I hear people talking about the inherent weaknesses of the Black race, but what about Whites and Asians? Just out of curiosity.
Have a look at India and all of the in-breeding there, with Children born with 3.5 arms and "tails" coming out of their backs, which then cause them to be deemed deities.Bardhonen said:Also I've noticed that whites tend to be more prone to incestuous tendencies. I wouldn't really say this issue is entirely inherent because the enemy takes the already inherent weaknesses and multiplies them multiple times over because they're the easiest thing to attack.
(I am white btw)
That is totally false and its absolutely the absolute opposite as any statistic will show you. Bardhonen you already pulled the phoniest line right from the phony enemie's narrative. Why dont you change your name to 'filthy worthless kike'. You even created a thread specifically just to find faults and shit on the white race. At first I thought your purpose was so non whites wouldnt cry themselves to sleep on the facto all living beings really arent the same. Now I can smell your foul rat stench and suddenly your thread makes sense.Bardhonen said:Also I've noticed that whites tend to be more prone to incestuous tendencies. I wouldn't really say this issue is entirely inherent because the enemy takes the already inherent weaknesses and multiplies them multiple times over because they're the easiest thing to attack.
(I am white btw)
exactly, your claims are completely bullshit, the only incestous race on earth that deeply enjoyes that are the fucking jews.Bull Gotze said:That is totally false and its absolutely the absolute opposite as any statistic will show you. Bardhonen you already pulled the phoniest line right from the phony enemie's narrative. Why dont you change your name to 'filthy worthless kike'. You even created a thread specifically just to find faults and shit on the white race. At first I thought your purpose was so non whites wouldnt cry themselves to sleep on the facto all living beings really arent the same. Now I can smell your foul rat stench and suddenly your thread makes sense.Bardhonen said:Also I've noticed that whites tend to be more prone to incestuous tendencies. I wouldn't really say this issue is entirely inherent because the enemy takes the already inherent weaknesses and multiplies them multiple times over because they're the easiest thing to attack.
(I am white btw)
Bardhonen said:Also I've noticed that whites tend to be more prone to incestuous tendencies. I wouldn't really say this issue is entirely inherent because the enemy takes the already inherent weaknesses and multiplies them multiple times over because they're the easiest thing to attack.
(I am white btw)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Bardhonen said:Also I've noticed that whites tend to be more prone to incestuous tendencies. I wouldn't really say this issue is entirely inherent because the enemy takes the already inherent weaknesses and multiplies them multiple times over because they're the easiest thing to attack.
(I am white btw)
"When my own mental illness becomes a pretend game that supposedly affects 'everyone', and I try to blame it on my race" Bardhonen?
The bottom line that everyone avoids saying is that Whites are in most areas just a superior race to Blacks and others. Everyone here knows the IQ statistics. I'm pretty sure you do too. For the most part the main contribution of many non-white races has just been being used as a battering ram against whites to race-mix them to oblivion. Just look at what's happening in Europe. So, a net negative overall. The Asians haven't been as bad in terms of how much problems they caused for Whites,compared to the other non-white races. The Jews are the ones pushing this migration and race-mixing, but it's not something the Jews could get done on their own. They'd have no chance all on their lonesome against Europe. So clearly, Blacks and Arabs along with the Huns in the past have caused huge issues to Whites far surpassing any positive contributions they have ever made, and they would need to do quite a lot to even the scales there and actually make their contribution to Whites a net positive.Bardhonen said:I hear people talking about the inherent weaknesses of the Black race, but what about Whites and Asians? Just out of curiosity.
So quick to point the finger and try to cause chaos. I wonder which one of us is really a jew. I have some advice for you, step down from your pedestal of shit, and next time you think about calling someone a jew, take a step back and contemplate why you're so angry. Please, do not disrespect me again.Bull Gotze said:
Bardhonen said:So hostile :lol:
You forgot arabs. We even had an arab SS in the forums, saying that incest is perfectly fine and natural, and that it is healthy and strengthens the family bonds.... :?Aquarius said:exactly, your claims are completely bullshit, the only incestous race on earth that deeply enjoyes that are the fucking jews.
ConsistentMeditator said:Of course, if you want to think of more flaws for Whites, you can talk about how some white races are overall inferior to others, like the Italians, or others that have gotten admixture from previous muslim invasions. The Russians have accumulated a few problems due to the past invasions of the Mongols.
