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[MEME] Dear Americans who Voted for Trump


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
The importance of the election was quite exaggerated. We live within a jewish matrix of false dichotomies.

I personally believe he was a better choice, being more prepared for such a role than Harris, and his cunning businessman nature is harder to influence than hers.

The fact that he shills for Israel should not surprise anyone. It is impossible not to shill for Israel if you hold political power within the US and intend to keep it.

That being said, we as a group are beyond politics. Politics is just a system, and the current state of politics is inherently flawed. You won't solve the system with decisions that the system allows.
I'm not an American, but the other option, Joe Biden, who is a senile old man with no personality who supports China,wants open borders and all the leftist paraphernalia, is even worse.
Both sides here are right; Trump is indeed a better choice between him and Harris (and Biden as well). However, with Trump elected, the Jews may have a better time flying under the radar despite certain members of Congress and the legal system being held accountable more often.

This election is what I said in a previous thread that can easily be applied here: all audiences are pawns; the Jews (Yehuds) know audience (not all members, admittedly) are ignorant, and they milk this fact for all it's worth. Another thing I noticed just today this morning is that people tend to overtrust the feedback loop; make no mistake, it's important in social, but people have a habit of trusting the feedback loop beyond what it's capable of, more specifically, they have a tendency overestimate to impact this mechanism has made (Whether this is something Ottahart is trying to imply is up in the air at the moment). This is typical seen in people who watch tv all day (News channels Reality TV shows, game shows, what have you; they have real actors, the situations they're in mirror real life to some extent, but it's all scripted and overdramatized. News channel tell real-world events like crimes and world events, but it seems they're still scripted to deceive their viewers.) to escape from reality. Outsiders are too focused on wanting to be and feel heard (this too is important, but again, it's an overtrusted idea.). The enemy is unfortunately aware of this as well (to some extent) and capitalize on it.

If Trump does something draconian or visibly pro-Israel in his second term (despite the assassination attempt on him), the people who voted for him are going to be in for a rude awakening.
Another European who knows absolutely nothing at all about American politics, and yet pretends to have an opinion. An opinion is basically a personal judgement or evaluation based on all of the information that you have, so if you have zero information and zero knowledge about a situation, there really is no right to claim to have an opinion. Especially when the "opinion" is a meme that is literal communism and following the communist jew mindset that all people in the world who have ever been successful in any way must automatically be considered to be evil and deserve to be destroyed.

There are enough political problems now in England. Hopefully you have more knowledge about those.
Another European who knows absolutely nothing at all about American politics, and yet pretends to have an opinion. An opinion is basically a personal judgement or evaluation based on all of the information that you have, so if you have zero information and zero knowledge about a situation, there really is no right to claim to have an opinion. Especially when the "opinion" is a meme that is literal communism and following the communist jew mindset that all people in the world who have ever been successful in any way must automatically be considered to be evil and deserve to be destroyed.

There are enough political problems now in England. Hopefully you have more knowledge about those.
why are you such a fanatical trump follower? curious. seems you jump the gun on anyone who talks about him in a slightly despective way (in this case a stupid meme with no basis, I agree)

I don’t know, to me he doesn’t come as a leader to truly propel a nation forward, so I don’t see why you would need to be his e-bodyguard, but well we will see this term if he’s worth it or not
why are you such a fanatical trump follower? curious. seems you jump the gun on anyone who talks about him in a slightly despective way (in this case a stupid meme with no basis, I agree)

I don’t know, to me he doesn’t come as a leader to truly propel a nation forward, so I don’t see why you would need to be his e-bodyguard, but well we will see this term if he’s worth it or not
Simply I care for honesty and truth. He has been lied about and slandered more than most people in history, and I have watched all of these hoaxes be created about him. So most people who hate him is only based on these fake hoaxes. I care to dispel lies and hoaxes, and uphold truth.

He has made some very bad mistakes, mostly by hiring some horrible people in his cabinet in his first term. He has not been perfect. But he has been the best president we've had for decades, in terms of quality of life for American citizens during his term.

He created the best economy that we have ever had, and he made serious effort in closing and securing the border. Unfortunately Congress blocked most of his actions related to the border and blocked construction of the wall, but still his executive orders gave us the lowest number of border crossings since many years.

There are great things being done with his new cabinet choices. RFK working to remove all of the poisons and toxins from our food supply so that we will no longer have most of our children having strange diseases that never existed in any significant numbers years ago before the toxins started being added to food. Things like artificial colorings which come from coal and petroleum byproducts, and which cause many diseases.

