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I love this. It feels so peaceful and powerful. I will do this psalm daily as a morning routine.

Many thanks to you, HP HoodedCobra, for making these rituals and psalms. These are very much needed :)

Happy Yule everyone!
Happy Solstice brothers and sisters.♥️✨
In reference to the vibration of the mantras they are pronounced as written. Is there an Mp3 file with the correct vibration?

Happy Solstice to all Hail Satan
This is so cool that the word parasivanic is not on Google. This is beyond their scope. ..hahahahha
I have several questions on the pronunciations:
1.For the end of Satan's authority ritual:

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times

Is the "S" hissed every time here?
Is the "T" a "Z" sound every time here?

2.For the psalm, and in general Satanic practice is SATANAMA vibrated with the "S" hissed and the "T" being a "Z" sound?

3.When it says to "vibrate" its a literal vibration, like the runes right? So, its drawn out and every letter is pronounced kabbalistically? By kabbalistically i mean, "K" is guttural "KHHH" sound, "S" is hissed, "T" is a "Z" sound and so on? So, DAR, KA would be : DDD-AAA-RRR KKKHHHH-AAAAA ?

Thank you, it is really important for me to always get it 100% right or it really messes with me.
Manofsatan said:
This is so cool that the word parasivanic is not on Google. This is beyond their scope. ..hahahahha

Osiris Silvio said:
What's the Parasivanic void?

Ramses said:
Finally i was checking the the forums every day for this and also what does Parasivanic mean i cant find a defintion for the word you use Parasivanic Void in the Psalm for Satan i notice you use many complex words someone definitely likes to read a lot as i have never heard half of the interesting words you use uttered by anyone.

The Psalms are supposed to also introduce everyone to new concepts, which will further enlighten us all spiritually.

This is essentially from the term Parashiva which is the Ultimate Reality of Shiva, in his transcedented form. You can find about this online. It's called -nic so in English to explain the state as a state of being.

Look up "Parashiva" to get more into the concept there.

Syt said:
I have a small question to eliminate any doubts:
AY as in a high pitched A-EE sound
Is the A pronounced as fAther or fAte?

2. Just wanted to confirm that all Ds are to be vibrated behind the two front teeth as in the usual kabbalistic style.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

About the D sounds yes, about the A-EE the EE is an Y sound, like a high pitched I as in the word Inner. A as in Father.

Nova666 said:
A question.

The Psalm is to be repeated 3 times. On the first time, you can read it mostly with your mind. The second time, read it with emotion. The third time, read it while strongly trying to comprehend everything mentioned in it.
So do we repeat the psalm 3 times from the beginning with AUM once , 3x SA TA NA MA, until the end with 3x SA TA NA MA and AUM once, or do we read each part 3 times?

The 3 is counted when you start from AUM SATANAMA, then do all the necessary things, then you close again with AUM SATANAMA. That is 1 round.

The above is to be repeated 3 times.

Powerofjustice said:
I have several questions on the pronunciations:
1.For the end of Satan's authority ritual:

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times

Is the "S" hissed every time here?
Is the "T" a "Z" sound every time here?

2.For the psalm, and in general Satanic practice is SATANAMA vibrated with the "S" hissed and the "T" being a "Z" sound?

3.When it says to "vibrate" its a literal vibration, like the runes right? So, its drawn out and every letter is pronounced kabbalistically? By kabbalistically i mean, "K" is guttural "KHHH" sound, "S" is hissed, "T" is a "Z" sound and so on? So, DAR, KA would be : DDD-AAA-RRR KKKHHHH-AAAAA ?

Thank you, it is really important for me to always get it 100% right or it really messes with me.

1. The hissing is very slight, like a spoken hiss, not an elongated hissing sound. As in the word "Slithering" but just only a bit more drawn, not extended on a full breath.

2. The SATANAMA there can be done with a slight hiss and all in one breath, OR, every syllabe per breath, in which case if you do the second method, the breath must be equally divided between the HISS and the [A].

3. Yes, but you can do all of these shorter and not draw it out for a very extended breath.

SeguaceDiSatana said:
I hope this isn't a stupid question:
Should the words spaced with commas be vibrated together with a single inhalation or separate? Like "Sa, Ta, Na, Ma" is to be vibrated in four breaths?

That is not stupid at all, please refer above, it has been answered.

Víbora said:
This is the first time I will be celebrating a Yule with Satan. I can't wait!
Happy Yule to all!