How many people's mind they fucked up :/ i'm not even mad with the arabs that say that it's fine becuse they have been exposed to it since childhood but when they learn that it's wrong then they have to do everything to fix it if not then i can be 'mad' at them.Lydia said:You forgot arabs. We even had an arab SS in the forums, saying that incest is perfectly fine and natural, and that it is healthy and strengthens the family bonds.... :?Aquarius said:exactly, your claims are completely bullshit, the only incestous race on earth that deeply enjoyes that are the fucking jews.
Ohh shit I think I remember that, so fucking disgusting.Lydia said:You forgot arabs. We even had an arab SS in the forums, saying that incest is perfectly fine and natural, and that it is healthy and strengthens the family bonds.... :?Aquarius said:exactly, your claims are completely bullshit, the only incestous race on earth that deeply enjoyes that are the fucking jews.
So if an arab is taught since childhood that he must kill all non-muslims and he actually does will you just excuse him because he was raised like that since childhood?luis said:i'm not even mad with the arabs that say that it's fine becuse they have been exposed to it since childhood.Lydia said:You forgot arabs. We even had an arab SS in the forums, saying that incest is perfectly fine and natural, and that it is healthy and strengthens the family bonds.... :?Aquarius said:exactly, your claims are completely bullshit, the only incestous race on earth that deeply enjoyes that are the fucking jews.
Nope, what i'm saying is if you are raped by some member of your family since you were a kid and that makes you belive that incest and pedophilia is right i'm going to inform this person that it's wrong and i'll show him proof if he still keeps beliving that and he is going to change (of course things like this can be changed with magick only) then i can be compassionate if not then i'm going to hate him.Aquarius said:So if an arab is taught since childhood that he must kill all non-muslims and he actually does will you just excuse him because he was raised like that since childhood?luis said:i'm not even mad with the arabs that say that it's fine becuse they have been exposed to it since childhood.Lydia said:You forgot arabs. We even had an arab SS in the forums, saying that incest is perfectly fine and natural, and that it is healthy and strengthens the family bonds.... :?![]()
no need to have compassion for these degenerates.
I don't really get why it is useless to you. Seems like everyone is just too awkward around these subjects to the point where it is hardly even mentioned on the site even in the main articles. Even the Arab or Black IQ subject hardly comes up.I have in the past thought about writing about national differences but didn't do it because of the infighting it could possibly cause and because it feels mostly useless... Europeans from different countries are mostly scoring similar IQ scores and genetic distance between neighboring nations is usually relatively small.
Hey, luis. What I say below is not an attack against you. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a little while and I was going to reply to an earlier post but I didn't; and now I thought it would be good to mention it. It doesn't apply to just you, but to anyone/everyone.luis said:Aquarius said:So if an arab is taught since childhood that he must kill all non-muslims and he actually does will you just excuse him because he was raised like that since childhood?luis said:i'm not even mad with the arabs that say that it's fine becuse they have been exposed to it since childhood.![]()
no need to have compassion for these degenerates.
Nope, what i'm saying is if you are raped by some member of your family since you were a kid and that makes you belive that incest and pedophilia is right i'm going to inform this person that it's wrong and i'll show him proof if he still keeps beliving that and he is going to change (of course things like this can be changed with magick only) then i can be compassionate if not then i'm going to hate him.
Brainwashing and abusing can lead to those things so that makeks me compassionate, if they don't want to change then hate them as much as you want.
Don't worry we are discussing, this is not hating against me, i know.FancyMancy said:Hey, luis. What I say below is not an attack against you. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a little while and I was going to reply to an earlier post but I didn't; and now I thought it would be good to mention it. It doesn't apply to just you, but to anyone/everyone.luis said:Aquarius said:So if an arab is taught since childhood that he must kill all non-muslims and he actually does will you just excuse him because he was raised like that since childhood?![]()
no need to have compassion for these degenerates.
Nope, what i'm saying is if you are raped by some member of your family since you were a kid and that makes you belive that incest and pedophilia is right i'm going to inform this person that it's wrong and i'll show him proof if he still keeps beliving that and he is going to change (of course things like this can be changed with magick only) then i can be compassionate if not then i'm going to hate him.
Brainwashing and abusing can lead to those things so that makeks me compassionate, if they don't want to change then hate them as much as you want.