Vivek and Elon with their efficiency program, they are going through all of the expenses in our yearly budgets and will remove all of the wasted money and corrupt money laundering programs. Some of these have been seen already, and it includes hundreds of thousands of dollars for things like giving cocaine to a japanese species of mouse to see if it makes it more sexually active, or seeing if giving gin or tequila to a fish will make it act more agressive. I am not making this up, these are real examples. These must just be money laundering, there is no real justified excuse for these things. All of these corrupt programs and wasted money will be removed.

I am extremely excited for Kash Patel as FBI Director. I've been seeing interviews with him for years. He has proof and evidence of all of the corrupt and criminal actions done by people within the FBI to target Trump and other people in illegal ways over hoax excuses. The Russia hoax, the spying on his campaign in 2016, the forged and fraudulent documents used to optain justification for the witch hunts against Trump and people working with him. Every illegal action that was done by members of the FBI will be exposed and punished.

And he will also be investigating all of the child sex slave trafficking that Biden administration did across the border. With 385,000 children who came across the border who are now missing and nobody in any government office knows where they currently are. And this number is more than a year old, I'm sure it is higher by now. Children being delivered to men who are not their family members, even when it is specifically known that many of these men are involved in sex slave trafficking and have previously been found guilty of that. Children being delivered to an address which is a strip club, claiming that this will be their home. Border patrol agents are guilty of taking children and delivering them directly into sex slavery. This hundreds of thousands of children being sent to be sex slaves is Biden's policy and Biden's actions, but I guess Trump and Biden are basically equally bad, because Trump is evil for wanting to stop all of this....

Tom Homan as Border Czar is perfect. He has all of the knowledge and experience to know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. He has direct experience in everything related to border patrol, ICE, and the laws around illegal immigration.

There are reasons why Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote, why republicans won both the house and the senate, and why almost every county in the country are now Red. Even California counties are mostly red. People knew what they were voting for and the reasons why.
I personally believe he was a better choice, being more prepared for such a role than Harris, and his cunning businessman nature is harder to influence than hers.
Very good point, but could he be manipulated, bribed, coerced, blackmailed?

That being said, we as a group are beyond politics. Politics is just a system, and the current state of politics is inherently flawed. You won't solve the system with decisions that the system allows.
One has to think outside the box that is politics (i.e the politics box). Play the game by the rules of the game and... or play the game by other rules, and... No wonder there are many refereres and moderators in the games, so you have to not get caught cheating... "It's cheating only if you get caught" - technically that's not true, but we shouldn't be so autistic about it. (((Usurpers and usurers, such as bankers))), cheat and controll (con and troll) the World, while others are all prancing around like prissy sissy ninnies, crying, "Establishment bad! 1% bad! Me not happy!".

feedback loop
I must have missed a philosophy, socioloy, psychology or poetry lesson - what is the feedback loop you are referring to here?

Another European who knows absolutely nothing at all about American politics, and yet pretends to have an opinion. An opinion is basically a personal judgement or evaluation based on all of the information that you have, so if you have zero information and zero knowledge about a situation, there really is no right to claim to have an opinion. Especially when the "opinion" is a meme that is literal communism and following the communist jew mindset that all people in the world who have ever been successful in any way must automatically be considered to be evil and deserve to be destroyed.

There are enough political problems now in England. Hopefully you have more knowledge about those.
I had admitted before, possibly on JoS forums, that I don't understand American politics. As for being "another European" giving an opinion - I can't remember anywhere saying, "My opinion is..." about anything. I shared a meme that someone made, which I found. Think with your Brain instead of with you Emotions; Trump doesn't care about you; he's rich and powerful; you're not. You, more than most here, should realise I provoke, I antagonise, I tease, I like to get a rise out of people sometimes. I try to do it on important topics, instead of trolling and shiposting. It opens discussion/debate, and hopefully reveals or finds answers and solutions and new ideas some might not have thought about. I don't suppose everyone who visits, and will visit, this forum has seen that picture. You might prefer I said "discuss" at the bottom of my OP, but oh, well. Even without giving an actual opinion - which I tend to do, cutting things up into pieces and saying my thoughts on many of them in very long posts - I still present things that I find without doing that sometimes; I don't always give my opinion; it's nice to let others think with a fresh mind in the sense of not having my thoughts possibly influence them in their replies.

