothers, Friends, Protectors and Gods.

These titles they have because we on our level in a way, we understand who are they in our lifes.

Now when we are contacting Them with these Power Rituals, we have to do it right, we can not just open, recite and go away, because this doesn't make any sense, We are alive beings who are trying to befriend Infinitely more Alive Beings.

So we have to do it in a way that Humans should do it.

By using all our capacities that we are able to, WITH Respect, Devotion, Emotions, Willingness, Not invasive manner, Warmly, With a drop of Pleasing(because it is us who mostly needs this, and this Benefits mostly Us.)

So we must do this as much Humanly as we can because we are seeking to become fully human and even surpass this, by reaching Those who are above us.

Here is the new way of doing so, everybody should try this and see:

1. This is not mandatory but calm oneself down little bit and relax with somewhat affirmations or whatever, what eases you.
2. Second step just before starting Gods Ritual, would be envisioning Father Satanas Sigil and asking in RESPECTFUL manner for help in communicating with The God.
3. Now scroll down where is The God's sigil from JoS at the botom of the ritual page, and now in a Friendly Not Invasive manner inhale from 10 to 20 times of Demons energy via this Sigil and try to Open up yourself to The God a bit.
4. Then proceed with a ritual...

Now here is how to join Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals:
Step 1:
Install the Element Application
Download and install the Element application on your device(s): https://element.io.
Create an account by choosing to host it on the domain/server name demonicarmy.com.
You will need to edit the matrix name and manually enter demonicarmy.com as the server.
Step 2:
Message JG Alexandros lowno directly on Element using this ID: @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com

Have a nice and powerful rituals, feel free to share experiences here on forums so more SS would join us, and make our Rituals even more powerful and blessing for everybody.

Happy Yule to everyone! :)
Recently in JoS Outreach project new room has been opened which is made by JG Alexandros lowno for doing rituals together.

Everybody is invited to this room who wants to make their rituals more powerful as more people does these more power is generated together,

Participating in ritual schedule? And want more power?

Here we are doing these with JG together, and also few days ago HPHC666 also joined to do few together.

The experience was overwhelmingly briliant for everybody, not because only that most powerful Spiritual Satanists participating here, but also HPHC666 shared here new method, which was allowed to us to tell you about this, so less doubts about our rituals would be present for new SS and etc.,

Now I add here Instructions and also at the bottom there will be small guide how to join "Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals" room for every member of Joy Of Satanas.

First of all we are not robots like the enemy spiritually tries to make everyone into, we are moving opposite and we are alive beings who are advancing and going upwards in life, we have feelings, emotions, sentiments, reasoning, kind hearts and etc,. We are human.

And In this path we approaching Gods who are way on the other end of advancement and provides us with knowledge, power and blessings in becoming like them,

These beings are also Alive but on a such HIGH level where our wildest imaginations can't give us a taste of comprehending how advanced they are.

So now we have methods to approaching them more directly and communicating with them, as our Gurus, Fathers, Mothers, Friends, Protectors and Gods.

These titles they have because we on our level in a way, we understand who are they in our lifes.

Now when we are contacting Them with these Power Rituals, we have to do it right, we can not just open, recite and go away, because this doesn't make any sense, We are alive beings who are trying to befriend Infinitely more Alive Beings.

So we have to do it in a way that Humans should do it.

By using all our capacities that we are able to, WITH Respect, Devotion, Emotions, Willingness, Not invasive manner, Warmly, With a drop of Pleasing(because it is us who mostly needs this, and this Benefits mostly Us.)

So we must do this as much Humanly as we can because we are seeking to become fully human and even surpass this, by reaching Those who are above us.

Here is the new way of doing so, everybody should try this and see:

1. This is not mandatory but calm oneself down little bit and relax with somewhat affirmations or whatever, what eases you.
2. Second step just before starting Gods Ritual, would be envisioning Father Satanas Sigil and asking in RESPECTFUL manner for help in communicating with The God.
3. Now scroll down where is The God's sigil from JoS at the botom of the ritual page, and now in a Friendly Not Invasive manner inhale from 10 to 20 times of Demons energy via this Sigil and try to Open up yourself to The God a bit.
4. Then proceed with a ritual...

Now here is how to join Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ: Live Rituals:
Step 1:
Install the Element Application
Download and install the Element application on your device(s): https://element.io.
Create an account by choosing to host it on the domain/server name demonicarmy.com.
You will need to edit the matrix name and manually enter demonicarmy.com as the server.
Step 2:
Message JG Alexandros lowno directly on Element using this ID: @gracessecret:demonicarmy.com

Have a nice and powerful rituals, feel free to share experiences here on forums so more

Hey guys I'm following all the steps but when I type in demonicarmy.com instead of matrix, it tells me ".wellknown not available" anyone have any issues with this?
Hey guys I'm following all the steps but when I type in demonicarmy.com instead of matrix, it tells me ".wellknown not available" anyone have any issues with this?
You still have this issue?
You still have this issue?
I would like to say that I still have this issue. The exact issue as Golddglock. I did manage to get in the room from my pc, but I can't log in at all from my phone.
@Alexandros Iowno [JG]

Greetings everyone,

I'm still having the issues of signing back in Element. I couldn't log in to the account already created through my PC, and now I'm having issues signing back in through my mobile device.