People tend not to want to change, and being brainwashed/mindraped since birth makes things be drummed into their thought processes without their permission; it happened from birth so they didn't have a choice. Should they still be hated because they are living what they have been moulded into? To change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Coming into their already-existing life, which has foundations since birth, and roots buried very deeply, is not going to be easy to uproot and change and correct...so should they still be hated after you say, "You're wrong"? Besides - it might be rather presumptuous to insist upon rebuking and correcting someone, butting-in to their lives - "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"; you have to speak on their level of understanding, not come off as all high and mighty. They take it for granted what they do, what they have been taught since birth, how they live, and they don't know any different, and one simply going into their life and trying to correct them - which they more than likely will ignore - gives you permission to hate them, does it? I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them, so does that permit you to hate them because they are practically guaranteed to ignore you? Minds are very hard nuts to crack.
More sincere and personal frank discussions about topics might be more preferable, than going up to someone and telling them "I dislike this; therefore, you're wrong. Follow me." Imagine a christian standing in town and telling you what to do - you might not be doing that, exactly, but I think it would seem like the same thing. I think compassion should be used, but for a lot of people this compassion would be misplaced. I don't mean to have compassion in the sense of accepting what they do and staying with that, but to have compassion to work harder. Perhaps create some thoughtforms in their lives, bedrooms, on their Chakras, to influence them positively into the Truth and 'righteousness', if you want to call it that. Telling something the truth doesn't always work, if ever, unless there are particular circumstances which are raw and painful, for example.
If you hate someone, does that mean you don't care about them? If you have compassion because they are ignorant, through no fault of their own having been brainwashed and mindraped since birth, then they ignore you coming into their lives with "a better way", and them ignoring you makes you hate them, then who is at fault here? I think that just serves to make you bitter. Remember - repetition is key; we repeat vibrations and mantras and affirmations; one single use of a Word, mantra or affirmation does nothing; you telling them something does nothing; they need repeated 'multiples' of conversations and positive input. "We're all individuals, and what works for one might not work for another", so - as I said - you have to work on their level, not preach to them and hate them for you throwing a spanner in their already-existing (albeit untermensch) works.
Before anyone accuses me - I'm not defending any illegal, immoral, questionable, whatever-able acts; I'm asking 100 000-times of brainwashing/mindraping versus 1-time of correction = you permitted to hate them because they very-nearly are guaranteed to ignore you = correct? Think of it in sheer numbers - how many times since birth would a...40 year old have been told and lived repeatedly in X? How many times would you need to correct them to counter all of that? They will ignore you (or worse...), so then you be angry with and hate them for that? It's hard work, and not getting the results we want does upset us - of course - but that sounds like putting expectations on things...and we should know by now that we should never put expectations, wanted results, timeframes, etc., on things. They will be ignorant; to them, you're just a blip in their already-existing life of whatever.
Now I would say that a person who comes here and does workings and meditations and accepts things correctly, etc., then turns their back on it all could be deemed hateful and deserving of scorn and contempt. In a sense, telling an ignorant 'without' person that they are wrong, is like trying to convert them to our religion, proselytising to them. To dig-up the deeply-buried roots of weeds in the garden of their mind causes a load of crap with it. I have used this garden/weed/root analogy before. It causes a big mess and the soil needs re-fitting and nourishing, the cleaning-up of the weeds and planting of lovely flowers, and given time to grow. Coming up to a garden (a person and their mind) full of weeds (crap) and shaking your head, tutting, and behaving derisively is not helpful to them and it makes you look bad, as well.
Previously, a member said that they can only imagine how upset Satan and the Gods and Goddesses are because of all of this shit which has happened in the last many centuries against us - I think we should hate the dirty jewkike and its overlords, not the ignorant, mindraped and brainwashed victims of the enemy's shit - of course, with few exceptions as I said and others. If a person is willing to improve, then great - but to get to that point very much is so fucking difficult, more than a simple conversation or undermining, belittling word of superior morality can change. As I said above - to change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Also again - I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them. We can't stab daggers in the hearts and minds of people; instead, as has been done, revealing the true evil nature of the enemy, I think, is the correct way to go. Imagine this reply of mine here. If I hadn't have started with saying that I am not attacking you, then you might have taken this quite personally and been insulted; the same applies to those 'without'; we shouldn't stab daggers into their minds and hearts. We should try and identify with them - honestly and truthfully - and point out the shit of the enemy instead of possibly upsetting them by pointing out the shit of the enemy inside them, against them personally.