With me, and anyone, bringing things to this forum, they can be considered and discussed. Whatever percentage of people coming here would not see that picture possibly ever, anywhere else. In the future, when more come to the JoS, people will see the things on here and some who saw e.g. this picture in December 2024 probably will remember them in later years, and read any replies and realise, learn and understand things in a different light - including hindsight. I was going to entitle this thread without the "[MEME]" at the beginning, but then it would seem like I was saying this myself, so I added "[MEME]" just in case, like a sort of disclaimer. Apparently, that was not clear enough. You could ask me if this is my opinion, or assume/presume I was sharing something I found to get reaction, or reply as you did. Meh.
You, more than most here, should realise I provoke, I antagonise, I tease, I like to get a rise out of people sometimes. I try to do it on important topics, instead of trolling and shiposting. It opens discussion/debate, and hopefully reveals or finds answers and solutions and new ideas some might not have thought about.
I like when you do this. I do enjoy discussing these things. I enjoy sharing information and receiving more information from other people. Honestly I forgot that you often purposefully trying to facilitate a conversation by saying things in a provocative way that are more likely to get people to reply and think more about it. I have not seen many posts from you recently, but I also have been very busy recently so I have not seen everything that is posted. But I do like when you do this, and I am always having fun when I write my replies. I say things in a way that often sound to other people like I might be angry, but I do not mean it that way and I just hope to share as much information as possible very quickly.

But I do think it is wrong to say that anybody who ends up with a lot of money automatically means that they don't care about people or don't want to help create a better world. Some people say Trump is narcissistic and he only tries to help people to make people like him. I guess there is no way to know if this is his motivation. There are many stories of him helping people, and him paying money to charities and paying money to help sick people or people with problems. Like one time decades ago, his car got a flat tire and a man pulled over to help him change it with the spare tire. Trump asked the man who he is and where he lives. And a couple weeks later, the man found out that Trump paid all of the rest of the money for the mortgage on the man's house so the man doesn't need to make any more payments. Trump didn't brag about this, and the reason we know is because the man decided to tell people about it. You could say that he only helped the man because he helped him first, but this is not the only story of him sending money to help with people who can't afford something.

If he wants to create the greatest economy in history, make the American Dream of owning a home and having a family available and more easily accessable for all Americans, end wars and conflicts around the world, get the poisons out of our food and make all our people healthier, enforce law and order to keep our people safe, secure the border and remove all criminal aliens, remove some of the wasted money and corruption out of the government. All of these are things that he has shown that he is working on now, or has already worked on before and will continue. If the reason why he does all of these things is because he is extremely narcissistic and he wants to be known as the greatest president in history, that could be true. But as long as these beneficial things are accomplished, it is not so important what the motivation was. He is so strongly wanting to accomplish these great improvements for our country that he has almost been assassinated multiple times, and he still did not quit.

He has made some mistakes because he had no experience in politics and he didn't know how it worked. He hired some horrible swamp creatures in his first administration, at the same time as trying to drain the swamp. John Bolton was the worst, but there were multiple other horrible choices. He thought at the time that he could work and compromise with the deep state swamp, and that if he hired some of their people and did some things that they wanted, that they would allow him to also do some things that he wanted to do like build the border wall. But he found out the hard way that there is no way to compromise with corrupt criminals in the government, because they tried to destroy him anyway. It was wrong for him to shoot some rockets into Syria, and some other things like this. These were examples of him trying to appease these corrupt people.

This time he learned his lesson. There is no way to cooperate with these evil people, and no way to compromise. They have already tried to destroy him in every way and including trying to kill him. So now he is purely doing what he wants to do, hiring the people who he actually likes and believes will do a good job. And he is trying to remove all of the corrupt and evil people out of the government.
I must have missed a philosophy, socioloy, psychology or poetry lesson - what is the feedback loop you are referring to here?
...The kind of feedback loop that occurs between politicians and the ordinary employee, and the one between the performer and their audience. Does that clear things up, or do I need to clarify a little more?
I haven't been on a lot, myself, actually. Also as I have (not) said (for ages) - text lacks emotion and tonation. I'm glad someone realises - and actually likes - my stance. I... err... like your... err... hair. Yer lookin' good today. Thanks for the love, as well, lol.