From the looks of this thread, I'm having the same issue as golddglock and Yagami Light, but specifically for signing in, not creating an account.

".well-known not available"
I'll test it tomorrow after work.
@Alexandros Iowno [JG]

Greetings everyone,

I'm still having the issues of signing back in Element. I couldn't log in to the account already created through my PC, and now I'm having issues signing back in through my mobile device.

From the looks of this thread, I'm having the same issue as golddglock and Yagami Light, but specifically for signing in, not creating an account.

".well-known not available"
hey I just tried it again, I was able to create an account and log in on my PC, but still having issues with my mobile. When I try to log in to the mobile I still get the ".well known not available" notification. I'm going to stick to using pc for now then.

hey I just tried it again, I was able to create an account and log in on my PC, but still having issues with my mobile. When I try to log in to the mobile I still get the ".well known not available" notification. I'm going to stick to using pc for now then.
It is good you have at least somewhat access. We don't have currently schedules so who have problems with accessing room can relax, brother SATchives will help you with this, as he better knows these things. Just be patient. He is already replied here if you have noticed. :)
I will add here rules for those who are joining the Temple:

Rules by JG Alexandros lowno

# Rules:

1 Use the same name on the server as on the forum.

2 Do not answer calls or respond to private message requests within the server.

3 Do not private message anyone.

4 Do not create rooms or spaces on the server.

5 Be civil and respectful in all interactions.

6 The same rules of the forum apply fully to the server.

7 When Clergy enters, do not interrupt or dominate the conversation. Show good manners, respect, and social awareness by listening attentively.

8 Casual conversation and a relaxed stance are permitted, provided they do not override or disrupt the important schedules and religious procedures of the temple.

9 Questions are permitted and encouraged for learning. However, this Temple space is not to be used as a replacement for true study or for the forums, which is the House of the Gods.

10 Respect the hierarchy of the JoS Ministry and the guidance of established members when they offer direction.

11 Any rule breaking will result in a ban from the temple.
Anybody who had problems. As far as I see you have access through your PC but not through phone. Is this correct?
I haven't been able to sign back in or create a new account for both PC and mobile. If anyone had this problem previously, did you do anything different to create an account/sign in or did it eventually just work for you?
demonicarmy.comI haven't been able to sign back in or create a new account for both PC and mobile. If anyone had this problem previously, did you do anything different to create an account/sign in or did it eventually just work for you?
Myself and few others, had to re-signup, by leaving account they have created and recreating new one, and it worked.

By writing demonicarmy.com at the host name when I create an account. Where it is "matrix.org" you have to change it.
Myself and few others, had to re-signup, by leaving account they have created and recreating new one, and it worked.

By writing demonicarmy.com at the host name when I create an account. Where it is "matrix.org" you have to change it.
Whether it's to sign in or sign up, the problem remains that when we insert the demonicarmy.com in the matrix.org place, we get the above error.
Myself and few others, had to re-signup, by leaving account they have created and recreating new one, and it worked.

By writing demonicarmy.com at the host name when I create an account. Where it is "matrix.org" you have to change it.
I just wanted to update that I keep entering this exactly to change the server but I'm still running into the ".well-known not available" prompt.

And this is for both signing in or creating a new account.
I just wanted to update that I keep entering this exactly to change the server but I'm still running into the ".well-known not available" prompt.

And this is for both signing in or creating a new account.
I can confirm the same behavior in mobile app. I managed to create an account and log in via the web version of Element on a desktop pc.
I just tested it out with a new account and it is working fine.

When you first have created your account you must create the account on the homeserver, demonicarmy.com

when you do create your account you choose a username and password, no email is needed.

when you sign in you must make sure that the homeserver is demonicarmy.com

I logged out then went to try to sign in with the new account I made

I had a different issue than .well-known error.

However after clicking sign in multiple times it logged in, you will need your security phrase if you are an existing user going from mobile to pc.

Which is the security phrase you set up when first making the account which you should have saved somewhere.

Hope this helps. Happy new year everyone.
I haven't been able to sign back in or create a new account for both PC and mobile. If anyone had this problem previously, did you do anything different to create an account/sign in or did it eventually just work for you?
For me it worked the first time on the Element website via my laptop. It only worked when I would open it through the website and through an internet browser. When I downloaded the Element app onto my PC and tried to log in, it told gave me the ".unavailable error". Doesn't give me access on my mobile device at all.
Try to access through your browser.
I looked into the problem a bit. It seems that the .well-known function isn't defined on the demonicarmy.com
Which is a task only the server admin can perform.

Support forum posts can be found on github under element-hq. I won't post any links here for obvious reasons.
For everyone still having the ".well-known not available" message when logging in through the Element app either on PC and mobile, you have to enter:


This will resolve the issue.
I'll have to try this out later. If enough SS from around the world in different time zones all did a ritual once a day. Due to the time zone differences there could be a RTR or God ritual going every hour of the day 24/7/365. It would be pretty potent.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