I don’t find you disgusting or anything, you wanted to change and you changed, nothing but good about thisluis said:Don't worry we are discussing, this is not hating against me, i know.FancyMancy said:Hey, luis. What I say below is not an attack against you. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a little while and I was going to reply to an earlier post but I didn't; and now I thought it would be good to mention it. It doesn't apply to just you, but to anyone/everyone.luis said:Nope, what i'm saying is if you are raped by some member of your family since you were a kid and that makes you belive that incest and pedophilia is right i'm going to inform this person that it's wrong and i'll show him proof if he still keeps beliving that and he is going to change (of course things like this can be changed with magick only) then i can be compassionate if not then i'm going to hate him.
Brainwashing and abusing can lead to those things so that makeks me compassionate, if they don't want to change then hate them as much as you want.
People tend not to want to change, and being brainwashed/mindraped since birth makes things be drummed into their thought processes without their permission; it happened from birth so they didn't have a choice. Should they still be hated because they are living what they have been moulded into? To change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Coming into their already-existing life, which has foundations since birth, and roots buried very deeply, is not going to be easy to uproot and change and correct...so should they still be hated after you say, "You're wrong"? Besides - it might be rather presumptuous to insist upon rebuking and correcting someone, butting-in to their lives - "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"; you have to speak on their level of understanding, not come off as all high and mighty. They take it for granted what they do, what they have been taught since birth, how they live, and they don't know any different, and one simply going into their life and trying to correct them - which they more than likely will ignore - gives you permission to hate them, does it? I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them, so does that permit you to hate them because they are practically guaranteed to ignore you? Minds are very hard nuts to crack.
More sincere and personal frank discussions about topics might be more preferable, than going up to someone and telling them "I dislike this; therefore, you're wrong. Follow me." Imagine a christian standing in town and telling you what to do - you might not be doing that, exactly, but I think it would seem like the same thing. I think compassion should be used, but for a lot of people this compassion would be misplaced. I don't mean to have compassion in the sense of accepting what they do and staying with that, but to have compassion to work harder. Perhaps create some thoughtforms in their lives, bedrooms, on their Chakras, to influence them positively into the Truth and 'righteousness', if you want to call it that. Telling something the truth doesn't always work, if ever, unless there are particular circumstances which are raw and painful, for example.
If you hate someone, does that mean you don't care about them? If you have compassion because they are ignorant, through no fault of their own having been brainwashed and mindraped since birth, then they ignore you coming into their lives with "a better way", and them ignoring you makes you hate them, then who is at fault here? I think that just serves to make you bitter. Remember - repetition is key; we repeat vibrations and mantras and affirmations; one single use of a Word, mantra or affirmation does nothing; you telling them something does nothing; they need repeated 'multiples' of conversations and positive input. "We're all individuals, and what works for one might not work for another", so - as I said - you have to work on their level, not preach to them and hate them for you throwing a spanner in their already-existing (albeit untermensch) works.
Before anyone accuses me - I'm not defending any illegal, immoral, questionable, whatever-able acts; I'm asking 100 000-times of brainwashing/mindraping versus 1-time of correction = you permitted to hate them because they very-nearly are guaranteed to ignore you = correct? Think of it in sheer numbers - how many times since birth would a...40 year old have been told and lived repeatedly in X? How many times would you need to correct them to counter all of that? They will ignore you (or worse...), so then you be angry with and hate them for that? It's hard work, and not getting the results we want does upset us - of course - but that sounds like putting expectations on things...and we should know by now that we should never put expectations, wanted results, timeframes, etc., on things. They will be ignorant; to them, you're just a blip in their already-existing life of whatever.
Now I would say that a person who comes here and does workings and meditations and accepts things correctly, etc., then turns their back on it all could be deemed hateful and deserving of scorn and contempt. In a sense, telling an ignorant 'without' person that they are wrong, is like trying to convert them to our religion, proselytising to them. To dig-up the deeply-buried roots of weeds in the garden of their mind causes a load of crap with it. I have used this garden/weed/root analogy before. It causes a big mess and the soil needs re-fitting and nourishing, the cleaning-up of the weeds and planting of lovely flowers, and given time to grow. Coming up to a garden (a person and their mind) full of weeds (crap) and shaking your head, tutting, and behaving derisively is not helpful to them and it makes you look bad, as well.