It might be wrong to say that, yeah. I am cynical about the system, the establishment, whatever anyone wants to call it. The man - or the jew! For the sake of clarity - in a post I just posted, I said a documentary about Micahel Jackson was on - Who Really Killed Michael Jackson?, and I can remember j/news saying that Paris said he was murdered, a few years ago - and I don't need to tell you how fans - and fanatical fans (yes, I know one comes from the other!) - behave. Michael may be a rare, rare exception, but generally, I really, really don't think celebrities care about the fans - not ignoring what ariana grande said - "I wish all my fans would fucking die", if I remember the quote correctly, which was said just before the Manchester Arena bombing. Further to this - I saw something years ago regarding Donny Osmond back in the day, and Girls/young Women were crying - and I paraphrase - "He-e-e waass supp-oh-oh-ohsed to marry meee!!". More - people get upset when celebrities - who don't know them - die. Again more - "I saw you at X Event", says a commoner to a celebrity/star - where the latter can't remember it, and the former behaves as if the celebrity/star is jesus who "needs" to be worshipped... My attitude is more "celebrities/they didn't care when I died, so I don't care when they died", sort of thing.

I may not always be right! I am not... like... an authourity here, like an expert in a field whom everyone looks to for understanding that field. I'm just silly me who... does things.

That's an impressive story about Trump helping a random stranger who helped change his tire, but I am still cynical! It sounds something like Trump is jesus or something - I am getting that thought here. By the way - I am not trying to argue against what you say about him; I am just a former christian who doesn't like worshipping strangers who don't worship me! Besides or not besides but... whatever - I know more about Trump than Trump knows about me. That's not fair! (There is also a Futurama episode where a celebrity needs, and gains, the lifeforce of the sheep watching it!! Oh, and yes - Futurama is jewish, of course. The jew's reptillian overlords need Human Souls for sustenance, no?!...)

I want to say "mark my words", but I am not a profit. If I am right, then you can say that I did say it technically - it is typed down and it cannot (not) be deleted! On the other hand, if I am wrong, then... I still haven't bought a hat yet, but I should to eat it. :p

You said that he made mistakes because he didn't have experience in politics. In fact, I actually typed this next bit below when I thought of it recently, before I read your reply here (as you said I don't know about USA politics) -

I may not know much about USA politics but I do know one thing - to be predient in the USA you don't have to be a politician; you can be an actor or a CEO, who has power and ability to influence not only the USA but the World, billions of people - and don't forget, media (actor) and franchise (CEO) influence billions constantly; becoming PotUSA is a cheating way to increase your own power and influence on a grand... or at least large... scale.

Plus - I know that Europe is not in Canada. <-- Those people vote.

As I said, I typed that recently before reading further down this thread, because I didn't want to forget it. I was going to end my reply with that, but that can stay there. I do lol at what you said next, though -
There is no way to cooperate with these evil people, and no way to compromise.
Trump wanted to make a space force with a plagiarised Star Trek logo/emblem. I lol at what you said because of what I remembered from Star Trek - the (((Federation))) reckons it can talk-down any conflict into perfect - that being (((perfect))) - (((compromise))) which, when pretending to compromise and agree, is actually on the Federation's terms - that being Watsonian; Doylian is the scriptwriters (of course, Star Trek is also jewish) actually putting that into the script. The Klingons would never (usually) sit down and put way their bat'leth to talk... Especially when their religion and existence is to die in glorious battle with honour so they can go to paradise... Lol. Oh, my. The jew is very clever at manipulating people's thoughts with stories - "Sit down and talk it out (but we won't because we don't!)".

I don't think they have tried to kill Trump in every way - but I am taking what you said literally. There is still one thing the jew hasn't tried - unless it has tried it but the Gods and Goddesses have protected Trump. That would be interesting to know.
...The kind of feedback loop that occurs between politicians and the ordinary employee, and the one between the performer and their audience. Does that clear things up, or do I need to clarify a little more?
I might not be on the same brainwave as you because I come more from a cynical perspective of politician with usual worker and performer and fans. I think you mean people love the actors - politicians, celebrities, etc. - too much. If not, then nevermind!
I might not be on the same brainwave as you because I come more from a cynical perspective of politician with usual worker and performer and fans. I think you mean people love the actors - politicians, celebrities, etc. - too much. If not, then nevermind!
As in, the people love celebrities/actors/politicians/etc too much for accomplishments to the point their positive perspectives on them cannot end badly for them? Hmm, That perspective makes sense.

Either way, I don't blame you for being cynical. The Jew has done too much damage for people to be optimistic.
As in, the people love celebrities/actors/politicians/etc too much for accomplishments to the point their positive perspectives on them cannot end badly for them? Hmm, That perspective makes sense.