Hail Father Satan, all glory to you!

That's beautiful, one's first Yule. Happy First Yule!!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=408096 time=1671623547 user_id=57]
I love this. It feels so peaceful and powerful. I will do this psalm daily as a morning routine.

Many thanks to you, HP HoodedCobra, for making these rituals and psalms. These are very much needed :)

Happy Yule everyone!

Same here. The psalm is amazing. Doing it the second time with emotions nearly brought me to tear for how beautiful it is.
Fiery Pluto said:
Happy Yule to everyone. I hope every one would receive the help of Satan.

Can someone tell me if the holiest night of the year that has to be dedicated to Satan is the 22 or the 23?

I'm asking because on the Jos page about satanic celebrations this night is indicated as the night of the 22, while on the calendar it is the night of the 23. I'm talking about the astrological night.
Happy Yule to everyone!

I just did this psalm. And right from the beginning, an my unknown energy started to move inside me.
A whole new experience.
Luckily Hoodedcobra666, you always have the mp3 links and whatever else its needed.

Happy Yule ! Happy Solstice !
Hail Satan !
Happy winter solstice to all SS!! I've just finished the yule tree!! I also did the rtrs and rituals :)
Thanks for this HP. It's lovely.

A month ago I dreamed that I sang something in Greek with 2 friends to call Satan and he came along with Lilith!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
This is so cool that the word parasivanic is not on Google. This is beyond their scope. ..hahahahha

Osiris Silvio said:
What's the Parasivanic void?

Ramses said:
Finally i was checking the the forums every day for this and also what does Parasivanic mean i cant find a defintion for the word you use Parasivanic Void in the Psalm for Satan i notice you use many complex words someone definitely likes to read a lot as i have never heard half of the interesting words you use uttered by anyone.

The Psalms are supposed to also introduce everyone to new concepts, which will further enlighten us all spiritually.

This is essentially from the term Parashiva which is the Ultimate Reality of Shiva, in his transcedented form. You can find about this online. It's called -nic so in English to explain the state as a state of being.

Look up "Parashiva" to get more into the concept there.

Syt said:
I have a small question to eliminate any doubts:
AY as in a high pitched A-EE sound
Is the A pronounced as fAther or fAte?

2. Just wanted to confirm that all Ds are to be vibrated behind the two front teeth as in the usual kabbalistic style.


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

About the D sounds yes, about the A-EE the EE is an Y sound, like a high pitched I as in the word Inner. A as in Father.

Nova666 said:
A question.

The Psalm is to be repeated 3 times. On the first time, you can read it mostly with your mind. The second time, read it with emotion. The third time, read it while strongly trying to comprehend everything mentioned in it.
So do we repeat the psalm 3 times from the beginning with AUM once , 3x SA TA NA MA, until the end with 3x SA TA NA MA and AUM once, or do we read each part 3 times?

The 3 is counted when you start from AUM SATANAMA, then do all the necessary things, then you close again with AUM SATANAMA. That is 1 round.

The above is to be repeated 3 times.

Powerofjustice said:
I have several questions on the pronunciations:
1.For the end of Satan's authority ritual:

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times

Is the "S" hissed every time here?
Is the "T" a "Z" sound every time here?

2.For the psalm, and in general Satanic practice is SATANAMA vibrated with the "S" hissed and the "T" being a "Z" sound?

3.When it says to "vibrate" its a literal vibration, like the runes right? So, its drawn out and every letter is pronounced kabbalistically? By kabbalistically i mean, "K" is guttural "KHHH" sound, "S" is hissed, "T" is a "Z" sound and so on? So, DAR, KA would be : DDD-AAA-RRR KKKHHHH-AAAAA ?

Thank you, it is really important for me to always get it 100% right or it really messes with me.

1. The hissing is very slight, like a spoken hiss, not an elongated hissing sound. As in the word "Slithering" but just only a bit more drawn, not extended on a full breath.

2. The SATANAMA there can be done with a slight hiss and all in one breath, OR, every syllabe per breath, in which case if you do the second method, the breath must be equally divided between the HISS and the [A].

3. Yes, but you can do all of these shorter and not draw it out for a very extended breath.

SeguaceDiSatana said:
I hope this isn't a stupid question:
Should the words spaced with commas be vibrated together with a single inhalation or separate? Like "Sa, Ta, Na, Ma" is to be vibrated in four breaths?