Previously, a member said that they can only imagine how upset Satan and the Gods and Goddesses are because of all of this shit which has happened in the last many centuries against us - I think we should hate the dirty jewkike and its overlords, not the ignorant, mindraped and brainwashed victims of the enemy's shit - of course, with few exceptions as I said and others. If a person is willing to improve, then great - but to get to that point very much is so fucking difficult, more than a simple conversation or undermining, belittling word of superior morality can change. As I said above - to change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Also again - I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them. We can't stab daggers in the hearts and minds of people; instead, as has been done, revealing the true evil nature of the enemy, I think, is the correct way to go. Imagine this reply of mine here. If I hadn't have started with saying that I am not attacking you, then you might have taken this quite personally and been insulted; the same applies to those 'without'; we shouldn't stab daggers into their minds and hearts. We should try and identify with them - honestly and truthfully - and point out the shit of the enemy instead of possibly upsetting them by pointing out the shit of the enemy inside them, against them personally.
We all have deep rooted karma, don't we? Trauma that comes from past lifes that are really deep rooted. With this the only way out is meditations.
I'm going to say this because i want to make myself an example, even if this is going to change the image that some people's here have on me, but i don't care because i want to make a good point.
I did something ugly when i was a kid and up to a certain age. I did sexual things with one of my cousin....i hate to say this but it did happen. Now some of you would say that i'm a pice of shit but what i want to tell you is that i didn't know it was wrong until a certain age and i fucking did this things when i was like 8 years old (my cousin was a kid like me) i don't know why, if i was brainwashed or what because obviously kids should'nt know about sex but i did it![]()
I hate that this happened but i changed! When i came to Satan i was a mess but with magick and meditations i changed and i don't want to do those things anymore! I actualy hate them and find them disgusting! I wanted to change because i had two chooses or i changed or i would have suffered all of my life...and i did changed.
I wanted to say this because even if some SS here would find me disgusting, i know that some maybe not everyone but some can change even if they have deep rooted shit, they just have to keep going with magick and meditations.
ConsistentMeditator said:I don't really get why it is useless to you. Seems like everyone is just too awkward around these subjects to the point where it is hardly even mentioned on the site even in the main articles. Even the Arab or Black IQ subject hardly comes up.I have in the past thought about writing about national differences but didn't do it because of the infighting it could possibly cause and because it feels mostly useless... Europeans from different countries are mostly scoring similar IQ scores and genetic distance between neighboring nations is usually relatively small.
Thank you! I said this becuse there may be some people's that want to change and i don't want them to feel like they can't. I do agree that they may not be the majority but they do exist.Aquarius said:I don’t find you disgusting or anything, you wanted to change and you changed, nothing but good about thisluis said:...FancyMancy said:![]()
I didn't mean to bring up anything from your past.luis said:Don't worry we are discussing, this is not hating against me, i know.FancyMancy said:Hey, luis. What I say below is not an attack against you. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a little while and I was going to reply to an earlier post but I didn't; and now I thought it would be good to mention it. It doesn't apply to just you, but to anyone/everyone.luis said:Nope, what i'm saying is if you are raped by some member of your family since you were a kid and that makes you belive that incest and pedophilia is right i'm going to inform this person that it's wrong and i'll show him proof if he still keeps beliving that and he is going to change (of course things like this can be changed with magick only) then i can be compassionate if not then i'm going to hate him.
Brainwashing and abusing can lead to those things so that makeks me compassionate, if they don't want to change then hate them as much as you want.
People tend not to want to change, and being brainwashed/mindraped since birth makes things be drummed into their thought processes without their permission; it happened from birth so they didn't have a choice. Should they still be hated because they are living what they have been moulded into? To change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Coming into their already-existing life, which has foundations since birth, and roots buried very deeply, is not going to be easy to uproot and change and correct...so should they still be hated after you say, "You're wrong"? Besides - it might be rather presumptuous to insist upon rebuking and correcting someone, butting-in to their lives - "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"; you have to speak on their level of understanding, not come off as all high and mighty. They take it for granted what they do, what they have been taught since birth, how they live, and they don't know any different, and one simply going into their life and trying to correct them - which they more than likely will ignore - gives you permission to hate them, does it? I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them, so does that permit you to hate them because they are practically guaranteed to ignore you? Minds are very hard nuts to crack.
More sincere and personal frank discussions about topics might be more preferable, than going up to someone and telling them "I dislike this; therefore, you're wrong. Follow me." Imagine a christian standing in town and telling you what to do - you might not be doing that, exactly, but I think it would seem like the same thing. I think compassion should be used, but for a lot of people this compassion would be misplaced. I don't mean to have compassion in the sense of accepting what they do and staying with that, but to have compassion to work harder. Perhaps create some thoughtforms in their lives, bedrooms, on their Chakras, to influence them positively into the Truth and 'righteousness', if you want to call it that. Telling something the truth doesn't always work, if ever, unless there are particular circumstances which are raw and painful, for example.
