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Recent content by Ludwick

  1. Ludwick

    In fact, I never missed a thing. Saturn somehow restrained me from using my own account, so I...

    In fact, I never missed a thing. Saturn somehow restrained me from using my own account, so I simply didn't log on every time I went here.
  2. Ludwick

    Remember me? I'm still here.

    Remember me? I'm still here.
  3. Ludwick

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god? I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is...
  4. Ludwick

    Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

    You've been reading my posts, haven't you? Well either way, prepare for kinda sorta something vaguely within the ballpark of Black Ops II thingy But seriously, will there be a civil apocalypse? please no. And ask the gods to keep those dark-skinned helots (migrants) on a leash pretty please.
  5. Ludwick

    Movies, games, series

    Several things I want to get off me: After watching a several modern action movies (late 2010s - 2020s) over the course of weeks, I contemplated the fact that casting options are getting weirder and more out of place, the plots are getting duller or even stupidly predictable, or just simply the...
  6. Ludwick

    Sorry for being outdated but, I'm just beginning to figure out how this status thing works.

    Sorry for being outdated but, I'm just beginning to figure out how this status thing works.
  7. Ludwick

    Migrant Apocalypse

    The apocalypse is here, no not that one, the other one. negroes and neolithics, HORDES of them. (Also slavs) Well sorta. . . not really, but the future seems keen on this. From various news reports, I see that it's spreading outside of nyc and into other states, and I hope very well to the...
  8. Ludwick

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Woah, I never thought I would see someone else besides myself use the world "neolithic" in a derogatory sense.
  9. Ludwick

    Have no idea how this status thing works lol

    Have no idea how this status thing works lol
  10. Ludwick

    Happy Yule!

    Before I dedicated I loved xmass but now, I love Yule season, so happy Yuletide my good brethren and sistren in Satan. I have always felt something special about winter season and snow but don't know why. Can only hope however for a new 2024 SS calendar to celebrate the new year. And again...
  11. Ludwick

    The Date And Time When Humanity WIll End

    Woah. I never expected for a High Priest to respond to me, much less Hooded Cobra. Also considering what destruction could mean in a more symbolic sense, the world as we know it is going to end but what it will end up as depends on what we do. Destruction = Drastic change. (And not necessarily...
  12. Ludwick

    Nazi spaceships and the welfare (the lack of) regarding earth in the 2040s

    I'm afraid you have exposed me, I have no idea what other civilizations are like, and I'm not sure if I'm Super Soldat enough - not necessarily to leave earth but to adapt to other civilizations outside of earth. According to what I've read, Vikings wages are based on a shit ton of physical...
  13. Ludwick

    Nazi spaceships and the welfare (the lack of) regarding earth in the 2040s

    Alright, Since nobody has answered questions #3000, #3028, #3089, and #3332, I will instead just elaborate on why I plan to leave earth. I made rather little progress regarding something I call electromagnetic implosion, but enough to ask if anyone could post an advanced celestial map...
  14. Ludwick

    Are White Folks Human?

    In my opinion, we White people are the most human on earth. (Please name other planets) Why do you think our species is named "Human"? It's named after our race because we came first and foremost species-wise. This is based on various observations and this is in spite of our faults. Not...
  15. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Alternate title: Quitting my job My job has taken so much of my time with me taking on considerably more work emergencies, not letting me spiritually advance enough. Should I start looking for a new job?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