That is not stupid at all, please refer above, it has been answered.

Víbora said:
This is the first time I will be celebrating a Yule with Satan. I can't wait!
Happy Yule to all!

Hail Father Satan, all glory to you!

That's beautiful, one's first Yule. Happy First Yule!!

As for the S in Satanama it is in fact slightly hissed as you said, but with your tongue behind your front teeth, and not pronounced as in Slithering, just the duration of the S(hiss)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is essentially from the term Parashiva which is the Ultimate Reality of Shiva, in his transcedented form. You can find about this online. It's called -nic so in English to explain the state as a state of being.

Look up "Parashiva" to get more into the concept there.

I was wondering about that. I looked it up last night and found out about parashiva and read into that and was wondering if it had any relation to the word you used. I meant to ask you but I see you've already answered someone else! Glad to know I was on the right track.

Also thank you for this post! I'm really looking forward to doing these rituals when I'm home tonight. Hail Satan and Happy Yule!!
I loved doing this ritual!
Not only this psalm is beautifully written, but I could just feel a sense of peace within me, like I knew everything is going to be fine.
Also, it can be a good idea to take a moment to think about Father, meditate on His sigil, or have a conversation with Him afterwards. I know it helped me. This energy is wonderful. Thank you.
Beautiful ritual HP!
Happy Yule everyone!
Hail Satan!
The Psalm is to be repeated 3 times. On the first time, you can read it mostly with your mind. The second time, read it with emotion. The third time, read it while strongly trying to comprehend everything mentioned in it.


Is this a recommendation or a rule?
during the psalm I felt so good! sometimes I was feeling so happy that I wanted to laugh some, it was so good!! also every sentence is so perfect! thank you so much HP for this.

Another question I forgot to ask that occurred to me only when doing the ritual:

Regarding the "SHAH" vibration, is the "SH" like a Kaballistic S like in the SATANAS vibration or like the "Sh" in "Shiva"? Because I did the latter, but I don't want to be wrong.

Also regarding the "SAS" vibration, I used the Kaballistic S from SATANAS on both sides. I did the same for the SA vibration on A-BRA-SA and A-SA-AR. Is this wrong? Should it just be like a normal, slightly extended hissing like in the word "slithering" too, or does that just apply to that other Brother/Sister's question?

Much thanks. Again, the happiest of Yules to everyone!
The rituals - great and aswesome!

But the pronunciation of the vibrated parts is perplexing. Without any audial examples or really particular and indepth transcription for all lines, it is impossible to know, how this is pronounced. The Satanic Kabbalah isn't of much help here, it just made things even worse and more complicated to grasp.

I really can't get any explanations, being a foreigner, not a native English-speaker.

Thanks for attention and understanding.
Plus, another question. How 3 times we read Psalms?
All of them 3 times, or every Psalm is to be read 3 times(with the vibrations associated with these verses)?
This is incredible, just yesterday I was thinking about the schedule of rituals and now they are already here on the forum. My hands are itching with anticipation of this work. I have one question, High Priest, can I start the first day of the ritual after 00:00? At night time it’s more comfortable to make vibrations and I’m sure that no one will bother me.
Happy Yule for all my brother's and sister's!
The Psalm is really beautiful! Thank you for showing us the way and for bringing us closer to our Father Satan, thank you for all of your efforts. This is such a magnificent work.

This time of the year I always like to meditate on new goals, and speak to Father Satan about them. In this time of the year my hope is renewed and so is my effort.

Everything seems to be falling into place more and more everyday, I am forever thankful to the Gods and the Joy of Satan for giving me the knowledge and the ability to overcome all obstacles that get in the way.

I wish you all a happy Yule, dear Brothers and Sisters!

Hail Satan and the Gods of Hell!
Happy yule to all while doing some spiritual cleaning like usual. *Wildfire cocks out RTR akimbo pistols and heads to you know where to make enemy holidays the crappiest as I can for them.* :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Congratulations to all Spiritual Satanists and Pagans on this wonderful high day! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D HAPPY SOLSTICE!🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁 HAPPY YULE!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The word "Psalm" comes from the Ancient Greek "Psalmos" which means "sung prayer". We will not exactly sing, but we will vibrate, despite of the fact that Father Satan deserves all the songs in the planet and then some.
With certain rhythm and tone some of vibrations come as singing to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