If you hate someone, does that mean you don't care about them? If you have compassion because they are ignorant, through no fault of their own having been brainwashed and mindraped since birth, then they ignore you coming into their lives with "a better way", and them ignoring you makes you hate them, then who is at fault here? I think that just serves to make you bitter. Remember - repetition is key; we repeat vibrations and mantras and affirmations; one single use of a Word, mantra or affirmation does nothing; you telling them something does nothing; they need repeated 'multiples' of conversations and positive input. "We're all individuals, and what works for one might not work for another", so - as I said - you have to work on their level, not preach to them and hate them for you throwing a spanner in their already-existing (albeit untermensch) works.
Before anyone accuses me - I'm not defending any illegal, immoral, questionable, whatever-able acts; I'm asking 100 000-times of brainwashing/mindraping versus 1-time of correction = you permitted to hate them because they very-nearly are guaranteed to ignore you = correct? Think of it in sheer numbers - how many times since birth would a...40 year old have been told and lived repeatedly in X? How many times would you need to correct them to counter all of that? They will ignore you (or worse...), so then you be angry with and hate them for that? It's hard work, and not getting the results we want does upset us - of course - but that sounds like putting expectations on things...and we should know by now that we should never put expectations, wanted results, timeframes, etc., on things. They will be ignorant; to them, you're just a blip in their already-existing life of whatever.
Now I would say that a person who comes here and does workings and meditations and accepts things correctly, etc., then turns their back on it all could be deemed hateful and deserving of scorn and contempt. In a sense, telling an ignorant 'without' person that they are wrong, is like trying to convert them to our religion, proselytising to them. To dig-up the deeply-buried roots of weeds in the garden of their mind causes a load of crap with it. I have used this garden/weed/root analogy before. It causes a big mess and the soil needs re-fitting and nourishing, the cleaning-up of the weeds and planting of lovely flowers, and given time to grow. Coming up to a garden (a person and their mind) full of weeds (crap) and shaking your head, tutting, and behaving derisively is not helpful to them and it makes you look bad, as well.
Previously, a member said that they can only imagine how upset Satan and the Gods and Goddesses are because of all of this shit which has happened in the last many centuries against us - I think we should hate the dirty jewkike and its overlords, not the ignorant, mindraped and brainwashed victims of the enemy's shit - of course, with few exceptions as I said and others. If a person is willing to improve, then great - but to get to that point very much is so fucking difficult, more than a simple conversation or undermining, belittling word of superior morality can change. As I said above - to change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Also again - I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them. We can't stab daggers in the hearts and minds of people; instead, as has been done, revealing the true evil nature of the enemy, I think, is the correct way to go. Imagine this reply of mine here. If I hadn't have started with saying that I am not attacking you, then you might have taken this quite personally and been insulted; the same applies to those 'without'; we shouldn't stab daggers into their minds and hearts. We should try and identify with them - honestly and truthfully - and point out the shit of the enemy instead of possibly upsetting them by pointing out the shit of the enemy inside them, against them personally.
We all have deep rooted karma, don't we? Trauma that comes from past lifes that are really deep rooted. With this the only way out is meditations.
I'm going to say this because i want to make myself an example, even if this is going to change the image that some people's here have on me, but i don't care because i want to make a good point.
I did something ugly when i was a kid and up to a certain age. I did sexual things with one of my cousin....i hate to say this but it did happen. Now some of you would say that i'm a pice of shit but what i want to tell you is that i didn't know it was wrong until a certain age and i fucking did this things when i was like 8 years old (my cousin was a kid like me) i don't know why, if i was brainwashed or what because obviously kids should'nt know about sex but i did it![]()
I hate that this happened but i changed! When i came to Satan i was a mess but with magick and meditations i changed and i don't want to do those things anymore! I actualy hate them and find them disgusting! I wanted to change because i had two chooses or i changed or i would have suffered all of my life...and i did changed.
I wanted to say this because even if some SS here would find me disgusting, i know that some maybe not everyone but some can change even if they have deep rooted shit, they just have to keep going with magick and meditations.