Either way, I don't blame you for being cynical. The Jew has done too much damage for people to be optimistic.
Entertainment can be OK, I suppose, but it is nonsense. A lot of nonsense and stupidity which doesn't improve our lives nor the World.
I dont know about US but this was by far the most toxic election I have ever witnessed in my life😣
The whole internet was filled with hate.
I deleted all my social media and Im not even an American.Im not even into politics at all.
The amount of misogyny,racism and bullying I witnessed (directed at others, not me)made me question if freedom of speech is even a good thing to begin with🙂
Im not political but I really like Tulsi and I hope one day she becomes the President.
She is both Hindu and American.
I always think converts to a religion are better believers than the ones who are born into it
I dont know about US but this was by far the most toxic election I have ever witnessed in my life😣
The whole internet was filled with hate.
I deleted all my social media and Im not even an American.Im not even into politics at all.
The amount of misogyny,racism and bullying I witnessed (directed at others, not me)made me question if freedom of speech is even a good thing to begin with🙂
Im not political but I really like Tulsi and I hope one day she becomes the President.
She is both Hindu and American.
I always think converts to a religion are better believers than the ones who are born into it
Something like 90% of accounts on the internet are automated robots. And these are programmed to try to create as many arguments and conflict as possible.

These are also used to scam companies for advertisement money, by giving them millions of views on their advertisement but really most of these views are fake robot accounts and not from real people.

These automated accounts are for the purpose of spreading as many lies as possible, spreading whatever lies that the globalist jews want people to believe. And creating arguments, because people will be confused and not know what is true.
Entertainment can be OK, I suppose, but it is nonsense. A lot of nonsense and stupidity which doesn't improve our lives nor the World.
High Priestess Lyida has stated otherwise and that life is to be enjoyed. The Hero Maxine, blessed be her name, has stated that she should watch movies because she doesn't. If you find yourself a workaholic you need to learn to sit still and smell the roses; however if all you want to do is smell the roses you have to kick your ass into gear and appreciate both.

As High Priest Cobra has stated, be like the Sloth. Is a Sloth anything but precise in it's movements? Does it not take the path of least resistance while still getting where it needs to go? Joy is a good thing and should be greatly cherished. Do you seek fame and love? Than take joy in that and use it to do great works so others might be gladden to have you in their culture. Do you seek to be THE VERY BEST? Than do so with joy that you can claim that title and grow and make the best better than it ever was before; but do not think that relaxation is not a part of this.

When raising a child everyone hates the starting phases, the endless work, the sleepless nights, the horrid crying you pray to all the Gods you could cure with a snap of your finger; but all so that little bundle that you brought forth and created will be joyful and play with you. That you might once more see with the eyes of a babe at a world made a new through reincarnation. All so you might relax with this newly formed person you have the honor to call "my child."

Entertainment must be loved and enjoyed. Not a week ago I started to dismiss everything and my meditations felt like torment because I acted as if I could simply dismiss with this world and it's wonders. I would watch something and become angry and hateful over the nonsense it has, that it had no value. That was arrogance acting as if I was 'better' than I am. I feared what my Witchpower might do if I daydreamed. I disliked the unhealthy things in tv. I hated so much because I lacked Joy in my enjoyment. Laugh at the nonsense and if something is unhealthy register that and know that is not you and that one day art will become better and less harmful but for now do not just go around cursing everything.

As a Guardian told me, do not dismiss others even if they are not Satanic. Love your fellows and even those called simple. They might not have "mega big brains" (as some put it) but that doesn't mean they have no value or worth. Just like entertainment, some of it's dumb and that's ok. If you live your life without Joy than what is even the point? We have creativity and logic for a reason.

Just like with anything one can call 'work' when you put forth effort to something worthwhile it goes from being slavery to labor some: because the above (feminine) is working with the below (masculine). Without decompression (relaxation) one will be driven to insanity for pressure can turn anyone into 'a diamond'. A statement people only take as good but when you examine it our goal is to be human, not just diamonds and the process of making one is to 'crush' carbon into a new shape. These has good meanings such as what High Priest Cobra said here ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/1771050/?snr=1_5_9__205 ) about how "God" kills the mortal aspect but like most knowledge there is also many more meanings.

In this case pressure can break someone and turn them into something else that is not ideal. Without decompression you can, and will, be broken and you can't just say "not me."

If a battery can be overloaded (burnout) than it too can be crushed (a lack of decompression). No amount of will or want can change this because there are Truths to existence if we like it or not.
Sorry, I meant the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is not entertaining, I find. I don't mean we should be like Jack - all work and no play. We need balance with different aspects of life. I don't consider the distraction of the entertainment industry to be joy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
