We can take this example given some time ago by the High Priest, I think it fits perfectly.
The Feminine Force, Astarte and Lilith
"Astarte is more symbolic of the "Feminine of Light", i.e. Demeter, Athena and so on, while Lilith represents the "Dark Feminine" or the Occult; Hecate for...
These days I was able to take the next step.
I have definitely broken the barrier of superficiality and embraced what is the true essence of the Gods.
Your writings are of utmost importance.
Thanks HPHC.
I really relate to what you say.
The word to meditate on is "Action".
In addition to chasing the enemy, the priority is our growth. If it is not the current enemy, it is possible that another and another will arrive.
But if we are strong and consolidated, situations like these will no...
I note that the process is cyclical but decreasing, we are talking about an involution.
We don't go from the Iron Age to the Heroic Age to the Bronze Age and so on.
Why this?
The first thing you need to learn to get rich is that there is no quick and easy path.
Getting rich is like trying to have the ideal body. Years and years of hard work, sacrifices and energy.
Embrace complexity, effort and pain.
You can help yourself with magic, but the part written above...
Today an old non-SS friend of mine sent me a post on the internet that explained in detail where the abrahamic religions came from and the purpose for which they were created.
I never delved into this with him and yet just today after the FRTR program ended it happened.
The voice of the Gods...
Buonasera, sei stato coraggioso ad esternare la tua problematica e i tuoi sentimenti.
Ho vissuto una situazione analoga recentemente.
Quest'ultima è stata causata da un'elevata quantità di stress proveniente da varie fonti, tra tutte, il lavoro.
Attacchi di panico, tachicardia e fitte...
I feel love for all the members of JoS, we are great!
You are a fantastic leader, great HP!
This is just the beginning of the manifested victory.
Long live the Gods!
Long live JoS!