I think it really depends but the majority like you said won't change. What i'm wandering is in the future when everyone will know the true what these type of people's will do...FancyMancy said:I didn't mean to bring up anything from your past.luis said:Don't worry we are discussing, this is not hating against me, i know.FancyMancy said:Hey, luis. What I say below is not an attack against you. I have been thinking about this type of thing for a little while and I was going to reply to an earlier post but I didn't; and now I thought it would be good to mention it. It doesn't apply to just you, but to anyone/everyone.
People tend not to want to change, and being brainwashed/mindraped since birth makes things be drummed into their thought processes without their permission; it happened from birth so they didn't have a choice. Should they still be hated because they are living what they have been moulded into? To change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Coming into their already-existing life, which has foundations since birth, and roots buried very deeply, is not going to be easy to uproot and change and correct...so should they still be hated after you say, "You're wrong"? Besides - it might be rather presumptuous to insist upon rebuking and correcting someone, butting-in to their lives - "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"; you have to speak on their level of understanding, not come off as all high and mighty. They take it for granted what they do, what they have been taught since birth, how they live, and they don't know any different, and one simply going into their life and trying to correct them - which they more than likely will ignore - gives you permission to hate them, does it? I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them, so does that permit you to hate them because they are practically guaranteed to ignore you? Minds are very hard nuts to crack.
More sincere and personal frank discussions about topics might be more preferable, than going up to someone and telling them "I dislike this; therefore, you're wrong. Follow me." Imagine a christian standing in town and telling you what to do - you might not be doing that, exactly, but I think it would seem like the same thing. I think compassion should be used, but for a lot of people this compassion would be misplaced. I don't mean to have compassion in the sense of accepting what they do and staying with that, but to have compassion to work harder. Perhaps create some thoughtforms in their lives, bedrooms, on their Chakras, to influence them positively into the Truth and 'righteousness', if you want to call it that. Telling something the truth doesn't always work, if ever, unless there are particular circumstances which are raw and painful, for example.
If you hate someone, does that mean you don't care about them? If you have compassion because they are ignorant, through no fault of their own having been brainwashed and mindraped since birth, then they ignore you coming into their lives with "a better way", and them ignoring you makes you hate them, then who is at fault here? I think that just serves to make you bitter. Remember - repetition is key; we repeat vibrations and mantras and affirmations; one single use of a Word, mantra or affirmation does nothing; you telling them something does nothing; they need repeated 'multiples' of conversations and positive input. "We're all individuals, and what works for one might not work for another", so - as I said - you have to work on their level, not preach to them and hate them for you throwing a spanner in their already-existing (albeit untermensch) works.
Before anyone accuses me - I'm not defending any illegal, immoral, questionable, whatever-able acts; I'm asking 100 000-times of brainwashing/mindraping versus 1-time of correction = you permitted to hate them because they very-nearly are guaranteed to ignore you = correct? Think of it in sheer numbers - how many times since birth would a...40 year old have been told and lived repeatedly in X? How many times would you need to correct them to counter all of that? They will ignore you (or worse...), so then you be angry with and hate them for that? It's hard work, and not getting the results we want does upset us - of course - but that sounds like putting expectations on things...and we should know by now that we should never put expectations, wanted results, timeframes, etc., on things. They will be ignorant; to them, you're just a blip in their already-existing life of whatever.
Now I would say that a person who comes here and does workings and meditations and accepts things correctly, etc., then turns their back on it all could be deemed hateful and deserving of scorn and contempt. In a sense, telling an ignorant 'without' person that they are wrong, is like trying to convert them to our religion, proselytising to them. To dig-up the deeply-buried roots of weeds in the garden of their mind causes a load of crap with it. I have used this garden/weed/root analogy before. It causes a big mess and the soil needs re-fitting and nourishing, the cleaning-up of the weeds and planting of lovely flowers, and given time to grow. Coming up to a garden (a person and their mind) full of weeds (crap) and shaking your head, tutting, and behaving derisively is not helpful to them and it makes you look bad, as well.
Previously, a member said that they can only imagine how upset Satan and the Gods and Goddesses are because of all of this shit which has happened in the last many centuries against us - I think we should hate the dirty jewkike and its overlords, not the ignorant, mindraped and brainwashed victims of the enemy's shit - of course, with few exceptions as I said and others. If a person is willing to improve, then great - but to get to that point very much is so fucking difficult, more than a simple conversation or undermining, belittling word of superior morality can change. As I said above - to change a person's mind is one of the hardest things to do - consider members here trying to control their own thoughts and minds with Void Meditation and realise how difficult that can be for a lot of people; those 'without' are, regrettably, ignorant of such abilities. They go with what they know; they work with, use, engage in/with what they know, and if they don't know any better, then they can't be any better.
