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Other #76797 Is there a way to find out if I qualify?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello everyone! There may be some mistakes because I'm writing from a translator, I apologize in advance. I'll start with my backstory to introduce understanding, I've been involved with some strange things since childhood, only when I started studying the JoyOfSatan website did I realize that as a child I did a lot of things that are being talked about here without understanding them, I meditated, and could somehow warm my hands by imagining light in them, then for some reason I abandoned all these activities, my parents are very religious people, but my dad had a runic set from somewhere, which he eventually threw away, about last year I decided to leave Christianity (I was a Catholic), due to personal reasons, and for some time I considered myself a pagan, then I found the JoS website and started studying it, now I'm planning to perform a dedication ritual and start developing, but I have concerns. I don't know my family line, from what is known for sure that I am half Russian, half Azerbaijani and half Polish, that's all that I managed to find out, I don't know if there is anyone else in my family, and unfortunately it won't work out, so to the question itself, how do I find out if I fit? Thanks in advance to everyone for the answers and hail Satan!
Don't worry about it. Each Pagan Soul returns to its Source, to the Power that Protects and points the Way. If you have returned, it means you have been re-directed here. It means that you are certainly «fitted» for this Path and qualified to do so. I am also sure that you are not a Jew, as your Heart has pushed you to the Truth. You have already made a breakthrough in your life because you went through many feelings and doubts before coming back. But in the end you are here, so everything is great.

Don't worry, I had a very similar experience 5 years ago, I also left the Path, but then I came back. I had to overcome a lot of intrapersonal conflicts and Mental Obstacles, to Deprogram myself from the Enemy Influence, to gain a new Awareness. Many people go through this. And if people come back, it means only that the Soul itself is drawn to the Original Source of Power, which Awakens in you the Understanding of the Path that Zeus and the Gods have opened for you. So you have every right.

Satan/Zeus welcomes any Human here, any Being who is not from the Enemy. Your Ancestry is not so important to this, in this case. You are descended from Satan/Zeus, you are his Descendant, you have the Satanic Genepool, and that is what matters. Don't worry. And welcome back, we are glad to have you back!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
