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Recent content by Renita

  1. Renita

    This is edited so well!

    This is edited so well!
  2. Renita

    The American mass mind has been destroyed.

    You can see this pattern in almost all Hollywood produced movies, specifically horror movies. All the bad/evil character are either possessed or have connections with or direct to the "devil". This is basic psychological manipulation. Over time, the brain notices the patterns and tells itself...
  3. Renita

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    I have also performed bindings rituals for further protection for me and my family. This has healed and help my relationship between my mother and me greatly.
  4. Renita

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    My mother adopted me when I was on the verge of death and even if she was not able to give me a father, her guidance (while harsh and sometimes aggressive) has helped me come to be who I am today. Most times, mothers and fathers do not know how to properly parent a child, and this is the...
  5. Renita

    Relationships #76808 I don't want to communicate with people and interact in any way

    Here you are asking as if women were ever slaves and workers for the men. Women have their own energies and men have theirs. Your saying that you don't want to dirty your energy as it is "pure". With what I see you saying, your energy is much less than pure. You must stop thinking like a kike...
  6. Renita

    The Gods #76802 Donate energy to the Gods

    You yawning does not have any attribute to if the energy donation worked, but I myself when giving energy do tend to feel tired. Tired or light feeling usually comes from deep meditation or energy giving and is completely fine. Thank you for your contribution, the God's appreciate it always !
  7. Renita

    Rituals #76799 Whole lotta things

    When you are still starting out, or even already advanced, stopping meditation can not only be negative for you spiritually but also cause mental and physical issues. During meditation, your bioelectricity is being amplified each time. Over time, your body gets used to larger and larger amounts...
  8. Renita

    Looking for friends

    That sounds horrid, I wouldn't be able to stay there long if it wasn't a job
  9. Renita

    Other #76771 Not getting things done in life because others get them instead of me

    I mean, in what ways are you manifesting what you want into your life? Are you just dreaming about (for example) getting a better job and then whining about it not happening? The Universe is a bunch of different vibrations of energy, thoughts and sounds. If you form a though, but don't put in...
  10. Renita

    Rituals #76764 energy vampires

    If you are not yet doing it, I recommend doing the 40-day binding and maybe even more until she really leaves you alone. You said she also practices magik, is she of one us, or is she some stereotypical "pagan" or xtian witch? Make sure to strengthen your aura through regular cleaning and...
  11. Renita

    [HELP-ME] Duration of Meditations

    You must change your view on what meditation is. Instead of seeing it as a "chore" or an "extra" part of your life, think of it as a necessity just like water and eating. Introduce it into your life as a healer, a helper and you will over time begin to crave meditation and it will become second...
  12. Renita

    For March 8th, International Woman's Day, I would like to thank all our female warriors under...

    For March 8th, International Woman's Day, I would like to thank all our female warriors under Zeus and all our Goddesses for all they have done for us. Being a true feminine in this world means to be loving, motherly and a guide for everyone. With all this Jewish bullshit, many Gentile women...
  13. Renita

    The Gods #76688 I wish to smoke joint

    I had been exposed to weed as young as 13 and I can tell you, they do you no good, to this day, years later I can sometimes feel negative affects on it with my meditations and daily life. This can range from anxiety attacks in public, loss of concentration in meditating, bad memory and...
  14. Renita

    Tattoo and Piercing Placement

    I know that tattoos are relatively harmless unless done unprofessionally and not properly taken care of. Are there any specific areas on the body where you should not do a tattoo such as: neck, spine, etc? Same goes with piercings. Are there areas for the body if pierced cause any spiritual...
  15. Renita

    What kind of music is best to listen to?

    There is no limit to what you can listen to, as music is the essence of the universe and is one of the blessings of Zeus. What is recommended is to listen to is classical as it has a naturally positive affect on the human mind. It can calm the mind and make you relax, as it has helped me often...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