Also again - I would say it is very close to 100% definite that they would ignore the things you have to say to them. We can't stab daggers in the hearts and minds of people; instead, as has been done, revealing the true evil nature of the enemy, I think, is the correct way to go. Imagine this reply of mine here. If I hadn't have started with saying that I am not attacking you, then you might have taken this quite personally and been insulted; the same applies to those 'without'; we shouldn't stab daggers into their minds and hearts. We should try and identify with them - honestly and truthfully - and point out the shit of the enemy instead of possibly upsetting them by pointing out the shit of the enemy inside them, against them personally.
We all have deep rooted karma, don't we? Trauma that comes from past lifes that are really deep rooted. With this the only way out is meditations.
I'm going to say this because i want to make myself an example, even if this is going to change the image that some people's here have on me, but i don't care because i want to make a good point.
I did something ugly when i was a kid and up to a certain age. I did sexual things with one of my cousin....i hate to say this but it did happen. Now some of you would say that i'm a pice of shit but what i want to tell you is that i didn't know it was wrong until a certain age and i fucking did this things when i was like 8 years old (my cousin was a kid like me) i don't know why, if i was brainwashed or what because obviously kids should'nt know about sex but i did it![]()
I hate that this happened but i changed! When i came to Satan i was a mess but with magick and meditations i changed and i don't want to do those things anymore! I actualy hate them and find them disgusting! I wanted to change because i had two chooses or i changed or i would have suffered all of my life...and i did changed.
I wanted to say this because even if some SS here would find me disgusting, i know that some maybe not everyone but some can change even if they have deep rooted shit, they just have to keep going with magick and meditations.
This may be an over-generalisation, but based on what I extrapolate from...everything, I think a lot of Children do...certain things. The 1970s and before seem to have been very...well...free and open or whatever. From various media, I have heard/seen so-called jokes regarding this and as people talk you pick up on things. It's not my decision for each individual to say it is "right" or "wrong" (i.e. "wrong", wrong, or wrong), but I think a lot of those deemed underage (of what age?! That depends on different countries' BS "laws"...) did things, and I am guessing some don't bat an eyelid at it now, that they live their lives regardless of doing some things. While you might dislike it very much, I think others have all but forgot about it and just carry on regardless.
At least you know, have, do and apply meditations to fix any problems and things, but for those who simply do not and cannot...I don't think they should be hated quite as quickly. In a similar sense, the mods raise the ban hammer but then drop it eventually, giving n00bs a chance - some of these n00bs may be trolls, while others are confused and need to be de-brainwashed; there is a bit of leeway there for them. Of course, proseltysing to 'without' persons, who have years' worth of teachings in them would take a lot longer to win them over.
Sorry, it sounds like I am trying to make you change your mind and things! So I'll stop now, but my point is just that it is so very, very difficult for them to change, to come to the truth, so they shouldn't be hated as soon as that, but one should have a bit of compassion on them. Of course, this is just my view on it. That being said, there are some individuals who I wouldn't be upset about if I could... and cause a lot of... to punish them with, if I so decided to pursue that, but I still might give them a chance to know the truth about the Universe. I also didn't mean to upset you regarding anything, either.
Bardhonen said:I hear people talking about the inherent weaknesses of the Black race, but what about Whites and Asians? Just out of curiosity.
with Asians the issue is they are not that innovative and put a lot of their energy into just copying White inventions
But the view of this site is that they inherited these cultures like meditation from Whites and were left with Buddhism after it was corrupted.Centralforce666 said:with Asians the issue is they are not that innovative and put a lot of their energy into just copying White inventions
I find this to be highly unfounded.
Asians have developed a number of their own cultural, spiritual systems which continue to this day.
They didn't exactly invent the automobile itself. But sure, they have made good cars.Also... Asian electronics companies... Sony, Toshiba, Huawei, Samsung, just to name a few.
Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, Nissan (car companies with advanced technology in their cars out of Asia).
I don't get why you say that a racial weakness is not irrevocable. That's the whole meaning of it being a racial weakness. That it continues to be inherited, even if an individual could overcome it in their own case.Asians have weak spleens, and this why they are referred to as the yellow people. Their digestion is not great as a race and this is why their diet is so careful to include a balance of flavours to activate and enable digestion.
Whites have weak lungs as a race and this is why there is a high rate of depression and asthma.
Neither weakness applies to every person and neither is irrevocable.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan