I can't belive this... Because of my family im missing out everything. Temple of Zeus ? Wow, i hope everyone is ok unlike me. I wish Satanas and Gods will always be with me and walk with me in this path. I will save myself.
Orijinal Joy of Satanas web sitesinde ki yazan ve yazılmış bütün makalelerin çevirisi biz Türklerin sitesi olan Şeytan'ın Sevincinde yer alıyor mu ?
Bazen gizliden elime okuyabileceğim cihazlar geçiyor ve her vakti Joy of Satanas'ı okumakla geçirmek istiyorum fakat bazen ingilizcem...
Merhaba sonne, kardeşim.
Merak ediyordum da JoS'da yer alan bütün makalelerin çevirisi spiritüelsatanizm.org'da yer alıyor mu ?
Boş oturmaktansa gizli gizli her şeyi okuyabilirim fakat ingilizcem yeterli değil JoS için.
Çok teşekkürler. Bu açılımı her ne kadar tarotta ustalaşmasamda deneyeceğim. Fakat şu an özgür olmadığım için tarot kartlarımı okulda saklıyorum ve okulumda çok güvenli bir yer değil. Notlarımı aldım ve uygun zamanda açılımı deneyip deneyimlerimi paylaşmak için sabırsızlanıyorum. Teşekkürler...
Which mantras or runes i should use to raise my energy and aura ?
My SS friend said that im not free to do these stuff so i should read the Verse of the Kursi 40x per day for raising energy and aura and it will be okay since allah is a pagan god or something. But ofc this doesn't...
Hello and Greetings
I'm in a situation that i can't even do meditatons 'cause i don't have a quiet and safe place to do and ect. . And i never done a meditation since i feel as a SS and being a dedicated SS ( Since Fourth of July ) 'Cause of these problems. I don't know the right time to meet...
I'm so happy that i get to do the rituel for yule. My situation is hard and im not even free but when i had a computer and time i wroted down the rituel to do later and i did it for yule.
It was hard since i don't have a place to do in my home i had to go outside somehow and did it...
No i can access both but i don't have any personal technological device to use it all-time. This is my cousins computer and im doing it secretly when no one is around and we are talking about 4-5 mins. So i don't think it would be effective for me to go on the website and read 1 2 lines. So im...
Thank you so much... i had a very bad day about my aunt saying '' You except that they will welcome you like this in to their lives ? ( Im gay ) '' and i was this close to live with my muslim uncle which basicly hates me. And these words made my day. Im still not sure about suicide 'cause a...