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  • "What more do you want, then, when you have done a man a service? Are you not content with having done something in keeping with your nature? Do you ask to be paid for it? Just as the eye does not demand a reward for seeing, nor the feet for walking, nor any other part of the body for doing its function. In the same way, man is made for acts of benevolence; when he has done so, he has done what is his own."
    —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book Nine.
    So if somebody doesn't understand, yes, Satan and Baalzebul are two name for ONE entity, person, being, God. They are NOT two different Gods, entities, he is one. Yes this is contradictory to what we believed until now, it took me a hard minute also but JG Alexandros Iowno explained it clearly. God is one being and he is named Satan, Zeus, Beelzebul, Wotan, etc.

    No allegories here, or anything, it is as said.
    However, Satan and Zeus are two aspects of God, they are not separate entities but separate aspects, just as we all know well, Gods have multiple aspects in pantheons.
    Now it turns out that Satan and Zeus are two aspects of one being, even though we thought they are two separate Gods. They are not.

    "But the more righteous of you, who stand upon the threshold of the change to the diviner state, shall among men be righteous kings, and genuine philosophers, founders of states, and lawgivers, and real seers, and true herb-knowers, and prophets of the gods most excellent, skillful musicians, skilled astronomers, and augurs wise, consummate sacrificers--as many of you as are worthy of things fair and good."

    - Isis, kore kosmou
    I have just found a video that sums up this very good. And moreover, if you know some spiritual allegories, this video can be understood even better. Anyways, I will include a commentary here.


    About the Elysian Mysteries:

    Note that the Elysian fields were thought to where the advanced souls reside, so the purpose of this cult that almost every Athenian partaken in is for advancing the soul, to reach this field.

    Death and reborn means a spiritual transformation here, as it is said in the video, people would die and reborn in these rituals. This means a spiritual transformation of the soul, and becoming a God.

    Mania is unlocking the power of the soul.

    The description of Plutarch of this ritual is very reviling: "Than in accordance to nature the soul stays engaged with the body in close union thereafter." As we know, the more advanced you soul gets, the more it will be connected to your astral body and physical body. When your soul unites with you physical body, you become a God, and immortal.

    Pythagorean Mysteries:

    There isn't much to explain here, note that "altered state of consciousness" means a trance state, meditating, and also a higher state of consciousness, connected to things such as intuition, "all knowing" Kundalini, and so on.

    The Bacchic Mysteries:

    Bacchus is Dionysus, as explained, but he is also Satan. People in this cult were literally dedicated to Satan.

    Here, similarly to Mania, Baccheia is the unlocking the power of the soul.
    Ecstasy is often related to the pineal gland, when it is activated, it gives an ecstasy feeling.

    Here he gives an inaccurate description of women's life. In reality women were esteemed by man, besides not having political rights, they were esteemed. Just because they did not had political rights it doesn't mean they weren't esteemed. It was a manly characteristic to engage in politics but we see woman to had actual power, even political in the ancient word. See for example Cleopatra, or the Pythia (priestess of Apollo) who were consulted by leaders to take the right decision.

    Moreover, "killing others" and "intoxicants" is still allegorical here. The secretion of the pineal gland were also thought to be a poison, but this is this is life energy as we know today. This was also cakked as wine / mead.

    The Orphics:

    As said, advancing the soul gets it to higher dimensions, aka a more pleasant afterlife. Katabasis could mean astral projection, meditation, and rising of the Kundalini.
    And it has nothing to do with Christianity as we can see.


    Here it is further confirmed that Katabasis could mean the rising of the kunalini. Meeting the unnamed Goddes who reveals the secretes of reality could mean the Kundalini penetrating the crown chakra, resulting in a higher state of conciseness. But also what he explains, meeting a Goddes literally.
    Everything is one could mean the ether.


    This is speking for its self.
    For those who don't know what to visualize during God rituals, I share what I usually visualize.

    So I imagine the whole Earth inside the ritual sigil, and that the God's energy completely surrounds the Earth, basically the whole earth is in the middle of this strong infinite energy.
    Sometimes I also visualize the God holding Earth in it's palm while has complete control over it.

    For example if we are talking about a God closer to warfare such as Alastor, Baalzebul etc. I visualize that all Jews just completely gets destroyed as soon as this energy touches them. While I also visualize like strong gentile army and alike. I also intentionally "think" or feel like that Alastor could wipe out the Jewish population with the least effort in like seconds.

    If we are talking about a God like Thoth, I visualize this energy rising everyone's consciousness, I visualize everyone in a strong golden white aura with glowing eyes gaining knowledge and consciousness about everything.

    And so on.
    I encourage every SS to learn in the education system for as long as they can, and attain the highest degrees in the area that they are interested in.

    Natural Science is probably the most notable here, and if you are interested in any area of it (Math, Physics, Chemistry, ...[there is a lot of specializations]..) than you should learn this.
    Most universities have the option for graduated people to work there as a researcher (although for very little money). But this is a huge thing because you can publish your research and especially if you do this in a prestigious university, it will have an impact and other scientist will read it.

    Just to say an example, Kirlian photography, electromagnetic fields, and alike have a lot of potential in huge breakthroughs. We need SS to work in these areas and with the help of the Gods, we can change the World trough Science.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
